Documentation and Communication for promotion of Local Innovations (PROLINNOVA) in Sustainable Agriculture with PELUM Tanzania
Half Year Report July December 2007
P O Box 54
Dodoma- Tanzania
Tel/Phax +255 26 2350744
E-mail: February 2008
i.Table of Contents
i.Table of Contents
ii.List of Acronyms
2.Description of PROLINNOVA Tanzania Project’ Activities for the period July - December 2007
3.Description and assessment of the progress made so far, achievements and challenges encountered per objective
3.1To build capacities of PROLINNOVA Tanzania partners on participatory approaches and farmer centred methodologies and processes
3.2To strengthen communication and documentation to scale up and mainstream participatory approaches into relevant R & D institutions
3.3Development of innovative methods and approaches to promote local innovation through Networking and partnership building
4.To facilitate advocacy work for the protection of genetic resources
ii.List of Acronyms
ARI/LRCAgriculture Research Centre/Livestock Research Centre
CBDCoffee Barry Disease
CLRCoffee Leaf Rust
FOFarmer Organizations
GMOGenetically Modified Organisms
IKIndigenous Knowledge
INADESNational Institute for Social and Economic development
IADOIsangati Agricultural Development Organization
IRDOIleje rural Development Organization
LEISALow External Inputs for Sustainable Agriculture
M & E Monitoring and Evaluation
MOsMember Organizations
MoUMemorandum of Understanding
MoAFCMinistry of Agriculture, Food and Cooperatives
MVIWATANetwork of Small Scale Farmer Groups in Tanzania
NGONon-Governmental Organization
NLRINational Livestock Research Institute
NRMNatural Resources Management
NSCNational Steering Committee
PELUM Participatory Ecological Land Use Management
PIDParticipatory Innovation Development
PID/PTDParticipatory Innovation Development/Participatory Technology Development
PID ToFParticipatory Innovation Development- Training of Facilitators
PROLINNOVAPromoting Local Innovation
PTzPELUM Tanzania
SAIPROSame Agricultural Improvement Production
R & DResearch and Development
UMADEPUlugulu Mountain Agricultural Development Project
This Project “Documentation and Communication for Promoting Local Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture”was a three year project (January 2005/December 2007)hosted by PELUM Tanzaniaunder the coordination of its secretariat. It was implemented through PROLINNOVA Tanzania partner organizations. During the implementation of its activities, the project put more concentration in the Central and Southern Highlandzones particularly in Dodoma, Morogoro, Iringa and Mbeya regions respectively.
PROLINNOVA (PRomoting Local INNOVAtion) is an International Programme spearheaded by NGOs to build a global learning and advocacy network on promoting local innovation in ecologically-oriented agriculture and natural resources management (NRM). PROLINNOVA programme focuses on recognizing the dynamics of indigenous knowledge (IK) and learning how to strengthen the capacities of small scale farmers to adjust to changing conditions – to develop and adapt their own site-appropriate systems and institutions of resource management in order to gain food security, sustain their livelihoods and safeguard the environment.
The programme builds on and up scale farmer-based R&D approaches that start with discovering how farmers carry out informal experiments to develop and test new ideas for improved use of natural resources. It gives central attention to the promotion and institutionalization of participatory research and development approaches, known as Participatory Innovation Development (PID) into relevant R & D institutions by ensuring that such participatory approaches are also applied by regular government and private institutions.
Recognizing and working with local innovators and innovations, documenting and spreading their experiences constitutes an entry point into R & D that leads to experimenting with ideas from other sources and other participatory research and development interventions. In order to achieve the project goals, the programme has developed strategies to influence national and global policy formulation processes and implementation strategies in the area of agricultural development and Natural Resources Management.
Most of activities carried from July to December 2007 were focused on strengthening multi-stakeholders partnerships, capacity building for PROLINNOVA partners to create a common understanding on PID concepts, identification of farmer innovations, documentation and dissemination of field experiences related todevelopment of innovative methods and approaches to promote local innovation, sustainable agriculture and NRM. Lobby and advocacy work were carried out to promote and institutionalize PID into relevant research and development institutions.
While promoting local innovation in sustainable agriculture and NRM, workshops and capacity building activities on issues related to the protection of Tanzania genetic resources were conducted. Awareness creation, lobby and advocacy work to address the impact of GMO on future Tanzania agriculture and livelihood of small scale farmers were conducted for both farmers; development staff and researchers from partner organizations/institutions.
This report will therefore give an overview of how the project was implemented during the last six months July – December 2007, some achievements realized, challenges and lessons learnt that emerged in the cause of project implementation process.
2.Description of PROLINNOVA Tanzania Project’ Activities for the period July- December 2007
In the table bellow is the summary of PROLINNOVA project activities implemented for the period of July - December 2007
Objective / Planned Activity / Achieved intermediate results / Outcomes/Impacts / Remarks/Observations1. To build capacities of PROLINNOVA Tanzania partners on participatory approaches and farmer centred methodologies and processes / 1.1 Organised a five day documentation workshop for 22development staff from Prolinnova partner institutions / Prolinnova Tanzania organized and facilitated a five day documentation workshop for development staff and researchers from partner organizations. A total of 21 (3Female and 18Male) professionalstaff attended the workshop where 14 case studies of local innovation were shared and discussed. These cases are being reviewed for improvement to incorporate missing information. The final articles will be compiled into a partnership booklet for more sharing and learning / The essence of documentation and information sharing on field related activities has increased among Prolinnova partners. However, documentationneeds more resources both human and capital. It was revealed that most of our partners had not allocated any budget for documentation in their existing and ongoing activities. After realizing the essence and benefits for documentation, partners whom we contacted promised to incorporate a documentation component into their future action plans. / Despite the increased support to the programme and collaboration from partners during implementation stages, we are challenged by poor communication. Some partners are not providing feedback to share the outcomes on the targeted communities due to lack of regular access to ICT and commitment.
2. To strengthen communication and documentation to scale up and mainstream participatory approaches into relevant R & D institutions / 2.1 To produce one participatory video on local innovations / Three (3) video CDs of local innovations were developed and 1000 copies produced for each. These copies will be distributed to all Prolinnova Tanzania partners and other relevant institutions including research and training institutions, local and central government authorities, development institutions, NGOs, relevant ministries and universities. / There is increased institutional support to Prolinnova programme. Farmer centred and participatory approaches are being institutionalised into relevant R & D institutions. Support to the programme and collaboration between Prolinnova and research and development institutions both private and public is increasing.
The Ministry of agriculture, food and cooperative is planning to incorporate into its intensive training programme on farming research system a session of PROLINNOVA on PID and use PROLINNOVA resource person to facilitate trainings on participatory approaches.
Partner institutions like INADES, UMADEP, MVIWATA and IADOare documenting their experiences and others have started documentation of successful local innovations for record keeping, wider sharing and dissemination purposes.
The concepts and principles of Prolinnova programme have been well conceptualised and accepted. For example, SAIPRO, a non governmental organization and partner of Prolinnova Tanzania operating in Same District of Kilimanjaro has been able to raise funds to support Prolinnova activities and has incorporated Prolinnova activities into its ongoing action plans. Institutions like ARI Uyole, NLRI Mpwapwa, IRDO and others have started to integrate PID component into their action plans / With the aim include a good number of local innovations and for avoiding too long video CD visualization, we were obliged to produce three short video CDs within the same limited budget.
2.2 To produce Prolinnova Tanzania leaflets and posters and local innovation catalogues / Leaflets of Prolinnova Tanzania were distributed to different R & D stakeholders during local and national events to create awareness and publicise the programme.
Eight (8) posters highlighting different types of local innovations were produced in three duplicates each.
Five hundred (500) copies of Local Innovation catalogue were produced and are being distributed to partners / The produced materials will serve as tools for lobby to attract attentions of research and development institutions as well as decision makers to support PID approaches.
2.3Facilitate continuous M & E activities for Prolinnova Tanzania / PROLINNOVA Tanzania has contracted an external consultant to carry out end of project M & E exercise. The ToR for the consultancy were developed in a participatory manner and reviewed by the NSC and Backstoppers from Prolinnova Tanzania project funding institutions. The report shall be available by end of February 2008. Action plans and reports for activities carried out from July to December were shared among partners. / For partners to be more committed to the programme and impact realised, MoU between Prolinnova Tanzania coordination office and partners shall be developed and signed.
2.4 To produce and disseminate advocacy materials related to land use, food security, and local innovation / Done as above in 2.2
2.5 To organise one day interactive meeting between PTz board and Prolinnova NSC / Not done / Principles and concepts of Prolinnova Tanzania programme are well understood by all PTz Board members. This has enabled increased support to the programme and smooth implementation through its member organizations without compromising PTz ethics. More PTz MOs are joining the programme while farmer-centred and participatory approaches are being institutionalised at individual organization level. / In June 2007, PELUM-Tanzania elected its Board of Directors, the governing organ for the network. Among five elected members, two of them are involved into the programme and one among them is the chairperson of Prolinnova NSC.
3. Development of innovative methods and approaches to promote local innovation through Networking and partnership building / 3.1 To facilitate a five day field visit to farmer innovators in Mbeya region for 20 farmers and 12 development staff including researchers and extension officers / From 3rd to 7th September 2007, a five day field visit to farmer innovators in Mbeya region was organized and facilitated by IRDO, one of Prolinnova partner organization in the Southern Highlands. The activity was organised and facilitated in Mbozi, Ileje and Mbeya rural districts. A total number of 28 participants (5 Female and 23 Male) of which 2 researchers, 8 extension officers and 18 farmers participated. / Networking and collaboration with partners to strengthen partnerships was the main focus for the reporting period. As impact from organised visits and networking activities, potential local innovations that have shown more success were adapted by farmers who participated in these filed visits.The innovativeness character of farmers has increased.They have increased their research activities to improve their livelihoods. For example, all innovator farmers visited and some farmers who participated into organised field visits are practicing more than one local innovation. They were highly motivated to duplicate innovations from fellow farmers to complement the existing efforts they have made.
One innovator farmer who innovated local salt rock for livestock was assisted by researchers from Uyole to improve the chemical composition of the rock. Now the farmer is earning a lot of money from its innovation through sales to other livestock keepers.
The capacities of partner institution staff from both the public and private sector have increased in terms of using PID approaches during implementation of their routing activity.
The Ministry of agriculture, food and cooperative is planning to incorporate into its intensive training programme on farming research system a session of PROLINNOVA on PID and use of PROLINNOVA resource person to facilitate trainings on participatory approaches. / Although Prolinnova programme puts more emphasis on gender balance, participation of women into programme organized activities is very minimal.
3.2 To facilitate establishment of PID joint experimentations (3) to try new innovations / Not done / The establishment of pilots of joint experimentations to try out different local innovations while using PID approaches was not done due time constraints and delayed identification of potential local innovations to be dealt with by partners.
3.3 To collaborate with like minded organizations and participate in national and international fora organized on land use and Prolinnova programme / One staff from Prolinnova Tanzania participated into PID ToF held in Ethiopia;
A one day visit was organised at the Ministry of agriculture, food and cooperatives to discuss with relevant authorities some issues related to the integration of PID approaches into existing participatory approaches used by the MoAFC
Prolinnova and PELUM Tz staff participated into different meetings organised by RIU programme to discuss modalities for collaboration and implementation strategy of the RIU programme in Tanzania. We hope that in future we shall develop a MoU with RIUP to support some grass root activities and the promotion and dissemination of successful research findings and technologies. / Many research and development institutions appreciated the work done by Prolinnova programme and are seeking for partnership and collaboration.
The MoAFC has involved Prolinnova into the review of the national Agriculture research system.
Ilonga crop research centre and the Central Zone Agriculture Research centre have show interest to work with Prolinnova.
We were involved into various activities organised by these institutions to share our experience on participatory methodologies.
3.4 To organise and facilitate a one day meeting for PROLINNOVA partners in the Southern Highlands to identify potential innovations for joint experimentation (PID) / On 26th October 2007, Prolinnova Tanzania organised a one day meeting for Prolinnova partners from the Southern Highlands that was held at RUCO in Iringa. 4 (M) researchers from ARI/LRC Uyole and 6 development staff (2 F and 4 M) attended the meeting where two innovations were selected for PID/joint experimentation
3.5 To convene one meeting for Prolinnova NSC and two meetings for the core team / Prolinnova Tanzania organise a one day meeting for the NSC and core team members to discuss the implementation status of the programme and the new three strategic plan. The meeting was held at Oasis Hotel in Morogoro on 8th Dcember where 5 out 7 members of the NSC attended the meeting. Also the Executive Director for MVIWATA and one representative from MoshiCollege for Cooperatives and Business Studies were invited.
Among issues discussed were the first half year 2007 progressive report, new three year strategic plan, roles responsibilities and operational mode of the NSC, Core team, Technical advisory unit and project officer. / After going through all agenda of the meeting, the meeting appreciated and recognised the efforts made by PELUM-Tanzania to coordinate the implementation of project activities. The NSC discussed the roles and responsibilities of the core team and national advisor and realised that most members of these teams do not allocate time to provide technical support to the Project Officer as it is defined in the core team ToR. The NSC advised that the core team and the national advisory unit shall be incorporated into project management and implementation. However, its roles shall be played by the Project officer as it has been difficult for members these teams to have compatibility timetable to enhance implementation of the Programme activities. The decision was made after analysing the strengths and capacities of the Project Officer and achievements realised during the last three years.
4. To facilitate advocacy work for the protection of genetic resources / 4.1 Organised and facilitated three workshops (five day each) to crate awareness for 60 farmers on the future of Tanzania Agriculture with GMOs / Four workshops were organized for farmers to create their awareness on the impact of GMO on Tanzanian agriculture and the livelihood small scale farmers. A total number of 95 53 male and 42 female farmers from 14 regions of Tanzania participated in these workshops that were held in Morogoro, in Rukwa, in Kilimanjaro and Tabora regions respectively. Different topics related to the impacts of GMOs on the livelihood of resource-poor farmers and the Tanzanian agriculture were presented and discussed by participants. / The understanding and community perception of the impact of GMOs on Tanzanian agriculture have increased. Partner organizations dealing with advocacy work for the protection of Tanzania genetic resources continued to inform the public about benefits and disadvantages of GMOs in relation to Tanzania small scale agriculture. Farmers through organised farmer groups and networks continue to lobby local Government authority on the matter.
However, despite the work done by farmers and some development staff from partner organizations to stop the introduction of GMOs in Tanzania, there still some research institutions that are pushing the government to allow the introduction of GMO in the country. All these efforts are being made while the Tanzanian government has not publicly expressed its stand on the introduction of GMOs.
4.2 To produce and disseminate advocacy materials related to land use, food security, and GMO / Continued to disseminate GMO leaflets to the public to inform them about the impact of GMO on the future of Tanzania agriculture and livelihood of resource poor farmers