Rotary Club of Whidbey Westside

Official Nominating Form for President Nominee

Rotary Year 2019-2020

I ______hereby submit my name for consideration by the Nominating Committee of the Rotary Club of Whidbey Westside for the position of President Nominee for the Rotary year 2019-2020.

I have read the qualifications, duties and responsibilities of the President Nominee as stated in the qualification form and certify that I understand the expectations of me; and I further state that I am a member in good standing, in good health, willing and able, to serve as President for the Rotary year 2019 -2020. The information provided on this letter of interest is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.


Signature of the Candidate for President Nominee Date

  1. The completed form for Nomination of the President Nominee is to be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee (Immediate Past President-Ashley Morrison) by November 1, 2017 via email:

2. The candidate must attend an interview to be conducted by the Nominating Committee of the Rotary Club of Whidbey Westside. Interviews and selection will be made and announced by December 1.

Candidate Information


Last name, First name, Middle initial

Partner’s name: ______

Last name, First name, Middle initial

Years in Rotary: ______

Classification: ______

Business: ______Position: ______


(business): (______)______

(home): (______)______

(cell): (______)______

Club Position Held: ______

Please add additional pages as needed to provide the necessary information to the Nomination committee

Present Club positions/assignments: ______



Past Club positions/assignments: ______



District positions/assignments: ______



List business and trade professional activities and positions: ______



Civic or public service activities and positions: ______



Provide Statement by candidate on “Why I want to be President Nominee”:

Word count limit 500 words.

President Nominee Duties

As President Nominee you will serve on the board from Jan 1st, following the year of election. On July 1st of that year you become President Elect, therefore your acceptance of President Nominee is contained in the President Elect duties. As nominee the first 6 months you are to listen and learn, start your leadership journey and serve in whatever capacity the President asks of you.



  • Preside over meetings when Pres. is absent.
  • Regular attendance at jam and board meetings.
  • Meet quarterly with PP's for guidance/or more often if needed
  • Meet with AG for Area meetings


  • Complete all levels of RLI training
  • Attend District seminars
  • Active participate in The Rotary Foundation


  • Attend Pre PETS and PETS
  • Attend District Conference (Club pays registration fees)
  • Attend District Assembly
  • Prepare Planning Guide
  • Prepare Foundation Goals
  • Membership Goals


  • Announce and get membership approval of your board by first week in December.
  • Strongly suggest each Director attend assembly for their area of service.
  • Assist Treasurer in preparation of your budget
  • Each Director should submit his/her budget to you prior to May 15th of your PE yr.
  • Present your budget to general membership in June prior to taking office in July.
  • Joint boards meet to pass offinformation
  • Have minimum of one meeting prior to July with your board
  • Work with Club Administration for your installation
  • Purchase pins at PETS
  • Where
  • When
  • Time
  • Meal
  • Who will install
  • Order of the meeting - Program
  • It has been suggested we do this around June 25th every year and celebrate our Charter night

February 2017