
Hettinger Elementary Supply List

Please label all supplies. Your child will need the following school supplies. All students need separate gym shoes that are not worn outside the building.


1 box of 8 Crayola colors (thin-no more than 8)Resting Carpet

2 lead pencils (skinny)Kleenex-1 large box (175 count)

Glue (Elmer’s All Purpose)1 Folder with pockets

Pair of Fiskar’s Scissors1 Small School Box

Paint Shirt (a large old T-Shirt is fine) no buttons

1st Grade (Notes home Aug. 1st)2nd Grade (notes home Aug 1st)

1 box of 24 crayons (No boxes of 64 & no twistable)pencils, #2 lead

1 large Clorox Wipes 1 red pencils or pen /1 pencil box

1 12 inch ruler 2 two pocket folderErasers & Scissors

12 # 2 pencils Fiskar’s Scissors24 or more crayons & colored pencils

2 Kleenex-large box 1 large eraserRuler (inch & centimeter)

Glue stick l large Clorox Wipes2 Kleenex-large boxes

Glue (Elmer’s All Purpose) colored pencils1 Elmer’s All School Glue & glue stick

1 Small (5”-8”) Pencil Box 1 two pocket folder for papers

10 Crayola markers-Not Fine Tip1 box Crayola Classic Markers (not fine tip)

Pack of pencil top erasers1 composition notebook & 1 wide ruled notebook

Paint Shirt (Old T-Shirt)1 Clorox disinfecting wipes

No trapper keepers, three ring binders, clicker pencils, notebooks, or paper needed. (1st & 2nd)

3rd -6th graders will need to purchase a zip drive with lanyard -to use through the 12thgrade-Library has them for $7.00

3rd Grade (No Clicker Pencils)4th Grade

1 package of 24 pencils/extra erasers3 boxes of 24 pencils with erasers/extra erasers

1wide ruled single subject notebook2 red pencils

Markers and colored pencils2 boxes Kleenex

Ruler with centimeters24 or 36 Crayons

Crayons-1 large box24 or 36 colored pencils

School glueLoose leaf wide lined paper

Scissors with points2 (70) page wide lined notebooks

2 packs wide line loose leaf paper2 pocket folders

2 red –pencils or pensElmer’s Glue

1 folder with 2 pocketsFiskar Scissors

1 large box Kleenex & 1 Clorox Wipe1 package white 3 X 5 index cards

1 package white 3 x 5 index cardsNo Clicker Pencils/Trapper Keepers or 3 ring binders

Please No trapper keepers or three ring binders in 3rd

5th Grade6th Grade

2 ballpoint pens & 1 box of 24 pencils & mini pencil sharpener2 ballpoint pens & highlighters & markers

Colored pencils & crayonsColored pencils & crayons & 1 box of 24 pencils

4 folders with 2 pockets & loose leaf wide lines paper5 spiral notebooks (wide lined single subject)

4 spiral notebooks wide lined (single subject)Box of 24 pencils (No Clicker Pencils)

Box of 24 pencils (no clicker pencils)/eraserScissors with points

1 composition notebook & 1 packet loose leaf paper1 ruler (12 inches & metric)

Scissors with pointsElmer’s glue & mini pencil sharpener

1 ruler (12 inch & metric)2 Big boxes Kleenex

Elmer’s glue2composition notebook & 1 package loose leaf wide-lined paper

2 Big boxes of Kleenex4 folders with 2 pockets

Highlighters and markersMarkers, crayons, & highlighters

1 package white 3 x 5 index cards1 package white 3 x 5 index cards

1 Clorox Wipes (non-bleach) 1 Clorox Wipes (non-bleach)

Please no trapper keepers, three ring binders, pens, or clicker pencils for 5th or 6th graders.