High Prairie Minor Hockey Association
Board Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2011
Downstairs Boisson Dental Office
Meeting Chair: Lori Matthews Meeting Scribe: Laurie Keay
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Lori Matthews at 7:10 p.m.
2. In Attendance
Lori Matthews, Laurie Keay, Michael Boisson, Gayle Dlugosz, Cody Herr,
Steve Cross, Laura St. Cyr, Vernon Walker, George Blackhurst
2011-21 MOVED BY Cody Herr to accept/excuse the absences of Paula Cowell and Sandford Gauchier.
SECONDED BY George Blackhurst.
3. Adoption of Previous Minutes
2011-22 MOVED BY Cody Herr to adopt minutes from the Sugust 16, 2011 meeting as presented.
SECONDED BY George Blackhurst.
4. Additions to the Agenda
2011-23 MOVED BY Cody Herr to accept the additions to the agenda.
8c) Policy Amendments
8d) Coach Selection Committee
8e) Board Positions
8f) Equipment Room Inventory
SECONDED BY Laura St. Cyr.
5. Delegation
No delegations
7:10 p.m. Steve Cross arrives
6. Open Business
a) Tina Caron/Conditioning Camp – There were only a few people interested in registering for the weekly powerskating session. HPMH will take another interest inventory in the first few days of conditioning camp/evaluations and make the determination from there. Powerskating will be on a cost recovery basis. Ron Rose will be running the conditioning camp this year which start on September 19, 2011.
b) Sturgeon Pembina League –
2011-24 MOVED BY Michael Boisson to remain in the All Peace League this year.
SECONDED BY Vernon Walker.
2011-25 MOVED BY Vernon Walker to have the President send a letter to
the Sturgeon Pembina League outlining our reasons for declining membership in their league this year.
SECONDED BY Michael Boisson.
c) Grants/Elks Letter – Letter has been sent to the Elks. Cathy Wilcox has made suggestions for grant applications for HPMH.
d) Bylaws and Regulations Committee – Lori will send a copy of our current Bylaws to Angelo for review.
e) Vacant Board Positions
2011-26 MOVED BY Cody Herr to appoint Gayle Dlugosz as the Equipment Director.
SECONDED BY Laura St. Cyr.
f) Equipment Room Inventory – Gayle to take care of organizing the cleaning of the equipment room and doing equipment inventory.
7. New Business
a) Number of teams at each level
2011-27 MOVED BY Cody Herr to approve the requested moves and create one female PeeWee team and one female Bantam/Midget team.
SECONDED BY Laura St. Cyr.
2011-28 MOVED BY Vernon Walker, a $50.00/player late fee will be applied to the registrant to a maximum of $200.00/family.
SECONDED BY Laura St. Cyr.
2011-29 MOVED BY Vernon Walker that based on the current registration
numbers, we have 2 teams at every level, Atom to Midget (co-ed)
with the possibility of one shared practice at the smaller playered
teams pending final registration numbers .
SECONDED BY George Blackhurst.
2011-30 MOVED BY Cody Herr to accept the special requests from registration report.
SECONDED BY Vernon Walker.
2011-31 MOVED BY Vernon Walker to go with scenario 1 as presented for Squirts/Novice.
SECONDED BY Steve Cross.
2011-32 MOVED BY Steve Cross to have HPMH take the Christmas break from December 21-January 3, 2011.
SECONDED BY George Blackhurst.
b) Ice Schedule - Lori will ask David how he is making out with the schedule and forward it to everyone asap.
c) Policy Amendments
2011-33 MOVED BY Vernon Walker to change the first part of the refund policy to read that an administration fee of $30.00 will be charged to a player wishing to withdraw from HPMH before getting on the ice with the exception of a medical certificate or a transfer out of association boundaries.
SECONDED BY Steve Cross.
c) Coach Selection Committee
Cody Herr, Sandford Gauchier, Lori Matthews, Michael Boisson
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 – 6:00 p.m.
8. Reports
a) President - Lori Matthews
See Attached
b) Vice President – Sandford Gauchier
Absent – no report
c) Treasurer’s Report - Vacant
Laurie to check into 2010 Annual Return
d) Registrar - Laura St. Cyr
See Attached.
e) Pond Hockey - Cody Herr
Pond Hockey Registration
September 30, 2011
5-8 pm – Sports Palace
f) Ice/League Director – Vacant
David Bliss to do ice schedule
g) Referee in Chief – Marlin Haugen
Marlin Absent – Lori to ask Marlin to organize Referee Clinic
h) Coach Director - Michael Boisson
2011-34 MOVED BY Vernon Walker that Michael Boisson has authorization from the board to host the coaches clinic September 24/25, 2011. Expenses incurred by the event will come out of board training training expenses.
i) Conduct Management/Team Liaison Director – Patricia Belyan
Absent – no report
j) Tournament Director - Paula Cowell
Absent – No report
k) Division Directors
Nothing to report.
9. Correspondence
10. Next meeting
September 20, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Downstairs Boisson Dental Office
11. Adjournment
Lori Matthews adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.