Columbine Commons Assisted Living



Columbine Commons Assisted Living Facility

opened in December of 2013. It is part of Columbine

Health Systems, which is locally owned

and operated. Columbine Commons Assisted Living offers a

contemporary approach to meeting the

needs of seniors.

It is Columbine Commons Assisted Living’ philosophy to empower

each resident to be active and as independent

as possible. Our goal is to provide a safe and

comfortable home while assisting residents with

activities of daily living that become difficult due

to illness or the aging process.





The Social Services Director is the discharge

coordinator in the facility. The Social Services

Director will coordinate the discharge with the

resident, the resident’s family or resident’s legal

representative, or the appropriate agency. The

Social Services Director will be responsible for

notifying staff and assisting with any services that

may be needed after discharge.

A thirty day advanced notice is required for

discharge for a non-medical reason. Advance

notice allows for more complete discharge

planning. The resident is charged for

the day of discharge.

A resident being discharged to the hospital or

another Columbine Health Systems’ facility will

not be required to give thirty day notice, if the

transfer is for medical reasons.

A resident may be discharged at the discretion of

the facility for the following reasons:

1. When the facility cannot protect the resident

from harming him or herself or others.

2. Nonpayment for basic services, including

rent, in accordance with the Resident


3. Failure of the resident to comply with the

Resident Agreement, which contains notice

that discharge may result from violations of

the agreement.

4. When the facility is no longer able to meet

the resident’s identified needs.

5. When a resident no longer meets Columbine

Commons’ guidelines for admission criteria

for remaining at Columbine Commons Assisted Living.

Columbine Commons Assisted Living will not admit or keep any

resident requiring a level of care or type of service

which the facility does not provide or is unable

to provide and in no event will admit or keep a

resident who:

1. Is consistently, uncontrollably incontinent

of bladder unless the resident or staff is

capable of preventing such incontinence from

becoming a health hazard.

2. Is consistently, uncontrollably incontinent

of bowel unless the resident is capable of

preventing such incontinence from becoming

a health hazard.

3. Is totally bedridden with limited potential for


4. Needs medical or nursing services, on a

twenty-four hour basis.

5. Needs restraints of any kind.

6. Is in use of a catheter or colostomy unless

resident and staff can manage with no risk or

health hazard

7. Has a communicable disease or infection

that is potentially transmissible in the facility,

unless the resident is receiving medical or

drug treatment for the condition and the

admission is approved by a physician.

8. Has a substance abuse problem, unless the

substance abuse is no longer acute and a

physician determines it to be manageable.

9. Requires lifting to transfer.

10. Wanders or has potential to wander.

11. Is chronically mentally ill unless controlled

by appropriate treatment/ services.

12. Is combative, physically aggressive, or

harmful to self and/or others.

13. Is unwilling or unable to meet their personal

hygiene needs with supervision and/ or


14. Needs to use a urinal unless completely

capable of self-care and keeping the urinal


15. Requires intravenous therapy unless directly

supervised by a home health agency.

16. Cannot self-administer injections.

17. Requires tube feeding.

18. Requires queuing and/or physical assistance feeding themselves

19. Requires suctioning.

20. Is dying and requires medical or nursing

21. Is smoking on Columbine Commons property. Residents are not permitted to smoke.

services for comfort and symptom relief

unless special arrangements are made to

meet the individual needs of the resident.

If you or your responsible party become aware, at

any time, that you do not meet the criteria listed

above for admission to, or continued residency

at Columbine Commons Assisted Living, then you and your

responsible party agree to promptly, and without

any delay, notify the Administrator in writing.

Written notice of discharge will be provided to the

resident or resident’s legal representative at least

thirty days in advance of discharge. A copy of

the 30-day written notice will be sent to the state

or local ombudsman on the same day that it is

provided to the resident.

Residents have the right to call advocates,

such as the State Ombudsman or the designated

local Ombudsman and the Adult Protection

Services with Larimer County Human Services,

for assistance.

In cases of medical emergency, or when the facility

cannot protect the resident from harming him

or herself or others, a resident may be transferred

to a hospital or other health care facility. The

responsible party will be notified of discharge as

soon as possible.



When the general fire alarm sounds, it is an allbuilding

alarm. Sirens and strobe lights will be

activated and fire doors in the hallway will close.

The elevator will return to the first floor and the

door will open. If you are in your apartment when

the alarm sounds shut the door and stay in your

apartment. The door is designed to protect you

until the fire department evacuates you. If you are

in a common area, remain in that area until you

are further directed by Columbine Commons Assisted Living’ staff

or the Windsor Fire Department.

An automatic fire sprinkler system has been

installed by the facility.



We ask that you read and acknowledge your

understanding of the House Rules.

1. Every resident shall be mindful and

considerate of other residents by:

• Respecting the privacy of other residents.

• Reminding visitors of the smoking policy.

• Using television, radio, lights, etc., in a

manner that does not disturb others.

• Reminding visitors to be considerate of

other residents and staff.

• Cooperating in the conservation

of utilities.

• Using common areas in a manner that is

respectful of other residents.

2. Cooking is not allowed in the apartments.

Refrigerators are available in the kitchenettes

for the residents. Residents can bring their

own microwaves for use in their kitchenettes

to warm food and beverages as long as they are demied safe by Social Services.

3. Every resident has the responsibility to

question staff members when they are unsure

or in doubt about a staff action or request.

4. Gratuities and gifts to staff are not allowed.

5. Smoking is not allowed on Columbine Commons property. Smoking will not be permitted inside

at any time.

6. In order to maintain a high standard of

living at Columbine Commons Assisted Living, the residents

prefer that no one wear sleepwear (including

bathrobes) or hair curlers in the common

areas or in the dining room.

7. The use of profane language or

gestures is prohibited.

8. Resident’s belongings are not allowed in

the common areas of the facility, including

but not limited to, welcome mats and

statues in hallways, knick-knacks on tables,

bookshelves, mantles, etc.

9. Columbine Commons Assisted Living does not take

responsibility for money, bridgework,

dentures, eyeglasses, hearing aides or other

valuables retained in resident apartments.

Every resident apartment is equipped

with a lock box in which you may

store your valuables.

10. Supplies and equipment that is damaged due

to resident misconduct will be billed to the

resident and/or representative.

11. Staff members are afforded the amenities that

one would expect in normal social contacts.

12. Firearms and knives other than silverware

will not be allowed in the facility.

13. Behavior that is disturbing to fellow residents

is not acceptable.

14. Visitors are welcome at any time. Visitors

may be asked to leave the room temporarily if

staff is providing care for a resident.

15. Residents are expected to cooperate

in maintaining high standards of

personal hygiene.

16. Residents may leave the facility for visits with

friends and relatives. A sign-out book is

located at the front desk. Please indicate time

left and expected time of return. Notification

to staff in advance of leaving is greatly

appreciated. Staff will assist in securing

medication needed during the resident’s

absence. Dietary staff will be notified if the

resident will not be present for meals.

17. We solicit your assistance in helping us

meet the requirements of state regulations

concerning our operation. Please feel free to

discuss these with the administration.

18. In the event of an accident or change in your

physical, mental or emotional status we are

obligated to contact your physician. Unless

you direct otherwise, it is our policy to notify

your next of kin or responsible person in

such instances. Please let us know your

desires in this regard upon admission.

19. Columbine Commons Assisted Living reserves the right to

increase the rates at the facility with 30 days

written notice.

20. All receivables owed to the facility from

residents are to be received by the facility by

the 5th of the month they are due. A $25 late

fee is imposed for any late payments. It is

also understood that payment for services is

due in advance.

21. Alcohol is permitted for resident

consumption, in activities and in resident’s

apartments, with a written physician’s order.

22. Every resident’s apartment is wired for

telephone service to be used at the discretion

of the resident. Your cable and phone charges

will be added to your monthly bill.

23. Any visitor must follow all the above rules

and regulations. The facility reserves the

right to ask any person to leave the facility if

they do not comply with these rules.

24. Pets are allowed to reside in the facility,

if and when the resident, and the animal,

meet all criteria listed in the Columbine

Commons Pet Policy.

25. Residents may not prop open apartment

doors except when a magnetic or friction

catch has been installed.

26. Residents may not wear hats into the dining

room during meal times.

Columbine Commons Assisted Living, at its discretion, reserves the

right to provide verbal and/or written warning

and may discharge any resident if he or she

knowingly violates the House Rules and facility

regulations. Every attempt will be made to work

with the resident and family to assist the resident

in meeting compliance with the House Rules.


If at any time, a resident or representative has

a concern, it is their responsibility to express

it to the proper staff as soon as possible. Some

problems are caused by misunderstandings or

poor communication and can easily be solved by

the Social Services Director or others.

If these people are unable to resolve the problem,

the resident or representative should:

• Present the problem orally or in writing to

the Administrator within three days after the

complaint is originally submitted.

• If none of the solutions offered by the

Administrator are acceptable, the concern

will be presented to the Grievance

Committee. The committee is made up of

the Administrator, or an appointed delegate, a

resident elected by the residents of the facility

and a third person agreed upon by both.

• The complaint must be taken to the

committee within ten days after receiving the

proposed solutions.

• The Grievance Committee shall review all

information, consult with persons involved

and give a written report explaining findings

and proposed solutions to the resident or

representative within ten days of receipt of

the complaint.


If further assistance or information is needed, the

following agencies may be of service:

Weld County Area Agency on Aging

Long Term Care Ombudsman

315C North 11th Avenue

Greeley, CO 80632


Weld County Human Services

315 North 11th Avenue

Greeley, CO 80631


Larimer County Human Services

Adult Protection Services

315 North 11th Avenue, Building C

Greeley, CO 80632


Colorado Department of Public Health

4300 Cherry Creek Drive South

Denver, CO 80222-1530


Colorado State Long Term Care Ombudsman

455 Sherman St. Suite 130

Denver, CO 80203


Weld County Long-Term Care

RaeganMaldanado, Ombudsman

970.346.6950 X 6128


Each resident of Columbine Commons Assisted Living is entitled to

the rights enjoyed by any adult citizen under the

Constitution of the United States. In addition, all

residents shall share in the basic community rights

of Columbine Commons Assisted Living. Residents shall have the

following rights.

1. The right to be treated with respect

and dignity.

2. The right to privacy.

3. The right not to be isolated or kept apart

from other residents.

4. The right not to be sexually, verbally,

physically or emotionally abused, humiliated,

intimidated, or punished.

5. The right to be free from neglect.

6. The right to live free from involuntary

confinement, or financial exploitation and to

be free from physical or chemical restraints.

7. The right to full use of the facility common

areas, in compliance with the documented

house rules.

8. The right to voice grievances and recommend

changes in policies and services.

9. The right to communicate privately including

but not limited to communicating by mail or

telephone with anyone.

10. The right to reasonable use of the telephone,

in accordance with the house rules, which

includes access to operator assistance for

placing collect telephone calls. At least one

telephone accessible to residents utilizing an

auxiliary aid shall be available if the facility

is occupied by one or more residents utilizing

such an aid.

11. The right to have visitors, in accordance with

house rules, including the right to privacy

during such visits.

12. The right to make visits outside the facility in

which case the administrator and the resident

shall share responsibility for communicating

with respect to scheduling.


13. The right to make decisions and choices

regarding their care and treatment, in the

management of personal affairs, funds, and

property in accordance with their abilities.

14. The right to expect the cooperation of the

facility in achieving the maximum degree of

benefit from those services, which are made

available by the facility.

15. The right to exercise choice in attending and

participating in religious activities.

16. The right to be reimbursed at an appropriate

rate for work performed on the premises for

the benefit of the administrator, staff, or other

residents, in accordance with the resident’s

care plan.

17. The right to 30 days written notice of changes

in services provided by the facility, including

but not limited to changes in charges for any

or all services. Exceptions are:

a. changes in the resident’s medical acuity

that result in a documented decline in

condition and that constitute an increase

in care necessary to protect the health and

safety of the resident; and

b. requests by the resident or the

family for additional services to be

added to the care plan.

18. The right to have advocates, including

members of community organizations

whose purposes include rendering

assistance to the residents.

19. The right to wear clothing of choice

unless otherwise indicated in the resident’s

care plan and in accordance with

reasonable house rules.

20. The right to choose to participate in social

activities, in accordance with the care plan.

21. The right to receive services in accordance

with the resident agreement and the care plan.

This policy does not exclude, take precedence over,

or in any way abrogate legal and constitutional

rights enjoyed by all adult citizens.

The rights of an assisted living resident who is

adjudicated incompetent under state law devolve to

the Resident’s legal guardian or sponsoring agency,

which are responsible to assure that the resident is

provided with adequate, appropriate and respectful

care that his/her rights are observed. In the case

of devolution, the facility shall observe these rights

with respect to the guardian.


As of July 1, 2006, Colorado, by law, is a smoke

free state. This legislation requires that all public

facilities in the state be non-smoking facilities. In

addition, smokers can only smoke a minimum of

(15) feet away from any public building entrance and in designated smoking areas.

The following Columbine Commons Assisted Living facility smoking

policy is in accordance with Colorado Law.

This policy applies to staff, volunteers, and

visitors. Smoking is allowed outdoors in designated

areas. Residents are not allowed to smoke on Columbine Commons property. Visitors may smoke outside

in designated areas.

Staff and volunteers may only smoke behind the

building by the picnic area, fifteen (15) feet away from any entrance.

Smoking is not permitted

inside the facility at any time.




Columbine Commons Assisted Living’ activity program is

designed to meet many of the needs of the

residents. Programs range from arts and crafts

to exercise programs, music, group activities,

educational programs, and a resident council to

offer input. Examples of activities include: bingo,

weekday aerobic and strengthening exercise

groups, van outings, shopping, instrumental

music programs with song and dance, socials

and Wii bowling. The activities staff identifies

and makes every attempt to meet the individual

interests of each resident. Transportation for

planned activities is provided.

Area churches are involved in providing

services for the residents. Church services are

held every Sunday with different representatives

presenting services.

Volunteers are an important part of Columbine

Commons’ Activity program. They assist with

activities, facilitate group activities, and provide

one-on-one visitation. Families and friends are

always invited to attend activities in the facility as

well as volunteer.


Columbine Commons Assisted Living’ criteria for admission shall

be based upon its ability to meet all the identified

care needs of residents. Columbine Commons Assisted Living shall

consider at least all of the following in making its