Oxfordshire U13’s Tournament

SUNDAY 2ndOctober 2011

OxfordshireU13's Festival Rules

1) Unlimited number of players per squad.

2) Team to consist of 15 players. Match squad to include 1 specialist front row replacement.

3) All players must be members of the competing club and be born after midnight 31/08/98.

4) "Guest" players are not permitted under any circumstances.

5) The team coach is responsible for registering the details of all the players in a team, including substitutes. Please use registration form provided.

6) Each coach is responsible for bringing each player's RFU registration form to the tournament. The control point is entitled to vet the details on registration forms at any time. If an issue arises, the ruling of the disputes judge will be final.

7) Completed registration forms must be handed to the control point at least 30 minutes before the team's first game.

8) Each game will be 10 minutes each way with 2 minute half-time.

Scoring will be 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss.

9) Substitutes can only be made:

a) At any time a player is injured.

b) ‘Roll-on, Roll-off’ with the consent of the referee.

10) All studs must be to IRB standards. Referees may inspect boots before each match. All studs must be checked at least once during the day.

11) If any team is late for the start of game, the organisers have the right to award the game and a 24-0 victory to the opposition.

12) Each team is responsible for providing;

a)A nominated referee, to officiate in games not involving their own club.

b)One touch judge for each game that it competes in.

13) Foul Play. If any player is issued with a yellow card they will incur a 2 minute penalty off pitch. If any player is issued with 2 yellow cards on the day then they can play no further games on the day. If a player is issued with a red card, then that player is off for the remainder of that game and can play no further games on the day.

14) Only coaches can lodge complaints with control points or organisers.

15) Penalty kicks for goal will be allowed as will conversions following a try.

16) Any disputes will be handled in the first instance by the referee, then the control. The final arbiters for any dispute will be the referee manager Mr.Chris White

17) Any team deliberately fielding over age, ineligible or unregistered players will be instantly disqualified.

In the event of Finals being level at the end of normal time:

Most tries, then conversions from tries will determine the result. If tied, then the trophy will be shared UNLESS both team coaches agree to decide the trophy by a sudden death drop-kick conversion competition.


1. Clubs are reminded to provide their own insurance cover for players and their belongings.

2. All players should wear gum shields

3. Teams may be eliminated from the tournament or be deducted league points if, in the opinion of any referee or the Tournament Co-ordinator, the behaviour of non playing members of the squad or other supporters/staff is deemed to be unacceptable. Unacceptable behaviour shall be deemed to be any actions that are detrimental to the enjoyment or well being of any player, official or spectator, or any behaviour contrary to the RFU’s Codes of Conduct for those involved in the game.

Tournament Day Instructions

1Please add extra time to your journey to allow you to get into the ground and parked. The car park will be open from 12.45pm, and parking will be either in the main car park, or around the side of Bodicote Park ground.

2Games to start 14.00

Registration13.15pmReferees Briefing 13.30pmGames Start 14.00pm

3Each team is responsible for providing a referee for the tournament and one touch judge for each game that it competes in up to the final.

4It would be very useful if one person per team had a mobile phone so that the control point can have the phone number, which should be noted on the player registration form.

5As you will appreciate there will be a large number of players getting changed in a very short period of time; it may be a good idea if players arrive partially kited up.

6Banbury RUFC is not liable for loss or damage to property belonging to member, guests or visitors. Please keep your valuables safe.

7DOGS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE GROUND (On previous occasions irresponsible owners have allowed their dogs to interfere with play causing a safety risk). Please advise all parents of this rule.

8Presentation of trophies will be at the main stand after each final. Presentations will be made to winners and runners-up.

9Litter, glass and some plastics can be dangerous. Please encourage all within your party to be diligent and use the litterbins provided.

10Any person under the age of 18 years found drinking alcohol will immediately have it confiscated by club officials

11May we respectfully ask that no food or drink be brought into the ground for the purposes of resale.

12We hope you have a good day and all players reach their potential through the spirit of competitiveness and friendship

13Teas / Coffees and bacon rolls will be on sale in the Green Room by the main stand from 1pm and hot drinks will continue to be served throughout the day. The main club bar will be open from 12.00 noon.

14Each team will be issued with tickets from the control point which will entitle players, coaches and referees nominated on the registration form to one meal.



CLUB NAME :______

Players Name / Date of Birth / Players Name / Date of Birth
1 / 16
2 / 17
3 / 18
4 / 19
5 / 20
6 / 21
7 / 22
8 / 23
9 / 24
10 / 25
11 / 26
12 / 27
13 / 28
14 / 29
15 / 30

I note that registration cards may be inspected at registration and that challenges regarding the eligibility of any player on the grounds of age must be made before the start of any game and if that player is unable to provide definitive proof of age he/she must be withdrawn for the rest of the festival.

Signed :(Coach)

Print Name:______