March 2, 2011


Friday, March 4………....…………………………………..….. Yearbook Order and messages deadline

Friday, March 4……………………………………………………………………… Dr. Seuss cake contest

Tuesday, March 8………………………………………………………………………………. PTA Meeting

Friday, March 18……………………………………………… Spring fundraiser- Brooklake Country Club

Wednesday, April 6……………………………………………….. PTA Meeting and Budget Presentation

Wednesday, April 6………………………………………………………….. Half day activity- Magic Show

Wednesday, April 6 – Friday, April 8...... …………….…. Half days- Parent/teacher conferences

Wednesday, April 13…………………………………………………………………..….. Multicultural night

“Can You Sign My Yearbook??”

GOOD NEWS! The deadline for YEARBOOK ORDERS has been extended to this Friday, March 4th. For all underclassmen, yearbooks will be distributed during school hours at the end of the school year. Give your child the gift of indelible memories from this past school year, along with participating in the fun tradition of gathering autographs from friends, teachers, and staff. Remember: 60 page, all-color, every grade represented…all for the same low cost of $15. Please send checks made out to “Hillside PTA” in an envelope labeled “Yearbook Orders”. Click here for Yearbook Order Form .

“Yearbook Messages”

We will also accept yearbook messages until this Friday as well. Space, at this point, is very limited. We cannot accept any messages after this week. Please send checks made out to “Hillside PTA” in an envelope labeled “Yearbook Messages”. Click here for Yearbook Messages Form.

Box Tops

Congratulations to Ms. Butler’s second grade class! They are the lucky winners of the bagel breakfast with Mrs. Pilchman, thanks to the 1,053 Box Tops they collected! Mrs. Volk’s class came in second place with 963, followed by Mrs. Wallock’s class with 932. You can find the final totals by class on the PTA website.

In addition, thanks to our biggest one week collection ever (plus a last minute appeal), our final total collected was just over 10,000 Box Tops! Not only did we meet our goal, all students will also get a homework-free night!

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our program! But even though the contest is over, please continue to clip and save your Box Tops at home. We will be holding another promotion in the spring.

1stAnnual Dr. Seuss Cake Contest

Please help us make Dr. Seuss’ Birthday a real Party!On Friday March 4th, Hillside School will take part in a Dr. Seuss Cake Contest in order to celebrate Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ Birthday.We need your help to get the students excited about reading, and what better way than cake?Cakes with Dr. Seuss themes will be displayed in the cafeteria so that students canvote on their favorite. If you would like to create a cake for this special occasion, please e-mail Mrs. Donnelly .

Multicultural Night- April 13

The Hillside Multicultural Committee is looking for new and returning volunteers! We invite you and your children to participate in this wonderful event that celebrates the diverse culture in our Hillside community

Represent your country of origin or any country you’re interested in by hosting a table of its colorful heritage or preparing a performance of a traditional song, dance or other demontstration. All countries are welcome!

Please complete our Volunteer Signup Form today. Volunteer Signup Form

Please email if you have any questions.

Thank you. Christina Chan and Lauren Stolfi, co-chairs.

Spring Fundraiser- March 18

Our annual SPRING FUNDRAISER is just around the corner -- March 18that 6pm-- and we need your help NOW to put together a great night. INVITATIONS have been mailed soget your responses in by March 1. See below for opportunities to help out the committee:

BASKETS are the key to our success! Now is the time to donate any NEW unwantedgifts to be included/madeinto baskets. We are also in need of medium to large size baskets and containers. Contact Madalena Lima at to arrange drop off.

Basket Wrapping Sessions – This is a fun opportunity to socialize and get a sneak peek at all the wonderful baskets for the Spring Fundraiser (and there’s always HOT coffee!).Even if you don’t know anybody, this is a great and low key way to meet people. We will be wrapping everyday during the week of February 28. Join us Monday,February 28 through Friday, March 4, from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30pm each day at the home of Georgiann Herzinger, 55 Wellington Road.


Each year, the PTA hosts a Spring Fundraiser for the Hillside Community. It is our largest and most popular event of the year. Typically, there are over 150 baskets filled with different items, such as gift certificates to local merchants and restaurants. The baskets are broken down into three categories; Regular, Grand and Super Grand. There is also a 50/50 raffle. It is a fun-filled evening.

We need your help:

1. Donate an item that we can use to put together a basket.

2. Get together with a group of friends and create your own basket to donate. Restaurant gift certificates and electronics make great baskets.

3. Consider making a monetary donation or a donation of services, tickets or goods like tickets to a sporting event or show.

$25 - $49 Bronze $50 - $74 Silver $75+ Gold

**Donations will be clearly labeled as such on your basket**


Contact Jeri Fitzgerald at 201.370.2582 or to arrange for pickup/drop off of items or if you have any questions about the event!

**Please include the donation form with your donation. If you are making a monetary donation, please send it to school in an envelope labeled Spring Fundraiser as soon as possible! Make checks payable to Hillside PTA. Click here to access and print theform.


A Magic Show is coming to Hillside on Wednesday, April 6! Keep your children at school during parent/teacher conferences. It’s a great way to keep them occupied on a half day. Joe Fischer presents a magic program that will astound, baffle, delight, thrill and entertain the audience. This fast-paced show has the perfect blend of magic, audience participation, comedy and excitement. Joe has an outstanding rapport with children – his ability to communicate on their level is what makes this show real magic.

The cost per Hillside student is $15 and includes 1 slice of pizza, water and show. There is also an option to purchase 2 slices of pizza and the cost is $16.50. Children will be escorted to the upper gym at 12:15 pm by parent volunteers. Pick up is promptly at 2:00 pm at the upper gym doors (next to the main office). Children who go to the YMCA after care program can attend the Magic Show as well.

To help this event run smoothly and safely, we are in need of parent volunteers from 12:15 – 2:00 pm.

Click here to access the form.

Deadline to register is March 30.

Questions? Contact: Fiona Bhanushali or Kim DePalma

School Budget

At the January 24thmeeting of the Board of Education, the first iteration of the 2011-2012 school budget was presented. Find out more about the proposed 2011-2012 budgethere.

Register to vote for annual school election

Per New Jersey State Statute, the annual school election is held each year on the third Tuesday in April.However, due to conflicts with various religious holidays, this year'sannual school board election and budget vote has been moved to Wednesday, April 27, 2011.

Polling hours are from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Voters will cast ballots to elect one member to the Livingston Board of Education and to determine the amount of money to be raised through local taxes to support the proposed school budget for the 2011-2012 school year.
In order to be eligible to vote, residents must be:

At least 18 years old;

Be a United States citizen;

Have been living in the state and county for 30 days;and have been registered to vote at least 21 days before the election.

If you need to registerclick here.

Newcomers to the WWB….

Questions about PTA events, please contact Kathleen Small at .


Deadline to submit a blurb is Sunday, NOON in order to be included in that week’s WWB. Please email your blurbs to Nancy Goldenstein at .

Click here to access the PTA website.


Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T.

Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy