HFMBOCESSchool Library System

2016-2017 Evaluation Survey

Please complete this form to indicate your assessment of our School Library System’s service during the school year 2016-2017. Your responses will help us serve you better! The State Education Department will also receive a summary of the evaluation results.

Please return to HFM BOCES SLS by Wednesday,June 9, 2017.

Please note that for many items you are asked to indicate your degree of satisfaction with the program and/or service AND how important that service and/or program is to you.

Completing this form should take approximately 20 minutes.

Where appropriate, please rate 1-5 using the following scale:


1 - poor1 - not important at all 2 - fair 2 - somewhat important

3 - good3 - important

4 - very good4 - very important

5 - excellent5 - essential

NA - not applicableNA - not applicable

  1. How would you rate the communication between you and your school district Council and Communication Coordinator member?

Performance Importance

1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. How would you rate the communication between the SLS and you concerning information from the State Education Department and otherlibrary systems?


1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. Did you take part in our Shadowing Program in the past year?


If so, how was it helpful to you?

  1. Has the SLS promoted an exchange of ideas between School Library Media



1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. SLS offered many professional development opportunities this year including …

Workshops for teachers and SLMS which included:Future Ready Libraries, A CDLC Update, Learning Commons, A chance to work on Member Plans together, Books for Elementary Collections, Secondary Collections and Ebooks.

A 4-System workshop w/ WSWHE SLS, Questar and Capital Region BOCES was offered: “All About Text Sets.”

How would you rate these?


1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. Would you be willing to offer a mini-workshop to your colleagues as part of our staff development for 2017-2018? If so,on what topic?



  1. What type of staff development would be most useful to you personally?
  1. How would you rate the value of the service of the routing of professional journals such as School Library Journal?

Performance Importance

1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. What are you doing differently because of the Common Core? (Check all that apply.)

ONothing. The Common Core does not affect me.

OI am attending workshops and professional development activities, but so far I have not changed anything.

OI have changed my collection development plan and will be adding different materials.

OI have changed my curriculum and what I teach to students.

OI have changed my management of the library program including policies and procedures, facility, or organization of the collection.

OI am collaborating more with classroom teachers.

OI am being consulted more often on research and text complexity issues.


  1. Is your school administrator aware and supportive of the School Library System services?

Very aware___Somewhat aware___Unaware___

What have you done in your building to increase awareness?

  1. Are students and faculty in your school aware of the School Library System services?

Very aware___Somewhat aware___Unaware___

What strategies have you employed to increase awareness?

  1. Do you feel that increased positive public relations with your parents and community is directly beneficial to your library?

Very___Somewhat___ No___


  1. How would you rate the SLS in encouraging and promoting collaboration between you and the classroom teacher in support of the New York State Standards?

PerformanceImportance 1 2 3 4 5 NA 1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. How would you rate the SLS in its support of your requests forresource sharing of books and periodicals in the following areas?


ILL1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA

CaDiLaC Online1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA

Database group buys1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA

Courier service1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. Have you found the HFM SLS Union Catalog (Horizon) helpful for ILL purposes?

Very___Somewhat___Not at all___


  1. Approximately how often have you used the HFM Union Catalog?

Very often ____ Often____ Somewhat____ Not at all____

  1. To what extent are you familiar with the policies and procedures that have beenestablished for our CCCD Plan?

Familiar____ Somewhat____ Not at all_____


What subject(s) does your library represent well?



Would you like to see this developed more for ILL purposes?



  1. How would you rate the SLS support of all aspects of library automation?


1 2 3 4 5 NA1 2 3 4 5 NA


  1. Describe two goals you have for next year: first, for your professional development and second, for your media center.
  1. How can the School Library System help you achieve these goals?
  1. Which System provided service was of greatest benefit to you this year?
  1. If you could add one service to the System’s offerings for next year, what would it be?
  1. What program/service is most in need of improvement? How?
  1. Additional comments:


School (Optional)

Thank you for your participation!