3298 Curtis Dr.

Temple Hills, MD 20748

Betsy White, Principal

Parent/Student Handbook

Main Office: (301) 702-3831

Office Fax: (301) 702-3839


Students: 9:15 a.m. – 3:25 p.m.

Breakfast in the classroom 8:45 a.m. – 9:05 a.m.

Teachers/Office Staff: 8:45 a.m. - 3:55 p.m.

Teacher calls are taken from 8:45 a.m. - 9:15a.m. and 3:25 p.m.- 3:55 p.m.

School Colors: Blue and White

Mascot: Eagle


  1. Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
  2. Enrichment Opportunities for selected students
  3. Monthly PTA meetings
  4. Monthly Parent meetings
  5. Quarterly Honor Roll/Perfect Attendance acknowledgement
  6. Instructionally based field trips
  7. Spanish Immersion (grades K - 3)
  8. PBIS Monthly celebration
  9. Enrichment Opportunities for parents


Academic Achievement for ALL! Literacy through effective school improvement!


Safe and Supportive Environments: Create a positivelearningenvironmentfocused on literacy instruction across disciplines.

Organizational Effectiveness: Ensure that structures are created in schools for common planning, data analysis through datawise,reviewing student work at grade & department levels.

Family and Community Engagement: Plan programs and activities thathelp parents increaseliteracyat home.

Academic Excellence: Implementing new and existing curriculum focused on the Common Core State Standards with fidelity.

High Performing Workforce: Train all instructional staff on effective literacy strategies

Overlook’s Vision

Overlook Full Spanish Immersion School, in collaboration with parents and the community, will developbilingual and bi-literate students,fluent in the Spanish language, who can achieve academic success and acquire multicultural awareness and respect.

Overlook’s Mission

Overlook Full Spanish Immersion is a K-5thschool that provides an opportunity for all students to achieve high levels of bilingual proficiency and to develop multicultural competency through a rigorous Spanish Immersion instruction program. Our school philosophy is based on the belief that, one who knows two languages can contribute in two worlds.” Within this philosophical framework, Overlook values and respects the Spanish language and all cultures represented within or school equally, instills a sense of community service in students, develops future leaders, and involves parents as part of the school learning community.


Overlook Elementary School students will follow the mandatory uniform policy established by Prince George's County Public Schools (AP 0600).



White collared blouse, turtlenecks

White polo style shirt

Navy blue skirt

Navy blue jumper

Navy blue shorts/skort

Navy blue sweater V-neck or button-up

Navy blue pants

White socks

Jumpers, skorts and skirts need to beno shorter than fingertip level. Please see the Professional School Counselor for clarification.

Girls in Headstart through 5th grade are discouraged from carrying purses throughout the school day. If they must bring them the school is not liable for the purse and/or its contents. Furthermore, the purse must not cause a disruption to the educational environment.


White collared shirt, turtlenecks

White polo style shirt

Navy blue pants

Navy blue shorts

Navy blue sweater V-neck or button-u

White socks


Dark colored


Soft soled (preferably black - sneakers are safest on playground equipment).Opened toed- shoes (for example but not limited to sandals) are not permitted.

NOTE:Denim or jean materials are not allowed.

Shirts/Blouses are to be tucked in at all times.


Earrings should not be any larger than the diameter of a case quarter. SCHOOL PERSONNEL WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST ITEMS.

In accordance with county policy #0600, the following steps will betaken for consistent violations:

  • First violation: The child’s teacher contacts the parent(s) or guardian(s) and notifies the principal that a violation has occurred.
  • Second violation: The teacher refers the student to the principal who contacts the parent(s) or guardian(s) by telephone and in writing that a second violation has occurred.
  • Repeated violations will be deemed as persistent disobedience or insubordination and will be dealtwith in accordance with the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities.

Headdresses can be worn indoors for religious and health reasonsonly.


Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:45 a.m. to enter the school building for breakfast in the classroom.


Parents or guardians are responsible for notifying the school office by telephone on any day that your child is absent. A written notice is REQUIRED when the student returns (ask for a form in the main office).A doctor's certificate is required when a child returns to school after having any communicable diseases such as measles, chicken pox, etc. Parents may request assignments for students who are absent for an extended period of time. Please be mindful of the following:

  1. Teachers need 24 hours in advance to prepare assignments.
  2. Work cannot be gathered on a daily basis.
  3. Work can only be provided for excused absences.

The following is a list of lawful absences from Administrative Procedure 5113;

  • Death in the immediate family.
  • Illness of child. The principal shall require a physician’s certificate from the parent or guardian of a child reported continuously absent for illness
  • Court summons
  • Hazardous weather conditions
  • Work approved or sponsored by the school
  • School sponsored activity during the school day
  • Observance of religious holidays, state of emergency, suspension, lack of authorized transportation, other emergency or set of circumstances, which, in the judgment of the superintendent or designee, constitutes good and sufficient cause for absence from school.
  • All other reasons are considered by the county as unexcused.


Studentswho arrive after 9:15 a.m. are marked tardy. Students who are late due to the school bus being delayed are not considered tardy. Tardy students must secure a tardy pass from the office before going to class.Perfect attendance is awarded to students who are on time and present daily.


A note is required for early dismissal. The note should state why the child is leaving early and who will be picking up the child. Only parents/guardians who are listed on the family card are allowed to sign students out. Adults are to wait in the office for their child.

DISMISSAL (the order of this process may change at anytime)

  1. Bus dismissal begins at 3:25 p.m.
  2. Walkers will be dismissed afterthe bus riders
  3. Car riders will be dismissed with the walkers.


Emergency Dismissal Form

Prince George's County Public School's administrative policy requires that the school have a plan for each family. The plan should describe how the child would be cared for if school is dismissed early due to an emergency situation or inclement weather. This should be a workable plan that your child understands, as the school will not be able to phone or locate every family. This written plan is kept on file at school.


When schools are closed, or closing early due to inclement weather or emergency conditions, an announcement will be made over all Washington area radio and television stations. Please check the website for up to date information at


One hour - school starts at 10:15 a.m., buses also run 1 hour late.

Two hour - school starts at 11:15 a.m., buses also run 2 hours late.

THE BREAKFAST PROGRAM will take place, however, scheduled FIELDTRIPS will be CANCELLED.


Parents who have questions or concerns regarding their children's education are urged to contact the teachers and principal without hesitation (Ask for the question/concern form in the main office). The classroom teacher should be the first person contacted regarding classroom concerns. Matters taken initially to the central office personnel or to the Board of Education are ultimately presented at the local school level. Time is saved and communication is enhanced when the appropriate school based personnel are aware of the concern. When we, the staff at OverlookFull Spanish Immersion School, cannot answer your questions or facilitate a mutual resolution that is in the best interest of the student, we will assist you with contacting the proper authorities at a higher administrative level. Our goal is to always remember that all decisions will be made in the best interest of the students.


All visitors are required to report first to the main office, show photo I.D., sign in, and receive a pass, and must be accompanied by an administrator at all times. Parents are not to conference with teachers during class time, as this disrupts instructional time. Parents who wish to speak with a teacher, MUST schedule an appointment.

All schools in Prince George's County Maryland are a "Drug Free Zone”. While visiting the school, please refrain from smoking in the building or on the school grounds.


If youwould like to volunteer/mentor and/or chaperone a field trip, please contact the Professional School Counselor or the Parent Engagement Assistant. All volunteers must be fingerprinted according to Prince George’s County guidelines. Call (301) 952-6775 for more information.

Volunteers & mentors help provide a quality education for all students. Parents, students, neighbors, friends, business and government employees, crafts people, retirees, and anyone who has time to share are invited to:

  1. Tutor children individually or in small groups.
  2. Aid teachers in preparing materials for all subject areas and other
    school activities.
  3. Share skills and talents, job expertise or life experience, as
    special resources for classroom instruction.
  4. Assist staff in the school office, media center, health room,cafeteria, or anywhere in the school building or on theschool grounds.

Offer help from home by making instructional materials, typing, making displays, and many other activities are also very helpful.


The School Planning & Management is a committee of teachers, support staff, parents, and administrators who share in the governance and management of school activities and program. This vehicle provides an opportunity for the key stakeholders who are responsible for child development to come together to create and plan long and short-term programs, solve problems and evaluate results in a "no fault" atmosphere. Success of the SPMT's efforts leads to the establishment of a positive school climate that enhances student learning and social development.


We recognize that the home and school share in a mutual undertaking of aiding the total development of the individual student. For this reason, we feel that the school and home should be communicating with each other. In efforts to bring about a close partnership between the two, we have set up a system of reporting with the designated purpose of working with parents.


Remind 101 offers a free, safe and simple way to instantly text parents. Overlook Full Spanish Immersion School can send reminders or motivational messages directly to parents' phones. Messaging is safe because phone numbers are kept private. Sign-up by texting @overlookel to 301-637-0475 (standard text messaging rates may apply).


Once a month, a newsletter will be issued providing parents with an overall summary of past and future activities.For example, test dates, PTA meetings, dates when school is closed and pertinent information about the operation of the school system and its policies. Please check your child’s backpack or folder for these newsletters.


The School Communication System (SCS) gives Overlook Full Spanish Immersion School the ability to deliver general and emergency alerts to specified phone numbers with the click of a few buttons. SCS is able to:

  • Notify students and parents of upcoming events.
  • Contact you, students and faculty to announce school closings.
  • Create a better line of communication between administration and parents.


The school telephones are provided and reserved for official business and cannot be made available to students except in emergencies. The telephone will not be used to retrieve forgotten work, instruments, lunch money, and etc.


Overlook Full Spanish Immersion School has developed a parent-teacher association. This organization provides an opportunity for parents, teachers and administrators to work together on various school-related programs.General PTA meetings will be scheduled once a month and membership dues are $10 annually per person. The PTA website is


Please label lunch bags/boxes, and articles of clothing. All articles of clothing that can be taken off at school should be labeled with a name and a room number. (Ex. jackets, coats, sweaters, hats, etc.)

Lost and Found

All articles that are found in the school building are kept in the cafeteria closet on the stage for three weeks. If your child loses an article of clothing, please see that an inquiry is made.


Children should only bring enough money for lunch or other predetermined needs. A purse, sealed envelope or other means for carrying the money safely would be helpful.

School Supplies

Each grade level will send home a list of needed supplies. Please adhere to your list of supplies and not purchase any unnecessary materials. All supplies should be labeled with your child’s name.Your child should have paper and 2 pencils daily.

Bookbag or Backpack

All students should have a bookbag or backpack in which to carry books, homework assignments and supplies to and from school.Bookbags and backpacks keep students prepared for class and keep their materials organized. We ask that backpacks and bookbags are checked and cleaned regularly.

OverlookFull Spanish Immersion has a full time school nurse. The Health Room is designed to take care or minor cleaning and bandaging of wounds that occur at school, and provide a temporary place for children who are ill and need to go home. Please make sure that the school has a record of all current phone numbers in the event of an emergency so contact persons can be notified.


Should your child require medication of any kind, it must be brought by a parent, not by a student. Medication cannot be left in the classroom, with the teacher, or in the student's possession. It is placed in the health room with a signed statement from a physician.Medicine is taken under the supervision of certified school personnel.

A Medication Authorization Form must be on file for each individual situation and can be obtained from the school. For your child's protection, each medication must be in an appropriate container and labeled with the name of the medication, name of the student, and the date. Please contact the school nurse with any questions.


If a student becomes ill at school, he/she is sent to the health room until they are able to return to class. In severe cases, the parent is notified topick up their child from school. Parents must pick up their child or send someone who is listed on the family card immediately!

School personnel ARE NOT permitted to apply or administer medication, and/or treat injuries which occurred outside of normal school hours or off of school property. DO NOT send children to school requesting this service. Legally, services for first aid can only be provided for in-school sickness and/or accidents.

Major accidents are immediately referred to professional personnel and the child will be sent to the closest emergency center.


The County Health Department provides certain vaccines and tests such as Rubella and Tuberculin. If needed, parents will be given additional information about these tests. Children are unable to attend school if they have not received the proper vaccine(s).Please adhere to the immunization requirements. Please contact the Maryland Health Department for more information.


Vision and Hearing Screenings are done by trained technicians. Routine vision and hearing testing are performed on kindergarten, and fourth grade students. Color vision screening is routinely performed on all fourth grade students. Written referrals from parents with children in other grades will be accepted.



Lunch $2.75 $.40

Milk $ .55

Maryland Meals for Achievementhas been awarded to Overlook Full Spanish Immersion Shool for the 2017- 2018school year.All studentsare entitled to eat a free breakfast provided by the school.


Students may bring or buy a lunch. Each child is issued a PIN code and an account to use daily. Parents can deposit up to $99.00 at any given time on a student’s account. If you would like to utilize MySchoolBucks consult the www1.pgcps.org/foodandnutrition website for details.The school office or cafeteriaCANNOT provide lunch for students. Children who lose or forget lunch money are provided with a sandwich and milk.


The Free and Reduced Meals Program is a federally funded program available to selected families. An application will be sent home with your child within the first few days of school. If you wish to apply, please complete ALL information requested and return to the office promptly.Please allow two to three weeks to process the application. Meeting the guidelines for the free/reduced plan is a requirement of the program.