Hiring Process for Maintenance Technicians
Example of two Structured Interview Questions
Motivated: Desires to do job well and to work hard; is a self-starter; wants to “be the best.” Strives to improve or meet a standard of excellence. Is ready to act on opportunities.
- What is the most challenging and rewarding task you have ever attempted?
Rating (please circle)
5Applicant mentions two of more of the following: task was completed successfully, difficult, and job related. Also, applicant expresses a general interest in reaching goals and accepting challenging situations.
3I don’t seek out challenge but I don’t run from it. The applicant’s task is average (e.g. I graduated high school with a 3.5 grade point average, I ran a 10k race, etc.)
1I can’t think of anything, I have no goals, I take one day at a time
Motivated: Desires to do job well and to work hard; is a self-starter; wants to “be the best.” Strives to improve or meet a standard of excellence. Is ready to act on opportunities.
- Suppose there is a production problem in your area of the facility. You notice that the operators are knowingly running a piece of the equipment significantly past its design specification and outside of the operating envelope. You point out to them the damage that they are inflicting on the equipment and they say that they need to do this to get through the current production cycle. When pressed, they simply don’t seem to be concerned about it. They say that it is not their problem. What would you say or do in this situation?
Rating (please circle)
5I’d explain specifically how this treatment of the equipment would result in a breakdown of both the equipment and the production process. I would suggest the cost of repair and the potential lost production time. I would show how I have tried to remedy the problem myself, and ask them to look at other ideas for maintaining production without damaging the equipment. I’d also ask if there was any way I could help solve the problem. If I still met with resistance, I’d talk to my maintenance supervisor.
3I would suggest to the operators that they are damaging the equipment. I’d maybe even explain the extent of the damage to the equipment in case they don’t understand.
1I already told them the important information, now it is up to them.
Structured Interview Summary
Date: ______Applicant’s name: ______
1st interviewer: ______
2nd interviewer: ______
Question / Competency / RatingsInterviewer #1 ratings / Interviewer #2 ratings / Consensus ratings
1 / Motivated / 4 / 4 / 4
2 / Motivated / 4 / 4 / 4
3 / Dependable / 4 / 4 / 4
4 / Dependable / 4 / 4 / 4
5 / Requires little supervision / 1 / 2 / 1
6 / Using time wisely / 4 / 5 / 5
7 / Using time wisely / 4 / 5 / 4
8 / Integrity / 5 / 5 / 5
9 / Integrity / 5 / 5 / 5
10 / Safety awareness / 5 / 5 / 5
11 / Safety awareness / 5 / 4 / 5
12 / Stress tolerance / 3 / 3 / 3
13 / Stress tolerance / 3 / 4 / 4
14 / Teaching others / 4 / 4 / 4
15 / Verbal communication / 4 / 4 / 4
16 / Listening and understanding / 4 / 4 / 4
Average consensus rating (total consensus points / 16) / 4.06
Number of “1” ratings / 1
/ Recommended (average of 3.5 or higher, and no more than two “1” ratings)
Not Recommended
Summary of Process Intent
Activity / Intent1. Online Application / Establish an initial pool of applicants who meet basic job requirements
2. Basic Job Skills Tests / Select candidates who possess basic job skills
3. Job Knowledge Test / Use this step when you are attempting to hire experienced journeypersons.
Select candidates who possess a comprehensive knowledge of their trade/profession
(Skip this step if you intend to place new hires into an apprenticeship program.)
4. Structured Interview / Select candidates who possess needed attitudes and behaviors
5. Work Demonstration / Select candidates who demonstrate possession of the needed skills regarding problem-solving, communication, work-orientation and ability to work with others.
Select candidates who demonstrate technical abilities and have the ability to apply their knowledge. (Skip this step if you intend to place new hires into an apprenticeship program.)
6. Refinery Tour / Select candidates according to 20 wide-ranging behavioral items, from safety awareness to motivation to climbing ladders.
7. Physical Abilities Test / Select candidates who demonstrate the ability to physically perform the job.
8. Final interview / Give the candidate an opportunity to interview the company, and give the company an opportunity to gather any missing information.
Maintenance Technician Hiring Process
Potential Roles and Responsibilities
Task / HR Advisor / HR Administrative Assistant / employee volunteer / Craft Hiring Team / Vendor “A” / Vendor“B”
The process of hiring employees:
- Conduct on-line pre-application
- Schedule and administer basic skills tests
- Schedule and administer job-specific knowledge tests
- Schedule candidates and interviewers for structured interviews
- Conduct structured interviews
- Schedule candidates for Work Demo
- Administer the Work Demo
- Administer the facility tour and physical abilities test
- Schedule candidates and interviewers for final interviews
- Conduct final interviews
Managing the components of the hiring process:
- Maintain the integrity of the hiring processes
- Perform long-term hiring analysis, including “adverse impact”
- Maintain the Work Demo equipment
- Identify annual hiring targets
- Conduct training for volunteers
- Perform reviews of process health
- Maintain hiring policies and procedures
Maintenance Technician Hiring Process
Confidentiality Agreement
- Example -
The selection process for hiring maintenance employees has been designed to be fair and effective. The process is intended to follow all equal employment opportunity laws, good business practices, our company’s code of conduct, and all applicable company policies and procedures. In addition, employees who volunteer to be a part of the selection process must also agree to the following guidelines.
Our company’s code of conduct includes guidance on “conflicts of interest”. In general, a relative should not have any business dealings with you, with anyone working in your business unit, or with anyone who reports to you. In addition, you should never be in a situation where you have the ability to hire, supervisor, affect terms and conditions of employment, or influence the management of any close relative, regardless of whether that person is a company employee or employed by a contractor. Exceptions require specific approval by your line manager.” Be sure that you never interview a relative or close friend. The code of conduct suggests that you refrain from even the “appearance of a conflict of interest.”
Our company’s code of conduct also includes guidance on “fair treatment and equal employment opportunity.” Specifically, the code says, “Make sure your own decision regarding recruitment, selection, development and advancement of employees are based on merit – qualifications, demonstrated skills and achievements. Do not allow factors such as race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or disability to influence your judgment.”
All participants of the hiring process receive training to support their role. You must follow the process as it was designed and not deviate from it.
Our company’s code of conduct also includes guidance on “privacy and employee confidentiality.” Specifically, the code says, “Those with access to personal employee data must only use it for the purpose for which it was collected and adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality in using it.” All candidate data and information that you are exposed to must be kept confidential. Do not discuss any candidate’s attributes or status outside of the hiring process. All information and notes must be turned in to Human Resources at the conclusion of the process. Do not keep any information outside of the official hiring file.
Good business practices suggest that participants of the maintenance hiring process:
* Maintain the integrity of the interview process.
* Do not keep copies of any interview forms.
* Do not discuss the contents with anyone.
* Do not coach any person on how to perform well in our company’s interview process.
I agree to follow the maintenance hiring process as designed. I agree to maintain our company’s code of conduct and to follow good business practices as they relate to my role in the maintenance hiring process. I further understand that violating this agreement may result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment.
Signature ______
Printed name ______
Date ______
Craft Hiring Process Matrix
Process step / Craft linesElectrician / Machinist / Instrument Tech / Pipefitter / Etc.
#1 Online Application / Yes; but need to validate / Yes; but need to validate / OK / Next year
#2 Job Skills Tests / Yes; but need to validate / Yes; but need to validate / Yes,
Need to up-grade / Next year
#3 Craft Knowledge tests / Need to customize / Need to customize / Need to customize / Next year
#4 Structured Interviews / Need to develop / Need to develop / Need to develop / Next year
#5 Work Demonstration / Need to develop / Need to develop / Need to develop / Next year
#6 Shops Tour / OK for now / OK for now / OK for now / Next year
#7 Physical Abilities Test / Need to develop / Need to develop / Need to develop / Next year
#8 Final Interview / OK for now / OK for now / OK for now / Next year
Green:This item exists and is necessary and sufficient to support the hiring process
Red:This item either does not exist or needs significant work. This item needs to exist to support the hiring process
Yellow:This item exists but needs work. This item is ok as it is for use in the hiring process, but should be improved.
White:There is no need for this item to exist