A Review
Build Background
As a group, discuss the following:
How can knowing another language create understanding?
Communication is more complicated when it travels across cultures or back in time. Scholars and others can help us make sure we understand the past.
Discuss the meanings of words in the concept map.
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 1
A Activity
Leveled Reader: Code Breakers: Uncovering German Messages
Before Reading
Preview the book by looking at the title, cover, and pictures. What do you think the cover shows?
What do the pictures in the book tell you about German messages in code? Set a purpose for reading.
Begin a K-W-L Chart by filling in what you know and what you want to know about codes. This book is about the code Germans used during World War II. The German code, like most codes, was developed to communicate secret messages.
During Reading
As you read, look for facts about the German code and record them in the last column of the K-W-L Chart.
After Reading
What did you learn that you had hoped to learn?
What else did you learn that was completely new to you?
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 1
A Review
Graphic Sources
Review the definitions of graphic sources on p.114 and EI-8.
Predict and Set Purpose
Review the definitions of predicting and setting a purpose. Use the Extend Thinking questions for additional support or refer to Envision It! p. EI-20
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 2
A Activity
Reading Street Book: Seeker of Knowledge
Read Seeker of Knowledge on pp. 118-125 and use the comprehension skill and strategy as you read.
Why are small graphics worked into the text of this biography?
Why are some graphics explained in the side panels?
Look through the entire reading and examine the hieroglyphs. Why do you think only some of the hieroglyphs in the text are shown or explained in the side panels?
How do the illustrations help tell this life story?
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 2
A Review
Greek and Latin Roots/Word Structure
Look at the word inscription. The word script is familiar to me. It means written instructions for putting on a play. The word script is also in prescription, something a doctor writes so a person can get medicine. The Latin root script means “write.” Based on the root word script and the context clues on p. 126, I think that inscriptions means “words that are written or carved into a surface.”
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 3
A Activity
Reading Street Book: Seeker of Knowledge
Read Seeker of Knowledge on pp. 126-129. As you read, apply the skill and strategy.
Locate and investigate Greek and Latin roots. Use a dictionary to trace the Latin etymology of the word magnificent. Name one or more other English words you know with this same root.
How did Napoleon influence Jean-Francois’s career?
The writer says Jean-Francois’s translation opened “the door to Egypt’s past.” What does this mean?
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 3
A Activity
Reading Street Book: Making Mummies
Before Reading
Read the genre information about search engines on p. 134. Preview Making Mummies on pp. 108-109. Set a purpose for reading.
Will this article teach you how to make mummies? Explain.
What do you expect to learn about search engines?
During Reading
What decisions do you have to make when using a search engine?
Once you get to a useful Web site, is your search over? Explain.
After Reading
Share your reactions to the information about search engines.
Write a three or four steps in the process of using search engines.
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 4
A Activity
Leveled Reader: Code Breakers: Uncovering German Messages
Reread for Fluency
Silently reread passages from Code Breakers: Uncovering German Messages. Then reread them aloud with a partner or individually.
For optimal fluency, you should reread passages three to four times.
Where and when did these events take place?
Tell about the major events in order.
Unit 4 Week 4 Day 5