www.abodia.com/911 shows M. Reynolds & S. Jones WTC Reports

Highlights of World Trade Tower destroyed by Internal explosives

. FEMA & NIST report do no consider these facts.

WTC had MOLTEN Steel after 6 weeks of fire hose watering site.

Squips - blast out of windows several floors below collapsing building

Symmetrical collapse on it's own foot print, not topple over, required all columns to collapse at same time, random fires would have weakened various parts of the building at different rates.

Speed: WTC 1 & 2 fell at near free fall speed, object dropped form roof would reach ground in same time. Buildings turned to dust in mid air, like controlled demolitions. WTC fell in 8.5 seconds. Image any 10 story building in your area disappearing in 1 second. Too much energy, 10 times what collapse would have done.

All concrete pulverized to dust, much more energy required than in potential energy of the weight of the building falling to the ground.

No other building has fallen to dust, other collapses are in big chunks.

47 Firemen+ many witnesses reported repetitive flashes & booms before collapse.

Crime scene evidence was not opened for engineering inspection, but was illegally destroyed; melted and shipped to Indo China

Wm. Rodriguez, honored by Pres. Bush, last man out, saved lives. He observed, as did others, basement was blown up before plane hit towers.

The 100 foot antenna on the roof fell before building started to fall, indicating the core columns were destroyed before the building began to collapse.

The top 20 floor of WTC toppled over to side, but mysteriously blew up, turned to dust in mid air without encountering any other obstacle.

Employees report of Power Down weeks before 9-11 when employees had to leave and engineers entered the building for 18 hours without security to "upgrade cables" never before in 28 year history of WTC, when they were unobserved and could have planted explosives.

Building 7, 467 stories tall, valued at $ 3/4 billion had a couple of fires, no place hit it.

It also fell in 5.6.6 seconds, symmetrically. Lease holder admitted that

WTC Building 7 is the one that defies all logic.

Building 7 is not covered in the FEMA report.

It fell hours later like controlled demolition, in 6.6 seconds. No plane hit it. It had only minor fires on 2 floors of 47 story, 3/4 billion dollar building that held many government offices; CIA undercover, Securities & Exchange Commission, Secret Service, IRS Regional Council, Mayors Emergency bunker. Sprinkler and or firemen should have put fires out. The Mayor recently spent $ 15 million to upgrade his Emergency Center on 23rd story of WTC Building 7 with 200 MPH winds proof windows, and independent air supplies. On 9/11, the day the Mayor need this emergency bunker, he abandoned it to set up else where.

This web site discusses Building 7. http://www.wtc7.net/background.html

At 5:20 new lease holder says he told the fire chief to pull, or demolish WTC Building 7. The Fire Dept. states they don’t have the equipment or knowledge to blow up a building.

Building 7 fell quickly, 6.6 seconds, symmetrically and to dust like controlled demolition.

Who did set all the charges to destroy this building in 6 seconds ?
When were they set, in the weeks before 9/11 ?
It would have taken engineering skills & days to set up the explosives.
It was not hit with a plane, and had only a couple of minor fires.

This is the single event at $ ¾ billion that none are considering.
Insurance share owners are suing for fraud to pay this unexplained or examined claim !

If you understand Building 7 demolition,

then the demolition of WTC 1 & 2 is obvious – same thing !

Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse? by Morgan Reynolds http://www.lewrockwell.com/reynolds/reynolds12.html
Why the Towers Fell – Steven Jones, Brigham Young Univ., Physics Professor http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html

110 stories collapsed in 8.5 seconds, near the rate of free fall of an object with no resistance below it.

10+ floor disintegrate each second.

Imagine any 10 story building in your town, pulverized in 1 second, impossible without internal explosives. see www.911research.wtc7.net

WTC was leased 6 weeks before for $ 20 million investment. Leaseholder. He boosted insurance & added terrorism insurance, then profited $ 4.8 billion in insurance claim

Why did Mayor flee WTC because he was told the WTC would collapse
yet the firefighters were not told and died ?

Never before in the world had a steel frame building fallen from fire damage.

My web site www.abodia.com/911 gives more info ww.abodia.com click on 911 at bottom for $ 10 (1/2 price) I offer DVDs also available on internet at twice these prices. I can send 450 files (articles on 9-11) on CD, or any of 3 DVD video movies highlighting these subjects.

I quote from news articles each piece of evidence on my site,

. There are 1,000s of pieces of evidence.

$ 10 ea., I offer many DVDs titles, 450+ articles, 100 bookmarks on CD

Ted Elden, Elden Architects, Top O Rock, aaTed@Charter.net

PO Box 3201, Charleston WV 25332 tel 304 344 2335