Hi Friends,you are cordially welcome to the house of comedy - a place where the doctor in the house offers you the best medicinefor all types of ailments - Laughter.

This is a book dedicated to make you laugh your way to good health through jokes,photo comedy,humor and other forms of entertainment.

Let's sample some of the stuff we have in this book and on our blog located at here;


I know that a good number of you my friends play different types of games and you are well tutored in attacking and defensive strategies. However, I am very, very sure that you have not been taught the modern defensive strategies especially in Basketball. Do you doubt me? Take a look at the photo below.

Please tell me the truth and shame the devil! Have ever been taught this defensive tactic?It only comes naturally, my friends!



Captured By Cannibals.

Three men who were lost in the forest were captured by
cannibals. The cannibal king told the prisoners that they
could live if they passed a trial. The first step of the
trial was to go to the forest and get ten pieces of the
same kind of fruit. So all three men went separate ways
to gather fruits.
The first one came back and said to the king, “I brought ten apples.”

The king then explained the trial to him.
“You have to shove the fruits up your butt without any
expression on your face or you’ll be eaten.”
The first apple went in… but on the second one he
winced out in pain, so he was killed.
The second one arrived and showed the king ten berries.
When the king explained the trial to him he thought to
himself that this should be easy. 1…2…3…4…5…6
…7…8… and on the ninth berry he burst out in
laughter and was killed.

The first guy and the second guy met in heaven.
The first one asked, “Why did you laugh, you almost got
away with it?” The second one replied, “I couldn’t
help it when I saw the third guy coming with pineapples.”


Was that hilarious? Good. Check these ones out too.

How Hussain Bolt Became A World Champion InSprints.

There are a lot of stories flying around about how Hussain Bolt became the World Champion in the Sprints Events. Many have talked about Drugs, Ganja, Booze and so on. I do not want to vouch for his cleanliness in those areas in this post. I simply wish to remind people here that the best things in life are actually FREEEEEE!!!!! Sometimes they come in form of challenges! Why do you think the Kenyans, Ugandans dominate the Marathon? They are used to chasing Rabbits until the Rabbits give up and just surrender their lives for the survival of the man or woman chasing them! Those critics cannot even chase a fart! Now before I digress, Let’s see how Hussain Bolt practices for his races.

I dare all those who have competing with Hussain Bolt for this title to try this sort of training session!

I bet you their legs will never remain the same thereafter!


Security Issues.

When people go to the churches and mosques, it is expected that they are going there to pray to the Almighty God and that such people have the fear of God in them. However these days, that is not always the case. It is becoming normal to go to these places of worship only to come back home with one or two of your belongings missing. It could be your handset, wallet or even slippers! This has necessitated some of us to device unconventional means of securing our properties as shown in the photo below.

The Devil Is A Liar!

We will continue to serve the Almighty God whether he likes it or yes!
