The regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council for the Town of Addis was held at 6:00 p.m on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at the Addis Municipal Center. The Pledge to the Flag was recited.

Roll Call: Present: Mayor Toups; Councilors Acosta; Cazes; Kelley; Parrish.

Absent: Councilor Gauthreaux

Minutes: The minutes of the May 1, 2013 regular meeting were approved, as mailed, on a motion by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Cazes and adopted.

Additions to Agenda: The following items were added to the agenda on a motion by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Cazes and adopted: (1) Slope mower tire; (2) Cooperative Endeavor with Parish; (3) Website update.

Public Comments: There were no public comments.

Correspondence: None

Parish Council: No report.

Police Report: The monthly police report, read by Mayor Toups , included 135 traffic citations issued; 19 misdemeanor arrests; 6 felony arrests; 7 vehicle wrecks worked. The misdemeanor arrests were: 9-disturbing the peace/battery; 1-traffic; 3-damage to property; 6-warrants. The felony arrests were: 1-unauthorized use of a movable; 3-theft (motor vehicle); 1-narcotics (steroids) and 1-aggravated battery.

Sewer Report: The sewer report, read by Mayor Toups, included 29 equipment failures; 14 jammed pumps; and 4 miscellaneous calls. One tank lid was replaced; there were three sewer tie-in inspections in Sugar Mill; and the screens in the River Bend station are still being cleaned three times a week.

Mayor Toups advised that he has a meeting set with the owner of River Bend on June 26th at 9:00 am To discuss the problem with the sewer system at his park.

Planning & Zoning Commission: A motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Cazes to accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission and approve a request by Mrs. Brittany G. Gill to open a beauty shop at her home as a home occupation. The motion was adopted.

A motion was made by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Parrish to accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission and approve a request by Mr. John F. Lee, Sr. to operate a lawn service at his home at 3554 Addis lane, as a home occupation. The motion was adopted.

Slope Mower Tire: Mayor Toups advised that the slope mower was in need of two tires. One was received from the Parish and quotes received for the other: Goodyear – $900.00 for tire; $20. for tube, includes roadside service; and Addis Service Station $764.00 for tire; $74.00 for tube with a $50.00 mounting fee.

A motion was made by Councilor Acosta, 2nd by Councilor Kelley to accept the quote of Addis Service Station in the total amount of $888.00 to replace the tire and tube necessary for the slope mower. The motion was adopted.

Cooperative Agreement: Mayor Toups was authorized to sign a Cooperative Agreement with West Baton Rouge Parish for the purchase by the Town, from the Parish, of a used culvert washer and 200 feet of hose at a cost of $3,500.00, on a motion by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Cazes. The motion was adopted unanimously. A copy of this agreement is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Civic Center Rental Policy: Following a discussion on the revised policy for the rental of the Town's Civic Center, a motion was made by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Acosta to approve the revised policy, effective June 6, 2013, with existing bookings remaining the same. The motion was adopted

Town of Addis

Regular Meeting – June 5, 2013

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A copy of the Policy for Renting the Civic Center in the Town of Addis is attached to and made a part of these minutes. A copy of the policy is available, at the time of rental, to those wishing to rent the building.

Ordinance #2013-03: Mayor Toups opened a public hearing on Ordinance #2013-03, repealing Addis Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14, Article 1, Section 14-171(b), Disturbing the Peace and reaffirming that violation of all offenses in the Town of Addis are punishable up to the maximum jurisdictional limits permitted by State Law, which is $500. and/or 60 days in jail per offense. Following a discussion, the public hearing was closed on a motion by Councilor Kelley, 2nd by Councilor Parrish and adopted.

A motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Kelley to adopt Ordinance #2013-03, as noted above. The motion was adopted on the following roll call vote: Yeas: Councilors Acosta; Cazes; Kelley; Parrish. Nays: None Absent: Councilor Gauthreaux; Abstaining: None

This Ordinance is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Minor Subdivisions: A committee meeting on Minor Subdivisions was held with much discussion. More meetings will be held and reports given at that time.

Website update: Mayor Toups gave an update on the progress of the new website. He then gave a projected presentation of the site. Mayor Toups and Dana Strauss will attend a class in Lafayette on June 6, 2013 on the new website.

New Business: Increase in Fines: Mayor Toups asked the Councilors to review the proposed list of fines and advised that the increase will take place in the near futures.

Hurricane Plan: A discussion was held on generators for the sewer lift stations. Different options are being studied. About 12 generators will be needed to cover the major lift stations. More discussions will be held on these plans in the future.

Mayor Toups advised that he would like to have each councilor assigned a designated district to be used in case of emergencies, such as hurricanes. This will be discussed more at the next meeting.

Official Journal: A motion was made by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Acosta to name the West Side Journal in Port Allen as the official journal for the Town of Addis for the state's fiscal year of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. The motion was adopted.

Committee Reports: Finance: A motion to pay bills found in order was made by Councilor Cazes, 2nd by Councilor Acosta and adopted.

Police: None Sewerage: None Personnel: None

Drainage: On the problem on Sandbar Drive, Mr. Carlin will let Mayor Toups know next week what will be done to take care of this matter.

Buildings: Councilor Acosta advised that the contractor in the townhomes area have no dumpster on site. He suggested that someone check on this or limit the number of permits issued until the contractor complies with having a dumpster installed.

Streets, Roads, etc.: Councilor Acosta advised that striping for the railroad areas have been completed. He further advised that he is looking into a grant to replace all signs in town, including public and private drives.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m on a motion by Councilor Parrish, 2nd by Councilor Acosta and adopted.