Table of Contents

The 3-WEEK LIPO LIGHT Program Breakdown / 2
The 3-WEEK LIPO LIGHT Program / 3
Information on the Lipo Light / 4-8
Food List / 9-11
Detoxification / 12
Healing Crisis / 13-14
Frequently Asked Questions about the Detoxification Process / 15
Supplements included in the Lipo Light Program / 16-17
Day 1-2 / 18-19
Day 3-5 – DETOX / 20-22
Day 6-21 / 23-37
Day 22 and beyond / 38
Recipes / 39-55
Calorie Index / 56-59
Shopping List / 60
Example Menus / 61-64



 / Products and Services Received / Per Unit / Price
1 / 3-Week Lipo Light Supplements and Products / $330.00 / $330.00
9 / Lipo Light Spot Reducing Treatments / $333.00 / $2,997.00
9 / Whole Body Vibration Treatments / $30.00 / $270.00
9 / Sauna treatments for detoxification / $30.00 / $270.00
3 / Weekly Evaluations to review progress
Self Mastery Technology (SMT) / $50.00
$30.00 / $150.00
1 / Follow up Evaluation at the completion of this program / $75.00 / $75.00
24 Hours a day phone access to the Doctor and Staff / Priceless!
Total Price for Everything / $4,178.00
Your Price / ______

3-Week Lipo Light Program

Welcome and Congratulations!

This is an important decision towards improving your wellness and overall lifestyle!

We share the mutual desire of you reaching all of your wellness goals involving the Lipo Light. In order for you to reach these goals, we have provided a few points to educate you on achieving your best results. It is important to manage your expectations according to an appropriate diet, lifestyle and exercise program incorporated in conjunction with your Lipo Light treatment protocol.

Ensure Your Best Results

  • Drink plenty of water after every treatment.
  • Do not eat 2 hours before or 2 hours after treatment.
  • All visits should be 36-72 hours apart. (So please don’t miss your appointments!)
  • Incorporate Whole Body Vibration (WBV) post treatment for 10 minutes
  • Incorporate Infrared Sauna post treatment for 20 minutes.
  • Ensure you undertake physical activity following each treatment to maximize your results.
  • Manage calorie intake; excess calories will counter act the Light Treatments.
  • Alcoholic beverages and high sugar content drinks must be avoided.
  • Make sure to take all of your supplements outlined in the Daily Checklists, especially Cellulite Cleanse.

Information on the Lipo Light

No Surgery, No Pain, No Downtime

The Lipo Light enables all the efficacy of liposuction without the surgery, pain and long recovery time. Instead of removing the fat cell, it drains it.

How it Works

  • Non-invasive Lipo Light technology works with patented LED pads that are strapped over the skin.
  • The heat and light emitted from the pads safely penetrate the patient’s skin, stimulating the release of triglycerides from the targeted adipose (fat) cells.
  • Triglycerides are compounds of free fatty acids, water, and glycerol. They are released into the bloodstream to circulate throughout the body.
  • This process—called lypolysis—is not only natural, it is essential for the human body to function.
  • The human body converts its caloric intake into energy stored as triglycerides in adipose (fat) cells. Normally, the adipose cells release stored triglycerides when the body needs energy.
  • The problem is sometimes—for a myriad of reasons—the body stores more energy than it needs in its fat cells. The result is excess weight.
  • Lipo Light works synergistically with the body’s natural weight loss mechanisms, targeting this excess energy storage and further stimulating the body to undergo its natural process of releasing triglycerides from adipose (fat) cells.
  • Once released, the free fatty acids (part of triglycerides compound) are used by the body as an energy source.
  • The adipose cells “shrink” significantly, resulting in impressive visible slimming and toning for patients – but only in the areas you want.

Post Treatment

  • A 10-minute whole body vibration session post Lipo Light will help you continue to burn free fatty acids (part of triglycerides compound) within the body and help stimulate the lymphatic system.
  • A 20-minute session in the infrared sauna further stimulates the lymphatic system for ultimate detoxification resulting in permanent inch loss.
  • It is also highly recommended that you exercise within 3 hours of receiving treatment to further promote the natural process of releasing triglycerides.

What is the protocol?

The standard treatment protocol is 3 treatments weekly for 3 weeks. The treatment time can vary from 20-30 minutes per session. However, treatments may continue longer as needed to achieve desired results.

What is released when adipose cells are permeated with Lipo Light?

Triglycerides: Water, Glycerol and Free Fatty Acids (FFA).

What are Free Fatty Acids and Glycerol?

Free fatty acids are the byproducts of broken down adipose cells. These acids are described as “free” because they can be transported in the bloodstream without the aid of any other carriers. Triglycerides are formed by combining three fatty acid molecules with one glycerol molecule. Each fatty acid molecule is an extended chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The process of hydrolysis separates the stored fats into its two separate compounds, fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol has properties similar to alcohol and sugar; after the release by the adipose cells, the glycerol is passed through the bloodstream and returned to the liver for a conversion into a useful energy source – glucose.

Anatomically, where is the fat stored under the skin?

Fat is usually stored in the subcutaneous layer and is located approximately 8mm below the surface of the skin.

Where do the Free Fatty Acids go?

Once the free fatty acid leaves the cell, it enters the interstitial space. It is then absorbed by the lymphatic system, bound to the albumin, transported via afferent lymph vessels to the sentinel node, broken down via lipases, and dumped into the circulatory system where the debris can then be processed by the liver (Fatty Acid Oxidation). Some of the free fatty acids are converted to triglycerides in the liver and returned to the plasma. The rate of turnover and metabolic disappearance of fatty acids from the plasma is known to be extremely rapid as their half-life in the plasma is about 1½-2½ minutes. Free fatty acids combine with oxygen to produce energy. The free fatty acids released from adipose tissue can be utilized anywhere there is energy needed within the body. The ultimate destination of the released fatty acid is to the mitochondria of the subject’s cells that require energy. The Mitochondria is the powerhouse of every cell.

Where does the Glycerol go?

The liberated glycerol is not utilized again for triglyceride synthesis. It can diffuse rapidly into the blood and once passed into circulation undergoes a dilution process. Glycerol will diffuse widely and rapidly throughout the total body water, disappears from the blood stream and appears in urine. The rate of turnover (and the metabolic disappearance of glycerol from the plasma) is estimated to be about 30 minutes. Glycerol is hence rapidly excreted in the urine. Additionally, after being released from the adipose tissue, glycerol is passed through the bloodstream for return to the liver for conversion into a useful energy source - glucose.

Is light therapy scientifically documented?

Light therapy is not new. There are thousands of published studies that describe the positive effects of light therapy. It’s been used for many ailments ranging from chronic pain to wound healing to hair growth. What is new is light being used to target fat cells. Medline is a very good database search engine that can provide abstracts and can sell literature. There are also many books on the subject.

Are there any side effects?

No, it is safe, painless and completely non-invasive. It is an entirely natural process, simply replicating your normal bodily functions but in a targeted area.

Can everyone receive Lipo Light treatments?

A physician should be consulted before using the Lipo Light if the client has any of the following: pregnancy, epilepsy, immune-suppressive disorders, thyroid gland dysfunction, uncontrolled hypertension, pacemakers, cancer, heart disease or cardiac arrhythmias, liver or kidney disorders. Lipo Light is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.

What results can one expect from the Lipo Light treatment?

Male and female clients have lost inches in known problem areas, such as love handles, tummy bulges, underarm wings, saddlebags, and post-baby belly, quite significantly within a few treatments. Results differ from person to person, but Lipo Light may deliver effective results in just one treatment! In addition, you can greatly improve and sustain your results and sustain by committing to a healthy diet and exercise regime.

Who is the ideal candidate for Lipo Light?

Women or men who want to improve any problem areas such as: the back of the arms, the upper and lower abdomen, chin/neck and jowls, calves, knees, upper and lower back, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, love handles, and the male chest. The most immediately noticeable results are often shown on patients who exercise regularly, are not obese, or just have localized fat deposits that they cannot get rid of with diet or exercise.

How is Lipo Light different from other inch loss treatments?

There are other devices on the market that use lasers, electronic pulses, ultrasound or radio frequency. Of course, there are also invasive liposuction surgical treatments. Lipo Light is completely non-invasive. The treatment is quick, comfortable, effective, and extremely relaxing. There is no required down time following treatment. In fact, we encourage activity. Besides assisting the body in flushing fat and waste, Lipo Light is also beneficial for cell regeneration and pain relief.

Why is receiving multiple treatments recommended?

Lipo Light results are cumulative; each treatment builds on the success of the previous. The LED paddles work to a certain depth, then they work deeper the next treatment, and so on. The treatments also tighten your skin in the area from which the fat was removed and this too is most effectively accomplished over a course of treatments.

How long will the results last?

Results are permanent! As long as your weight, diet and exercise is maintained, follow-up

treatments are not necessarily needed. Although one treatment performed now and again will be good incentive to keep you in control.

What happens after each treatment?

You will spend 10 minutes on a whole body vibration machine to help you continue to burn free fatty acids and stimulate your lymphatic system. Additionally, you’ll spend 20 minutes in the infrared sauna to further promote circulation and detoxification. It is also highly recommended that you exercise within 3 hours of receiving treatment to burn off the released energy, further promoting the natural fat-burning process.

What does post vibration platform exercise do?

The underlying mechanism with whole body vibration is elicitation of muscular activity. The effects include increased blood flow, oxygenation and heat with release of hormone responses comparable to that found after resistance type exercise.

Vibration exercise elicits a mild cardiovascular activity, and muscular mechanisms of fatigue, requiring energy. While fat, in the form of Fatty Acids, is a very desirable energy source, it is dependent on the presence of oxygen to be useful.

Whole Body Vibration acts in two ways:

(a) Stimulates muscles, which creates the need for energy. Free Fatty Acids are released by the Lipo Light which combine with oxygen and produce the energy needed for these muscles.

(b) In circumstances where the energy is required by the body more quickly than oxygen can be delivered to the required location, the body will switch to its less energy efficient anaerobic system. When the body is using one of its anaerobic energy systems, it cannot utilize Free Fatty Acids, but it will simply generate less energy with a resulting greater depletion rate of glucose. This glucose is obtained from the released Glycerol and its conversion in the liver.

A total length of 10 min on the Whole Body Vibration (exercise application) is equivalent to length and intensity of training stimulus that can be reached by performing 150 times leg press or half squat exercises with extra loads of 3 body mass twice a week for 5 weeks.

How many calories are burned in a 10 min session on the Whole Body Vibration at levels 1, 2 and 3?

A 10 minute Whole Body Vibration session could yield significant calorie loss. This could increase with intensifying the activity while on the machine. Note: It has been calculated that 10 minutes on the K1 Whole Body Vibration machine would be similar to approximately a 6-10 km walk (3-6 miles).

How does the sauna help in this treatment?

Weight Control
As our body expends energy to produce sweat (1 gm sweat requires 0.586 kcal) a moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off up to 1000 gms or more in a sauna session - the equivalent to running 10-15 kms (6-9 miles). While this weight loss can be regained by re-hydration with water, the calories consumed will not. This is a valuable system for those who don't exercise and those who cannot exercise yet want an effective weight control and fitness program, along with the benefits that regular exercise brings.

How Does It Benefit Us?
Because infrared rays penetrate the body over 1-1/2 inches throughout conversion, there is a deep heating effect in the muscle tissues and internal organs without giving too much burden to our heart.

Our body reacts to the increased heating through the natural cooling process of perspiring. Through the perspiration process, acid and waste residue like toxins, sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and the potentially carcinogenic heavy metalsare removed from the cells (especially zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, etc). Also, the pores of our skin open and discharge waste products, the skin sheds any old skin cells, leaving it glowing and immaculately clean, with improved tone, elasticity, texture and color. The deep penetrating heat also stimulates the heart to send more blood to the body cells to increase blood circulation, which improves many symptoms.

What Is Infrared?
Infrared is the band of light we perceive as heat. We cannot see this band of light with the naked eye, but we can feel this type of light in the form of heat. Our sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Infrared rays heat your body without having to heat the air in-between, through a process called conversion.

The infrared is divided into 3 segments by wavelengths, measured in microns; 0.76-1.5 microns-near; 1.5-5.6 microns-middle; 5.6-1000 microns-far infrared. Among these segments, only far infrared penetrates organic substances such as the human body two to three inches so that the warming effect is very uniform.
How Safe Is It?

Because infrared is part of the sunlight, it's completely safe to use. Health professionals have used red infrared heat lamps for decades totreat muscle and joint problems. In hospital baby care units, incubators are often equipped with infrared heating systems to keep newborn babies warm.


The amount of vegetables consumed on the Solutions4 program is unlimited. Use the list below for successful eating.

  • Vegetables may be steamed for four minutes or stir fried over low heat; however, for best results, ½ of vegetable intake should be raw.
  • Vegetable intake should be twice the amount of fruit intake.
  • Use organic whenever possible, frozen is okay, no dried or canned fruits and vegetables.
  • Fresh juices made from vegetables and juices are allowed.
  • Standard serving size is ½ cup.
  • Fresh herbs and spices may be used. Organic dried spices may be used as long as they are not expired or old.

Vegetables (Always best eaten raw, but if you must cook, lightly steam them)


3-Week Lipo Light Program © 2013 Club Reduce®


Alfalfa sprouts


Bamboo shoots

Bean sprouts


Bok Choy


Brussels sprouts

Buckwheat sprouts

Cabbage, Chinese

Cabbage, Red










Green Beans

Green Onions



Lima Beans


Mung Bean Sprouts







Pepper, Green

Pepper, Red



