HiQ Border Collies

Congratulations on applying for a HiQ Border collie!

This is your first step towards getting a great dog!

When you have completed this form please e-mail it to

Before submitting this application please ensure that you are thoroughly familiar with the breed and understand that a dog is a lifetime commitment.
If you have other questions please do not send them with your puppy application. Please send them as a separate message.
Contact Information
Street Address:
Postal/Zip Code:
Phone #:
1. Do you live in a house, apartment or on a farm?

2. Do you own or rent? If you rent how long have you been at this address?

3. Do you have a fenced yard?

4. If no, where do you plan to house train this puppy?

5. How long will the puppy be alone for each day?

6. Where will the puppy be contained when alone: (check all that apply):
_____ crate/cage/kennel inside house
_____ confined area in house
_____ kennel/dog run outside
_____ free run of house
_____ tied up in yard
_____ loose in yard
_____ loose on farm
_____ kept in barn/stall

7. Do you have other pets now?

8. If yes, please list by name, age, and type of pet(s).

9. Have you had dogs in the past?

10. Please list names, and breeds and how long ago you owned them?

11. For the above dogs please list what happened to them and their ages.

12. Have you had previous experience with Border collies? Please describe:

13. If this is your first time with this breed, what attracted you to it? Did you consider other breeds?

14. Are you aware of the possible “advantages” as well as the “disadvantages” of this particular breed?

15. Please list them below as you see them:

16. Will this dog be a competitive/performance puppy?

17. If so, what sports are you interested in?

18. Will this puppy be a working/competitive stock dog?

19. What type of training methods do you plan to use?

20. Describe your past dog training experiences and accomplishments. (anything from successfully housebreaking to competitive accomplishments are welcome)

21. Please list the names and ages of everyone that will be living with this puppy:

22. Is there anyone in the family that is fearful of dogs or that may have a dog allergy?

23. Please provide the names of two people that know you well for references.
E-mail :
Relationship to you:

Relationship to you:
24. If you have experience with previous dogs please (if applicable) provide the name, phone number and e-mail/web site of:
Training school/Instructor:

25. I am most interested in: (Check all that apply)

____ A black and white puppy

____ A red and white puppy

____ A tri-coloured puppy (Black)

____ A tri-coloured puppy (Red)

_____ Colour is of no-significance to me

_____ A male puppy

_____ A female puppy

_____ The sex of the puppy is of no-significance to me

______A specific litter (please note the parents of the litter that you are interested in ______)

______The first available puppies

Please fill this application out in full before submitting.
If a question does not apply please put N/A.
Please feel free to provide more information if you wish.
If your application is accepted then you will be sent a “Puppy Contract”. Please read the contract carefully. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
Please note that only when the puppy contract is returned with a deposit have you reserved a puppy.
If your application is declined you will be notified immediately.