549 Audubon Avenue
New York, New York 10040
Tel. #212-927-1841 Fax # 212-781-9516
Nicholas J. Politis, Principal
Table ofContents
Principal’s Welcome 3
Parent Coordinator‘s letter 4
HSLPS Mission Statement 5
Bell Schedule 6 Conduct and Discipline Code 7
Dress Code 8
Guidance Counselors’ Schedules 9
Promotion Policy 10
Graduation Requirements 11
Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities 12
Parent Involvement Opportunities 13
Important Issues 15
Sport Team 16
Community Based Organization (CBO) 17
Bring/Bring Cellular phone policy 19
549 Audubon Avenue
New York, New York 10040
Tel. # 212-342-6130 Fax # 212-781-9516
Nicholas J. Politis, Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians:
On behalf of the administration, faculty, support staff, and Parents’ Association, I would like to welcome you to the High School for Law and Public Service. This school is entering its eighteenth year and is part of the George Washington Educational Campus, a complex that has a great reputation, a long history, a landmark status, and established traditions.
It is our belief that all students can learn and that all the members of the school community will work hard to help you achieve your goals. We will nurture you and assist you in learning the lessons that will remain with you for the rest of your life. During the next four years, there will be many opportunities to grow intellectually, socially, and personally. To be successful, all students must plan their time wisely and effectively, study diligently, complete, assignments, attend classes on a regular and consistent basis, participate in activities sponsored by the school, and attend all mandated tutoring sessions.
As members of the school community we must respect the rights and responsibilities of everyone. School personnel, students, and parents need to communicate and cooperate in order to understand and achieve our goals and objectives. This handbook will familiarize you with varied aspects of our school program. It contains valuable information and will provide the foundation for the achievement of a rewarding educational experience.
Good luckand best wishes for a successful and enriching school year.
Nicholas J Politis, Principal
High School for Law and Public Service
549 Audubon Avenue
New York, New York 10040
Nicholas J. Politis, Principal
212-342-61301 Ext. 4141
Nelia Polanco, Parent Coordinador
212-342-61301 Ext. 4191
August 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Welcome to the HS for Law and Public Service. I hope all of you had a great summer vacation and will come ready to start a new 2016-2017 academic year. As Parent Coordinator, I will continue to work as a liaison between parents and school, doing everything possible to make a successful school year for your child.
Educating our children is a task which includes not only teachers and the community, but parents as well. When parents participate in their children’s education, it’s more likely that the students will increase their academic level, ultimately obtaining the opportunity to achieve their career goals.
My goal is to create a welcoming environment in the school community and together find adequate solutions to any problem or situation related to your child’s education. My responsibilities are to plan meetings, workshops and activities to help us to find better results not only academically, but when dealing with the students’ emotional behavior as well.
Please remember, your participation is very important for your child’s academic progress. I encourage you to attend to school meetings, workshops, and any other activity that could motive and support your child’s learning.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (212) 342-6130. Ext. 4091, or You can come to see me in room 409 from 8:00am to 12:15pm and1:07pm to 4:00PM
Nelia Polanco, Parent coordinator
Mission Statement
We stand for participation:
We believe that education is not a solitary event; therefore, both students and teachers must be active learners.
We stand for academic achievement:
Our school Community strives for excellence through a rigorous, innovative, student-centered curriculum. Students develop analytical skill to become critical and independent thinkers and lifelong learners.
We stand for community:
We are dedicated to provide the members of our learning community with a nurturing and safe environment, where in mutual respect and cultural diversity is honored.
We stand for teamwork:
Administrators, Teachers, Parents,and caregivers work together to develop mature, mindful and responsible individuals.
We stand for service:
We value learning that occurs beyond the classroom, therefore, we provide students with opportunities to become invested in their communities through service learning
Our School Mission:
PACTS are pledges or promises that one follows through on with actions. The members of the High School for Law and Public Service community make the following "PACTS”:
We stand for participation: We are active learners.
We stand for academic achievement: Our goal is to aim high and become lifelong learners.
We stand for community: We strive to create an environment marked by mutual respect.
We stand for teamwork: We are responsible to one another.
We stand for service: We give back to our community.
Bell Schedule
Period / Time1 / 8:04 - 8:51
2 / 8:55 – 9:42
3 / 9:46 – 10:33
4 / 10:37– 11:24
5 / 11:28 – 11:15
6 / 12:20 – 1:07
7 / 1:12– 1:59
8 / 2:03 – 2:50
9 / 2:54 – 3:41
Every student at High School for Law and Public Service is entitled to receive the best education possible. This right to an education is accompanied by certain personal, moral and social responsibilities. Below you will find a description of student rights and responsibilities, some disciplinary infractions, and actions that the school may take if student behavior is inappropriate.
Freedom of speech, but must respect the dignity and rights of others; and they cannot interfere with the school’s basic educational mission.
Dress appropriately, as long as their clothes do not interfere with the learning process (basic standards of cleanliness and good grooming are expected).
Be informed and have their voices heard through an elected student government.
Attend school regularly and punctually.
Strive to achieve the highest possible academic goal.
Carry proper school-issued identification at all times, and present it to school authorities and teachers whenever requested to do so.
Follow the directions of school personnel at all times, and conduct them in a safe and non-disruptive manner.
Respect, maintain and improve the school environment and encourage others to do so.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful, safe and orderly manner at all times.
No weapons, dangerous instruments, drugs, or alcohol are to be used, carried or brought to school at any time.
No criminal acts of any sort are permitted; criminal actions will result in arrest.
No fighting or any type of violence is permitted.
Vandalism (including graffiti) and destruction of property is prohibited..
Profanity, obscene language or gestures is prohibited.
Defying the lawful authority of school personnel is prohibited.
Cheating in any form is prohibited.
Gambling, smoking, cutting classes, or leaving school without permission, is prohibited.
Engaging in any activity, which disrupts the education process, is not permitted.
If a student fails to adhere to the discipline code, the school may impose punishment based upon the severity of the infraction, which may include any or all of the following:
Reprimand by a teacher or other faculty member.
Referral to the deans for detention.
Confiscation and loss of any contraband, including beepers, cell phones, cigarettes, CD players, etc.
Home contact via letter, phone or visit.
Conference at school with the family of the student.
School service, including cleaning, if appropriate.
Restitution for damages or fines when warranted.
Referral to clinic or outside agencies.
Principal’s suspension; transfer to another school.
Superintendent’s suspension; Crossroads 1 year suspension; expulsion from all NYC schools.
Arrest for committing a crime.
REMEMBER:Themissionof HS for Law and Public Service is to maintain a safe and healthy educational environment for all and to provide every student with the best education possible. In order to achieve this end, it is in the best interest of every student to conduct him/herself in a proper and acceptable fashion. If a student fails to do so, he/she should expect that disciplinary measures will follow.
Dress Code
- Shirts and blouses are appropriate for a school setting. You may not wear tank tops, athletic undershirts, blouses with spaghetti straps, halters, skimpy tops (with skin showing between the top and bottom) or any other revealing clothes.
- You may wear skirts or shorts. Please remember that they must be no more than three inches above the knees, so measure to be sure. You may not wear tight lycra shorts or clothing with strategically placed holes.
- You may not wear any type of headgear. This includes: hats, do-rags, sweat band scarves, bandanas,sweatshirt hoods, or earphones.
- Please remember to dress modestly so that there are no distractions in class. If your clothing is inappropriate and not in compliance with the school dress code, your parents will be contacted. In addition, there is appropriate clothing in the deans’ office that you can borrow for the day.
Ms. Anderson
10th and 12th grade
8:00 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
Phone: 212-342-6130 ext. 4076
Email address: Sanderson@06m467
Ms. Fleischman
9th and 11th grade
8:35 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Phone: 212-342-6130 ext. 4074
Email address: Rfleischman@06m467
Promotion Policy
Condiciones para la Promoción de Grado
The Chancellor Regulations on promotions require all students to attend school and all their classes 90% of the time in order to be promoted.
Course Work
Students need a minimum number of credits to be promoted from one grade to the next.
Promotion:Credits Required:
From 9th to 10th8 credits
From 10thto 11th20 credits ( 4 must be in English – 4 must be in history)
From11thto 12th30credits
From 12th to graduate44 credits
Required Subject Areas / Minimum Credits*English
/ 8Social Studies
Global History 4 credits
American History 2 credits
Economics 1 credit
Government 1 credit / 8
Science / 6
Math / 6
Art and/or Music / 2
Second Language / 2
Health and Physical Education
Physical Education .58credits each
Health Education 1 credit / 4 (need 7 classes)
Elective Areas / varies
Total / 44
Parents’ Rights and Responsibilities
The New York City Department of Education recognizes that children excel when parents work closely with teachers and principals to develop strong partnerships. As partners in education, parents, guardians, and other family members have certain rights and responsibilities.
All Families Have the Following Rights:
- The right to a free public school education for their children.
- The right to be given access to information about their children’s performance and the educational programs and opportunities available to them and their children.
- The right to be actively involved in the education of their children.
- The right to file complaints and appeals.
- The right to translation and interpretation services in order tocommunicate effectively with the Department, in accordance with Chancellor's Regulation A-663.
All Parents Have the Following Responsibilities:
- The responsibility to send their children to school ready to learn.
- The responsibility to ensure that their children attend school regularly and arrive on time.
- The responsibility to be aware of their children’s work, progress, and problems.
- The responsibility to keep in touch with their children’s teachers and principal.
- The responsibility to respond to communications from their children’s school.
- The responsibility to attend important meetings and conferences.
- The responsibility to treat all school staff members with courtesy and respect.
We Encourage Parents To:
- Set high expectations for their children.
- Help out at schools by volunteering time, skills, or resources.
- Get involved in Parent Associations or Parent-Teacher Associations.
Take part in school and community programs
Parent Involvement Opportunities
Parent Teacher Conference
The purpose of the parent teacher conference is to give the parents the opportunity to discuss their child’s first marking period grades in particular, and their school progress, in general. It is recommended for the parents to attend
Parent Association (PA):
PA is the main way for parents to get involved in their children’s schools. Parent Associations are school-based organizations open to all parents, foster parents, and legally appointed guardians of children currently attending New York City public schools.
The purpose of the Parent’s Association is to give parents a forum to discuss issues and concerns they have regarding their child’s education. These meetings serve as a liaison between the parents and the school. Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. All parents are invited to attend.
The Parent Association executive Board Member elected for school year 2016-2017
Lissette Marte –President
Bethania Holguin- Vice-President
Maria T Acosta-Secretary
Eugenia Núñez- Treasure
Jose Almonte - Delegate
Ana Luz Heredia– Delegate
Severiana Mently – Delegate
Flor Reynoso - Delegate
School Leadership Team (SLT): Chairperson, Ms. Anderson
SLT is school-based organization composed of an equal number of parents and staff
The purpose of the School Leadership Team is to review the School’s Budget Plan and The Comprehensive Educational Plan. In addition, it serves as the main decision-making body for the school. Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Title 1 Parent Committees and Councils:
Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary schools, middle schools and High schools. Title I funding must have a parent advisory Committee or council (PAC) that represents parents of participating Title I students. The goal of Title I parents is ensuring the involvement of Title I parent in school life, and supporting their active partnership with other members of the school community.
Volunteer activities:
The volunteer activities will allow parents and the school to build a close relationship to benefit the students ‘achievement and success. There are many ways you can serve as a volunteer: participating in the Parent Association meetings and workshop,assisting in chaperoning field trips,assisting with parental outreach,donating or supporting the Blood Drive, donating or assisting inFundraising, volunteering with your special talent such as decoration, cooking, baking cake, etc.
Important Issues
Where do you go if …
…You lose your program? You need a new metro card?
See Ms. Alonso in room 408 See Ms. Cynthia in room 414
you have a problem with a teacher/student? You want information about college?
You can go to your guidance counselor in you can see the college advisor
Room 407and Dean Office 430in room 422
…you need working papers?You want join a club?
Ask Ms. Cynthia in Room 414Just show up to the club!
Or get information from guidance
Counselor in Room 407,watch bulletin board announcements.
You want to play sports?…you don’t feel well? Get a pass
See Ms. Ferguson in room B10.to the clinic from your guidance
You want to take Saturday school or night class?…The bathroom is locked?
See your guidance counselor in room407. Looking for the keys Room 407
You need tutoring? You need someone to talk to?
Ask any teacher. Also see your guidance counselor in speak with your teacher, guidance or Parent coordinator.
You need to get your confiscated items back?You lose your ID card? See Ms. Cynthia in Room 414 or Dean Office room 430 Notify to Ms. Alonso in room 408
Face to face letter/Any attendance letter?
Parent Coordinator Office: Ms.Polanco (409)
Sports Teams
- Baseball
- Football
- Track
- Girls’ Volleyball
- Girls’ Softball
- Swimming
- Basketball
- Soccer
Community Based Organizations
These are just a few of the agencies that are in our neighborhood. Questions about a particular agency should be directed to the agency.
George Washington Campus, School BasedHealth Center
549 Audubon Avenue (at 192 Street)
New York, NY 10040
Phone: 646-317-0500 – Room 118
Services: general medical care and health education (parental consent required) for George Washington Campus students.
Alianza Dominicana, Inc.
515 West 182nd St (between Amsterdam and Audubon)
New York, NY 10033
(212) 927 –6810
Services: homework help, after school activities, & youth council.
Community Association of Progressive Dominicans (ACDP)
2268 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10033
(212) 781-4955
Services: mental health services, immigration and citizenship programs, violence prevention programs and support groups
George WashingtonCampus Based Clinic
549 Audubon Avenue (at 192Street)
New York, NY 10040
(212) 927-2490
Services: general medical care and health education (parental consent required) for George Washington Campus students
Inwood Community Services
651 Academy Street, 3rdfl
New York, NY 10034
(212) 942-0043
Services: after school programs, homework help and tutoring, counseling and support services for individuals 13- 20 years of age
Children Arts and Science
300 Ft. Washington Avenue Suite 1H
New York, NY 10032
Tel. (212) 923-7766
Fax (212) 795-5901
Northern Manhattan Coalition
For Immigration Rights
685W, 182 ST NY NY 10033
Parent Job Net, Inc
P.S. 84 field Office
32 W, 92nd ST
New York NY 10025
Tel (917)546-9104
Isabella Geriatric Center
515 Audubon Ave & 190 St
The Way to Happiness Foundation
201 E Broadway, Glendale, CA
Phone (800)255-7906 or (818)254-0600
Fax: (818)254-0555
Main Web Site:
Community Board 12M
711W 168St New York NY 10032
Phone 212)568-8500
Fax: 212-740-8197
Pamela Palanque-North Chair