Interface SpecificationNational Endoscopy Database (NED)

National Endoscopy Database (NED)

Interface Specification

Version: 1.16

Date: 06/10/2017





2.2Purpose of this document




2.6Abbreviations & Terminology

3Upload Interface

4Queue Update Service Interface


6Batch processing


This document provides information concerning how to communicate with the National Endoscopy Database and describes the scope, purpose and an overview of this project.


The JAG is introducing a facility to enable Endoscopy System Suppliers to submit, electronically, procedure information on behalf of endoscopists to a national database, NED.

Endoscopy System Suppliers who wish to use the NED Import service must register with the JAG to do so.

Use of the NED Import service will remove the need for endoscopists to manually key in procedure data thus saving time, improve quality and increase coverage of procedures recorded throughout England.

2.2Purpose of this document

This document defines the electronic communication between local endoscopy systems and the National Endoscopy Database.

It is aimed, primarily, at technicians who need a detailed understanding of how to transmit messages that have been defined in the document Business Message Specification.


This document is one of a number that when taken together describes the NED Import service. The complete documentation set is shown in the following table, with this document highlighted.

Document / Description
Business Message Specification
/ Defines the content of the business message that will pass from the Local Endoscopy System to NED.
Business Message Specification
/ Defines the content of the messagereceived by the Local Endoscopy System when querying the status of a procedure batch in NED.
Interface Specification
/ Defines the operational interface and security requirements for connecting to NED Import service including the transmission of data.

The focus of this document is the Interface specification for the transfer of messages containing procedure information to NED.


The content of this document is based on the following assumptions.

  • The Reader is familiar with the Business Message specification document.
  • Have an understanding of Web Service technology.


The table below lists references to other relevant documentation. References to these documents, within the text of this document, are made using the square-bracket notation shown in the “Ref” column of the table.

Ref / Description
[1] / Business message specification document.

2.6Abbreviations & Terminology

This section provides definitions of abbreviations and unusual terminology used in this document.


Abbreviation / Meaning
ES / Endoscopy System Supplier
NED / National Endoscopy Database
JETS / JAG Endoscopy Training System (
JAG / Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy (
ODS / Organisation Data Service (ODS) codes
A complete listing can be found in the blow
ERS / Endoscopy Reporting System


Term / Meaning
None specified

3Upload Interface

The following web service method is provided to allow procedure information to be uploaded into NED.

Response Object =WebService.Send(organisationApiKey,organisationCode,batchId, messageData,isCompressed);

Request parameters

There are 7 parameters to this method and these are described below.

Parameter / Type / Description
1 / organisationApiKey / string / A unique key used to identify the hospital sending the data
2 / organisationCode / string / The national (ODS) code of the hospital sending the data.
3 / batchId / string / This is defined locally for each transmission to uniquely identify the batch. Used to understand which batches have and have not been imported via the Queue status method.
4 / messageData / byte[] / The xml business message being transmitted to NED represented in bytes.
See business Message Specification for the format of this message.
5 / isCompressed / bool / To reduce bandwidth messages MessageData can be transmitted in a compressed format.
Note that currently only GZipStreamcompression format is supported and is an optional feature.


The return is a single complex type consisting of 2 fields which are described below.

Parameter / Type / Description
1 / Queued / bool / This field indicates that the message has been successfully queued.
If the message has not been successfully queued the exception message field will contain a reason why the submission has failed.
2 / ExceptionMessage / string / Reason for failure (ifQueued is false).

4Queue Update Service Interface

The following methodsare provided to allow ERSsuppliers to query the NED import queue. It uses the principle of checking for the latest results based on the supplier’s unique tracking id.
To obtain an update of a single batch use this method

Response Object = WebService.GetSingle(organisationApiKey,organisationCode, supplierBatchId);

To obtain an update of multiple batches use this method

Response Object = WebService.GetMultiple (organisationApiKey,organisationCode, supplierBatchId*);

Request object

There are 4 parameters to this method and these are described below.

Parameter / Type / Description
1 / organisationApiKey / string / A unique key used to identify the hospital sending the data
2 / organisationCode / string / The national (ODS) code of the hospital sending the data.
3 / supplierBatchId / String / The tracking number provided by the ERS to identify the batch.
4 / supplierBatchId* / String[] / The tracking number provided by the ERS to identify the batch.

Response object

The return is a single complex type consisting of 2 fields which are described below.

Parameter / Type / Description
1 / ExceptionMessage / string / Reason for failure (if Queued is false).
2 / MessageData / byte[] / The xml business message providing the results since the last time the interface was polled.
See Appendix A- hospital.GetBatchStatusMessagefor the format of this message.

5Delete Procedure Service Interface

The following methods are provided to allow ERS suppliers to delete existing procedures that have been uploaded by their system.

To delete a single procedure use this method

Response Object = WebService.DeleteSingle(organisationApiKey,organisationCode, siteCode, localProcedureId);

To delete multiple procedures use this method

Response Object = WebService.DeleteMultiple (organisationApiKey,organisationCode, siteCode, localProcedureId*);

Request object

There are 5 parameters to this method and these are described below.

Parameter / Type / Description
1 / organisationApiKey / string / A unique key used to identify the hospital sending the data
2 / organisationCode / string / The national (ODS) code of the hospital sending the data.
3 / siteCode / String / The site where the procedures being deleted belong to.
4 / localProcedureId / String / The local procedure Id provided by the ERS in a previous upload.
5 / localProcedureId* / String[] / The local procedure Id provided by the ERS in a previous upload (Array)

Response object

The ERS system should check the ExceptionMessage string from the returned complex type to know if there was an issue deleting a procedure.

Parameter / Type / Description
1 / ExceptionMessage / string / Reason for failure (if Queued is false).



The connection to the NED Interface is preformed over Secure Socket Layers (SSL).

The service itself is hosted on the internet and accessed via port 443. Therefore each Endoscopy supplier will need to liaise with their customersto ensure that this portisnot blocked.

The test environment is available using the below address:


Each web service callwill comprise of:

  • Organisation API Key.
  • Organisation ODS Code.

These are setup by the NED System administrators. Test accounts will be provided to the NED working group members during its intial trial.

Requests for new live accounts should be directed to .

7Batch processing

It is recommended that batches of no more than 50 procedures are sent within 30 minutes of the last transmission carried out by the site.

8Document Control

Date / Version / Change
20/01/2014 / 1.01 / Initial version
06/10/2017 / 1.16 / Document version number updated to bring in line versioning with Schema and “Business Message Specification –SendBatchMessage”.
Two new webservice methods introduced in this release:
  • DeleteSingle (Delete a single Procedure)
  • DeleteMultiple (Delete a multiple Procedures)

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