ClevelandHigh School

Course Description

Drama/Play Production

Mr. Berkowitz

I would like to welcome everyone back to school. As a teacher proud to be a member of the Cleveland family I look forward to the opportunity to assist in the Drama education of my students. I have over twenty years of teaching experience in a wide variety of learning settings. I know that I can count on each and every student and parent/guardian to assist me in the educational process.

The Drama program is designed to build confidence in public speaking and to expose students to all aspects of acting and play production. Acting and play production are serious skills and I intend to teach this class as a serious introduction to the art of effective speech and theatre. Improvisation games will be introduced and mastered over the course of the class.

Actors’ most important tool is the human body, their “instrument,” and therefore some physical and vocal exercises will be introduced and practiced as warm-ups to acting. Students will discuss character development and will learn to analyze a text in order to create multi-dimensional characters. We will practice memorization techniques, and students will be given opportunities to participate in all production aspects including costume design, set design and construction, lighting, sound and props. We will also explore the history of theatre through a series of readings and master acting class videos.

I will try to arrange workshops by theatre professionals throughout the school year and, whenever possible, provide students with the opportunity to attend live performances. Students will be encouraged to participate in local drama competitions. Each semester will include the performance of a play before a live audience.

Since the production of the play is such a serious endeavor I will require that all students involved in each production sign a contract stating that if their lines are not memorized by strict deadlines, if their attendance is poor, or if other production obligations are not met their participation in the show will be terminated and their overall grade for the semester will suffer.

Grades will be determined by student participation in all of the class exercises, ability to do assigned work and homework, performance on tests and quizzes, classroom behavior as well as cooperation and daily class attendance. A weekly participation grade will be given based on student involvement in all of the class exercises and positive contributions to advance the learning atmosphere of the class and productions. Students will be responsible for keeping a journal of their growth as an actor, as well as personal insights and reflections on work presented in the class, as well as outside observations.

Each of the criteria above will be weighed for each student and an appropriate grade will be given accordingly.

Grade Scale:

90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D 0-59%=Fail

In my class I demand that there be an atmosphere of “mutual respect.” Everyone wants to be heard when he/she is speaking, therefore, I will listen attentively as each individual is speaking, as will all students, and I expect to be heard when I am speaking.

There are four basic steps to my discipline policy:

1)A warning will be given.

2)A one on one conference will be held with the student and myself.

3)Parents will be contacted at home or at work.

4)A parent/teacher conference will be requested.

I have read and understood all of the policies pertaining to Mr. Berkowitz’s Drama and Play Production class and have discussed them with my parent/guardian. I agree to accept responsibility for my performance in this class.

Student’s Name (Print)______Period______

Student’s Signature______Date______

Parent’s Signature______Date______