Remonda Bensabat Kleinberg PhD, LLM

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

University of North Carolina

Wilmington, N.C.


Phone: (910) 962-4254

Fax: (910) 962-3286


LLM International Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto, October, 2008.

International Trade and Economic Law; International Public Law

Certificate in WTO Law and Policy, Institute of International Economic Law, Georgetown University

Law Center, Washington, DC. October 2007

Ph.D Political Science, University of Toronto, April, 1995

Major Field: Comparative Politics – Developing Countries

2nd Major Field: International Relations / International Political Economy

M.A. Political Science, University of Waterloo, October, 1988

Major Field: Comparative Politics – Developing Countries

2nd Major Field: International Relations

Certificado de Asistencia, Spanish Language, University of Madrid, Spain, June 1985

B.A. (Specialized Honors) Political Science, York University, November 1984

Major Field: International Relations/ International Political Economy

Certificate In Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Florida International University, Sept. 1984



The Politics of International Trade Regulation in the Developing World: Law and Policy of “Preferential Treatment” in the Governance of World Trade, Carolina Academic Press, (forthcoming) 2010

Economic Liberalization, Democratization, and Civil Society in the Developing World (edited volume), London: Macmillan Press, 2000.

Strategic Alliances and Other Deals: State-Private Sector Relations and Economic Reform in Mexico, Durham: North Carolina, Carolina Academic Press, 1999.


“U-S Hegemony in Latin America: In Our Own Backyard” in Edward A. Kolodziej and Roger E. Kanet, eds., From Superpower to Besieged Global Power: Restoring World Order after the Failure of the Bush Doctrine. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2008.

“Economic Liberalization and Inequality in Mexico: Prospects for Democracy,” Economic Liberalization, Democratization, and Civil Society in the Developing World, Remonda B. Kleinberg and J. Clark (eds), London: Macmillan Press, 2000

“Strategic Alliances: State and Business in Mexico Under Neoliberalism and Crisis,” Bulletin of Latin American Studies, Vol. 18, No. I. 1999.

“Governability and the Receiver State in Latin America: Analysis & Prospects,” (with J. Nef), in Latin America To the Year 2000, A.R.M. Ritter, Maxwell Cameron, and David Pollock (eds), New York: Praeger Publications, 1992.

“Chilean Plebiscite: Exit Pinochet?” (co-author J. Nef), International Perspectives: The Canadian Journal of World Affairs, Vol. VIII, No. I, January/February, 1989

Book Reviews

Journal of Income Distribution, Lincoln Chen, Akiko Fukuda-Parr, Ellen Seidensticker, Human Insecurity in a Global World, Global Initiative and Asia Center, Harvard University, (Cambridge), Harvard University Press, 2008 *(forthcoming)

European Journal for Development Research, January 2004, Fatoumata Jawara and Aileen Kwa, Behind the Scenes at the WTO: The Real World of International Trade Negotiations, (London), Zed Books, 2004

European Journal for Development Research, December 2003, Bhagirath Lal Das, WTO: The Doha Agenda: The New Negotiations on World Trade, (London), Zed Books, 2003.

European Journal for Development Research, Ramesh Adhikari and Prema-chandra Athukorala (editors), 2002, Developing Countries in the World Trading System: the Uruguay Round and Beyond, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishers, 2002.

Professional Conference Papers and Activities

“Trade, Development and Dispute Settlement in the Developing World: MFN v Developing Country Exceptions in the WTO,” Presented at a Special Session, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, August 2008.

“A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Determinants of Democratization,” State Department’s National Security Council and the National Intelligence Service Workshop on the Economic Determinants of Democracy Creation, Army Navy Club, Washington, DC, August 4, 2006.

US Hegemony Project Invited with Honorarium to Present a paper and contribute a chapter on “U-S Hegemony in Latin America: In Our Own Backyard, Chicago, March 18-21, 2006

Winners and Losers: A Numbers’ Game, Complexities in the WTO, Invited with Honorarium to Present to a Conference on The Complexities of Dispute Resolution at the NAFTA, Center for International Studies, Southern California University, October 1, 2004

“International Economic Law and Globalization,” Invited with Honorarium to Present to a Conference of Business and Trade in Mexico, Southern Methodist University, October 25, 2002

“Globalizations and Governance: From Conflict to Development in the New Century?” Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada August 9-11 2001.

“International Trade and Human Rights Law: Challenges and Tensions of Globalization in the Developing World,” presented at the 2001 Hong Kong Convention of International Studies, Globalization and Its Challenges in the 21st Century, July 26-28, 2001, Hong Kong.

“The Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy: Challenges and Implications for Canada,” Invited with Honorarium to a Roundtable Discussion, Munk Center for International Studies and Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT- Canada), University of Toronto, May 18, 2001.

“New World Orders?” Chair, International Political Science Association’s XVIII World Congress, Quebec City, Quebec, “World Capitalism, Governance, and Community: Toward a Corporate Millennium?” August 1-6, 2000

Globalization and Governance in the New Millennium in Latin America,” Invited to the First William Brown Lectures Series, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January 17, 2000.

“Mexico’s Integration with the Global Economy: The Prospects and its Effects,” presented at the Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, April 17-19, 1998, University of Liverpool, U.K.

“Economic Liberalization and Inequality in Mexico: Prospects for Democracy,” presented at the Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, April 4-6, 1997, St. Andrews University, Fife, Scotland.

Prospects for Democratic Development in Mexico in NAFTA,” presented at the International Political Science Association’s XVII World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, August 17-21, 1997.

“New Inequalities and New Dependencies? Accommodating and Conflicting State-Society Relations in Transition and Consolidation of Democracy,” Panel organized for the American Political Science Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, August 28 to September 1, 1996.

“Strategic Alliances: State and Business in Mexico Under Neoliberalism and Crisis,” presented at the Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, University of Leeds, U.K., March 29-31, 1996.

“Strategic Alliances and Inequality in Mexico: Transformations in State-Business Relations,” presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, August 28 to September 1, 1996.

“Workshop in International Business for Area Specialists,” Center for International Business Education and Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, July 30 – August 1,1995.

“State-Private Sector Relations in Mexico: A New Era for Business, “ presented at the Canadian Political Science Association “Learneds” Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 6-10, 1995.

Papers Given To University Panels and Community Organizations

Globablization and the New World Order, Super Saturday, Public Service, UNCW October 2005

“The Millennium Goals and Child Poverty: How Do We Fare?” Invited to talk for the UN’s 60th Anniversary Hosted by the UNA Association, Cape Fear Chapter, October, 2005

“Foreign Policy and the “New Administration,” Presented at “College Day,” UNCW, November 20, 2004

“Globalization: The Challenge and the Dispute,” Presented to the Cameron School of Business Conference on Globalization and Latin American, Spring 2004

“Where Do We Go From Here? Iraq and Beyond” Presented to the Lion’s Club, February 2003

“A War in Iraq?” Presented to the Kiwanis Club, October 2003

“International Law and the Use of Force,” Presented at the Mini-Semester, UNCW, October 2003

“Iraq: A Teach-In,” Panel at UNCW, October 7, 2003

Organized a panel and presented a paper at UNCW called “Terrorism, the Middle East and Security at Home,” November 1, 2001

Participated in UNCW’s Forum on Terrorism and Security at Home, October 2001

“The United Nations and the International Community,” presented to the United Nations Association of America, North Carolina Chapter, February 27, 2000

“Democracy In Spain,” presented at the Critical International Issues panel, UNCW, April 18, 1997.

“Trade and Investment in Mexico: Prospects Under Economic Crisis Conditions,” presented at the World Trade Association –Cape Fear Chapter Meeting March 13, 1996, Wilmington, N.C.

“Israel Today: Wither the State?,” Presented to Hadassah Women’s Organization, B’nai Israel Synagogue, Thursday, September 4, 1997

“Mexico: An Embattled Neighbor,” presented at the Great Decisions Lecture Series, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, February 14, 1996.

Awards, Grants and Honors
University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Exemplary Post-Tenure Review Spring 2006

Distinguished Departmental Service 2005/2006

Distinguished Departmental Service 2002/2003

Outstanding Faculty Award: 1999/2000

Outstanding Faculty Award: 1996/1997

University of Toronto

1989-1992: Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship (3 years, 14,500 per year)

1991: Sir Val Duncan Memorial Award, Center for International Studies (1,000)

1988-1989: Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), 10,000

University of Waterloo

1988: Graduated with Distinction

Nominated for the Governor General’s Gold Medal and the Alumni Gold Medal for best Masters’


1987-1988: University of Waterloo, Type 1 Scholarship, (2,200)

Administrative Experience

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Program Coordinator/Advisor; Minor in International Affairs

Program Coordinator/Advisor, Great Decisions Lecture Series

Program Coordinator, Producer, Host: UNCW-TV “World at Large”

Creator: Go Mexico, Exchange program between Monterrey Technical and UNC-Wilmington

Internationalization Task Force

Program Coordinator and Producer of Cape Fear International Film Festival

Teaching and Research Experience
Osgoode Hall Law School

September 2000- January 2001 – Research for Project

on Governance, Globalization and International Law

February, 2001 – Canadian Trade Disputes in the WTO

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

July 2000- Associate Professor

July 1994- 1999: Assistant Professor

Courses Taught and Developed

International Political Economy (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, SA)

Violence Studies (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, SA)

International Law

Politics of Developing Countries

Politics of South America

Politics of Central America

Politics of the Middle East

Comparative Revolutionary Movements/Terrorism and Counter-terrorism

Introduction to International Relations

Introduction to Comparative Politics

Politics in Global Perspectives

Politics of Mexico

Politics and Literature of Vietnam

Latin American Politics

Qualitative Field Research

LLM Research, Geneva, Switzerland, World Trade Organization, May 2007

Global Advisory Board, Israel Law Center: Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Northern Border, Tel Aviv, Israel: June-July, 2003 and November 2004; My advisory responsibilities included interpretation of International law for on-going court cases.

Book Research: Strategic Alliances and Other Deals: State-Private Sector Relations and Economic

Reform in Mexico, May-July, 1996, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey.

Research Assistant: Ford Foundation, Joint Project between the Center for International Studies and El Colegio de Mexico, “Economic Restructuring in Mexico,” Mexico City (March-August, 1992), Dr. Judith Teichman, University of Toronto; Dr. Edelberto Garcia Rojas, Center for Economic Studies, El Colegio de Mexico.

Doctoral Research: March – September 1992, Mexico City,

Course Research: (Inter-American Relations) “A North America Free Trade: Mexico’s Only Option,?” May 1989

Independent Research: York University, “Mexico’s Foreign Policy in Central America,” Mexico City, April – July 1986

Independent Language and Culture Studies: “Politics, Culture and Language of Israel”, Kibbutz Ramat Hashofet, Israel, 1980

Professional Affiliations and Activities

Member of:

Global Advisory Board: Shurat Hadin (Israel Law Center)

American International Law Society

International Studies Association (ISA)

International Political Science Association (IPSA)

IPSA Research Committee #40: New World Orders?

Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS, Britain)

American Political Science Association (APSA)

UNC-Duke University Latin American Studies Working Group

World Trade Association- Cape Fear chapter

Other Activities:

Coordinator/Advisor, International Affairs Association (Student-led)

Peer Reviewer: Bulletin of Latin American Studies; European Journal of Development Research

Peer Reviewer: European Journal of Development Research

Expert Witness: Delay of Deportation Case (Peruvian Police Officer)

Faculty Chair: Campus Judicial Board

Representative/Chair: Fulbright Scholarship Committee (2001)

Founder: Women’s Political Science Caucus

Student Advisor: University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Chair: Critical International Issues Committee (2000)

Media Resource Person: International, Middle East, Terrorism, Latin American and Caribbean Issues, Wilmington, NC

Teaching and Research Interests

Trade and Development

International Trade Law, Development and Security

Dispute Resolution and the WTO

Comparative Trade Policies: WTO/MERCOSUR/NAFTA/FTAA

Public International Law

Structural Adjustment and Politics of Democratization

Economic Reform and Democracy in the Developing World: A Comparative Analysis

International Political Economy

Political Economy of Developing Countries/ The State and Structural Adjustment

The WTO as international ‘equalizer.’

International Governance, Trade and Human Rights in the New Millennium


English (mother-tongue), Spanish (reading, comprehension, conversation), French (reading, comprehension), Hebrew (comprehension)


Dr. Judith Teichman Dr. Milan Dluhy

Professor Professor

Department of Political Science Department of Political Science

University of Toronto, UNCW

416- 468-4688 910-962-3220

Harry Arthurs Dr. Tom Barth

President Emeritus Professor

Osgoode Hall Law School Department of Political Science

York University UNCW

Toronto, Ontario 910-962-3220
