Hints and Tips for Using the iMathAS Platform.

Getting Started

1. To create an account visit the webpage imathas.rationalreasoning.net

2. Click the link that says “Register as a new student”

3. Create a username and password (this does not have to be the same as your ASU login)

4. Your Course ID is 170and your Enrollment Key is Heckman

5. Click sign up and you should be able to login and see your first homework assignment

MathAS is a calculator

For example, you can enter 2*3 instead of 6. If you want to subtract a negative number be sure to include parenthesis. (e.g., 2 -(-4) or you could enter 2+4)

Math Entry

Symbol / Meaning
* / + - / Multiply, divide, add, subtract
^ / Powers (e.g., 2^3 = 8)
sqrt / Square root (e.g., sqrt(9) = 3)
log / Common logarithm (base 10) (e.g., log(2) NOT log 2)
ln / Natural logarithm (base e) (e.g., ln(2) NOT ln 2)
sin, cos, tan / Standard trigonometric functions (e.g., sin(2) NOT sin 2)
arcsin, arccos, arctan / Inverse trigonometric functions (e.g., arcsin(0.5) )
Sin^-1, cos^-1, tan^-1 / Alternative for inverse trig functions (e.g., sin^-1(0.5))
pi / The constant 
e / The constant e
oo / Infinity
-oo / Negative Infinity


If you are rounding, be sure to carry at least four decimal places. Whenever possible DO NOT round – it is best to enter the most exact answer. Remember you can always enter the calculations you would perform!

Interval Notation:
You can represent intervals such as 0 < x < 2 and 4 ≤ x ≤ 6 as (0, 2) U [4, 6]

Notice you use open brackets ( ) for < or > and closed brackets [ ] for ≤ and ≥

Variables are Case Sensitive:

Entering Y= 2X is different than entering y = 2x. Be sure to pay attention to the whether the variables are defined using lowercase or uppercase letters.


Enter log_b(x)=y to enter logb(x) = y. You must include parentheses around the input, x. Similarly enter ln(x)=y for the natural logarithm.


Be sure to appropriately use parentheses. Use the preview button to ensure you appropriately entered your answer.

For example: . Another example:

Define a formula for d in terms of s

When iMathAS asks for a formula that gives the varying value of one variable (say d) in terms of the varying value of another variable (say s), express your answer in the form

d = < some expression in terms of s

(Although equivalent, iMathAS will not accept <some expression in terms of s> = d.

Study Hint:

Many students have a tendency to complete the online homework without writing down their work. As a result they do not have any way to study from their homework. We recommend that you print out the homework problems, complete the questions on your printout, and then enter your answers in the homework system. You can access a print version of the assignment of the on the bottom left of the assignment screen (see below).