Research Paper Guidelines and Requirements

TASK:To produce a formal research paper using contemporary research skills and

resources and standard APA documentation on a topic of current scientific


FORMAT:8.5 x 11 inch white typing paper / Margins (all): 1”

Typed – double-spaced, flush left / Font: 12 pt. Times New Roman

Word Count: 750 -1000 words

Title page:Running hed/ page number in header

Required APA information centered

Abstract:APA style

In header: running hed–shortened version of paper title- top left all caps, pg number top right

One paragraph – 150 – 250 words.

Body:All lines double spaced.

In-text citations according to APA format

1” margins all around

Reference page: References centered at top of page.

Flush left.

All entries double spaced, hanging indent, APA format

APA parenthetical documentation shall be used in citing sources within the paper itself.

CONTENT:Sources: MINIMUMTen (10) preliminary sources (see calendar below);

minimum of four (4) cited sources.

No General Encyclopedias (World Book Online, Wikipedia)

Databases preferred.

3 x 5 or 4 x 6 (physical source cards, APA style, for grading)

Note Cards: 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 (physical note cards, APA style, for grading)

40 total notes, minimum (

Paper: typed, double spaced.Electronic submissionsby 9 pm on due date.

No hard copy submissions without compelling reason and prior review.

Work Calendar

December 1-3; 8-10-Blazer Library: primary research and documentation

December 5 -First Look @ research notes/ EON check

December 8-preliminary Reference list (see requirements above)

December 12 -All source cards/note cards review.

December 19 – Final copies due. Electronic submissions due by 9 pm.

Work Points – 15 per day for each class period in Library 45 max./wk. (90)

Check Points – 10 pts. [First Look (10), Prelim. Ref. (30),

Source/note card rev.(2-5 pts.)] 120 - 240 max.

Final Copy – APA format, approved science topic + 100 points

Up to 430 pts.poss.

ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETED BYDecember 19, End of the First Semester.