High Voltage Switching Ground Mounted & Overhead
Following the completion of the ‘11kV AP Introduction and Familiarisation’ session the delegates will be invited back for an assessment.
The assessment will be both an underpinning knowledge assessment and practical assessment during which the candidate will need to meet the specific performance criteria listed in the UKPN Operational Catalogue for the following Competencies:
- Authorised Person Undertake – Switch UG HV Systems
- Authorised Person Undertake – Switch OH HV Systems (Excluding Interleaved)
- Authorised Person: Common Performance Criteria
The candidate must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following Legislation:
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 – Additional Notes
- Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 – Regulations List
- Electricity Safety Quality Continuity Regulations – Regulations List
The candidate must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following
- List different types of Switchgear found on the network
- Describe the Operational Padlocking in the different networks
- Describe the function of Fault Passage Indicators
The candidate must be able to demonstrate how to operate an make points of isolation
on the Apparatus found on the UKPN 11kV Overhead system (EOS 03-0079)
- Overhead Air Break Sw/Gr, Fusegear and Links
- SPN & EPN ABSD Ratings Card
- Pole Mounted Reclosers
- Operation of GVR via Keypad.
- ABB Sectos NXB Pole-Mounted Switch
- NB_110 Pole Mounted Low Voltage Fuses - Securing a Point of Isolation (Now Archived)
The candidate must be able to describe the process for the application of CME’s and
Additional Earths to the UKPN 11kV Overhead Network
HSS 40 047 Application of PED’s
The candidate must be able to demonstrate an understanding of
- Basic Electrical Theory
- Fault Levels, HV Switching & Fault Level Reduction
- Transmission, distribution and Domestic power supply
- HSS 40-042 – HV Switching – Remote Operating Devices (RODs)
- HSS-406-ORE-20 – Operating Oil Sw/Gr where Oil is more than 19 Yrs Old
- HSS 406-ORE-26 – Operation of Switchgear containing Carless oil
The candidate must be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
- 2016 Distribution Safety Rules PPP
- DSR 01 002 – HV System Operations
- HSS 40-047 – The Use and Application of HV Portable Earthing
- HSS 40 046 Substation Access and Entry
- EOS 09-0067 Theft of Substation Earthing - Emergency Response
- EDS 06-0002Hot Site Management(EDS 06-0003Hot Site Register)
- EBP 03-0102HV Switchgear Remote Control Changes
- EOP 03-0031Operation & Reset of Merlin Gerin Linear & Rotary Actuators
- EOS 03-0041Retrofit Actuators for Secondary Switchgear
- EOS 03-0041AYorkshire Tyke Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041BYorkshire Tyke2A Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041CMerlin Gerin RN2 Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041DSchneider RN2C Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041E Lucy FRMU Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041F Long & Crawford T3-T4GF3 Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041G Long & Crawford J3-J4 Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041H Brush NSM Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- EOS 03-0041J Reyrolle JS Retrofit Actuator Operation Instruction
- HSS 406-ORE-35 Operation of Schneider RN2c, RE2c and RN6c Ring Main Units
- EI_9-032-13 Circuit Nomenclature & Labelling up to and including 132kV. Pages 14 to 18 only
- EDS 08 0109 11/6.6kV Secondary Distribution Network Design
The candidate must be able to demonstrate that they are able to read a UKPN 11kV
HV schematic diagram and prepare a hand written switching schedule
- Sundridge SPN Training Network Diagram
Contact Numbers
- HSS 406 OB 149
- Airline
- Flashcall
- Control Numbers
Please note – the content of this document list may change at any time, please consult with the Training Centre prior to printing
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