1.Sincerely, Your Body -- Only you know how you feel from day to day. If your body could write a letter to you, what would it say? Would it tell you that I need more sleep? How about the foods that you eat. Would it tell you that you are not eating correctly? Write a letter to yourself as if your body were writing the letter. Pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you. Not enough sleep or too much junk food is not healthy.

2.Healthy Steps -- With your troop or a group of friends, make up a list of healthy habits. You should come up with a list of about five healthy habits. Make up a list of unhealthy habits. Both lists should have the same number of habits. Now let's play a game. Put these lists into a bag, a hat or a bowl. Everyone should stand on a line. Pick a habit out of the bowl and read it out loud. Is this a healthy habit and something you do? If so, take a step forward. If you don't do it, take a step back. If it's an unhealthy habit and you do it, take a step back. If it's an unhealthy habit and you don't do it, take a step forward. With each habit read, look to see where you are standing. With your troop, discuss ways to improve your health and try at least three of them for a month.

3.Sleepy Head -- Getting enough sleep is one way to help your body stay healthy. When you are sleeping, what is happening to your body? What happens to your body if you don't get enough sleep? Discuss with your troop what you find out.

4.Germ Busters -- Everyone knows that germs cause diseases. And everyone knows that washing hands is very important because it helps get rid of germs. Let's do a demonstration to show the effects of germs and hand washing. At least three girls are needed for each group. You will need cooking oil (you can use the non-stick cooking spray), cinnamon, soap and a sink to wash hands. Everyone should run cooking oil (or spray) all over their hands. Next everyone should have cinnamon (representing the germs) sprinkled all over their hands. Now, let's wash our hands using the following steps:

Group 1 - washes hands with cold water and no soap

Group 2 - washes hands with warm water and no soap

Group 3 - washes hands with warm water and soap.

What did you discover? Which way is the best way to wash your hands. Did the results surprise you or were they what you expected?

5.Eating on the Run -- Healthy snacks are one way to keep your body going what you are in a hurry. Go through your Junior Girl Scout Handbook looking for health snack recipes and try making them the next time you need a quick snack. Search other resources, such as cookbooks or the internet, for healthy snacks and share these recipes with your troop.

6.Take Care of Your Teeth -- Brushing your teeth in a very important way to keep your teeth healthy. Seeing a dentist twice a year is also important in keeping your teeth healthy. Do you think you are brushing your teeth properly? Do you think you spend enough time brushing your teeth? Next time you go the dentist, ask for some suggestions and tips on the correct way to brush and floss your teeth.