High Frequency Word Evaluation
Quick Start Guide
The High Frequency Word Evaluation (HFWE) application is used to record the student test scores after the HFWE is administered to 1st and 2nd grade students.
The High Frequency Word Evaluation is accessible to teachers, designated HFWE Campus Administrators, Principals, SSOs, and designated HFWE Administrators.
The High Frequency Word Evaluation also provides various reports: District, Sub-District, School, Words Missed, and Teacher Results. Your ability to view these reports depends on your access level within the application.
How to score a test
1.Login Screen
- Login to the Employee Portal on the HISD homepage, then click on High Frequency Word Evaluation under HISD Application Links.
- Enter your Login ID and your portal Password in the appropriate fields noted on the Login page.
- Click the ‘Login’ button
2.Student Roster Screen w/ navigation and Icon Legend
- Click the Student ID # blue icon to enter a test score:
- If the student failed, their last scored test date and their status is displayed in ‘Pass/Fail’ and ‘HFWE history’ columns.
3.Select Class Type and Session
- Select the test language and click the ‘Next’ button.
- Session will default to the current test.
4.SCore Sheet (unscored)
- Score the practice word and input the results for the words assessed.
- The ‘Cancel’ button does not save the score sheet, but returns to the student roster.
- The ‘Save’ button saves the changes made to the Score Sheet.
5.assessment Summary Screen (after saving)
- Review the Assessment Summary Screen. If everything is accurate, check the ‘Completed’ checkbox to lock the test.
- The ‘Back to Student List’ returns to the student roster to enter another test score.
Class Reports
- Selection Criteria:
- Select by Test Session
- Select by Teacher (includes all options)
- Select by Student ID
- Report tool bar provides ability to advance pages, zoom, search, save in WORD, EXCEL, or PDF formats, refresh, and print.
- The Individual Results report is a summary sheet that identifies how the student scored on the test. It details the reading accuracy level, the accuracy total correct, and if the student met or did not meet (DNM) test standards.
Student Roster Screen w/ navigation and Icon Legend
- The HFWE History, Pass/Fail and Access columns all refer to the last scored test which will display in the HFWE History drop-down menu. For additional details, see below.
Icon legend:
- Green Dot = Student PASSED last administered test
- Red Dot = Student FAILED last administered test
- Lock Icon = Indicates the scoring process is complete and the person recording the score has reviewed the score sheet for accuracy. The lock represents completeness and a final state.
- Blank Space = Indicates the student needs to test during the current administration. If the space displays a blank during the year it could be a new student or a student who never took the test before.
Quick Start GuideFINAL
2014-2015Page 1 of 5
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