Curriculum Vitae (July 2013)

Full name and title: Dr Carol Wolkowitz

Position: Reader, Sociology Department, University of Warwick,

Address: Department of Sociology, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL

Telephone no: 024 76523159 Email:

Education: D.Phil (Sussex), 1984; MA (Sussex), 1972; BA Honours (Smith College, USA) 1969

Awards and Research Grants

Institute of Advanced Studies, Warwick, Incubation Grant. ‘Bodies of Value’. C. Wolkowitz (PI), Shirin Rai, Ann Stewart and Sarah Hodges, Oct 2012 – July 2013, £4000.

AHRC 2010- 11. Connected Communities: Towards the Affordable Workhome: A Community Initiative with Home-based Workers in Social Housing. With F. Holliss, London Metropolitan University, £11,910

ESRC 2007-9. Principal Investigator, ESRC Research Seminar Series on Body Work: Critical Themes, Future Agendas, £15,000

Warwick Teaching Innovations Award for Visual Sociology (with P. Mizen), Spring 2006, £6000

Warwick Teaching Enhancing Award for Visual Sociology (with P. Mizen), Summer 2006, £1500

Choice [US] 1998 Outstanding Academic Book of the Year Award for A Glossary of Feminist Theory (with T. Lovell and S. Andermahr)

ESRC (1995-6) New and Old Homeworking in the UK (with A. Phizacklea), £30,000

Teaching, PhD supervision and administration, University of Warwick (2012-13):

Convenor, Sex, Gender and Power: Social Processes at Work, MA programme (18 students)

Convenor, Sexualities and Society, 3d year undergraduate option (66 students)

Co-convenor, Visual Sociology, 42 students

Contributed to Technologies of the Gendered Body; MA Qualitative Methodologies, etc.

Fifteen completed PhD students, including 8 ESRC and 1 British Commonwealth funded; three current PhD students -- on gender and agricultural commodity networks in Turkey; gendered embodiment in UK Fire Brigade employment (ESRC-funded); and implications of public-private employment for household gender division of labour. Past students’ topics include social class and cultural capital in a ‘big four’ accounting firm (ESRC funded); managerial change in the Indian vehicle industry; sexual harassment in the workplace; midwifery practice in separate and along-side units (ESRC); disability and sexuality (ESRC); the social relations of the strip club (ESRC); Nazi fetish web sites (ESRC); the medicalisation of ‘FSD’; mid-life women’s contraceptive choices (ESRC); the politics of Singapore contemporary theatre, etc.

Other Professional Activities


Internal/ External PhD examiner at Warwick, University of Southern Australia, Bristol, Cardiff, Queen Mary’s, Sussex and Leicester universities, UEL, Trinity College, Dublin, etc.

External examiner, Birkbeck University, MA/ MSc Gender and Sexuality, 2008-2010

External examiner, University of Lancaster, Sociology Department 2004- 2008 (Undergraduate degree)

University of Wolverhampton, Women’s Studies, 1994-9

University of East London, Sociology degree validation, 2005.

Research-related and editorial:

·  Associate editor, Gender, Work and Organization, 2008-

·  Int. Journal of Work, Emotion and Organization, Editorial Board, 2009-

·  Centre for Narrative Research, Advisory Board, 2001

·  Advisory Board, ‘Putting Knowledge into Practice’ (Career-building in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, ESRC funded, PI Nicola Gale, University of Birmingham, 2012-

·  Book Review Editor, Work, Employment and Society, 1996-8

Peer reviewing: Peer reviewer for ESRC and Nuffield awards, University of Freiberg, journals (e.g. Human Relations, Organization, Feminist Review, Feminist Theory, Geoforum, Journal of Popular Culture, Body & Society, Sociological Review, Sociology, Ergonomics, etc.) and publishers (Sage, The Policy Press, Zed, etc.)

Recent conference/ conference stream organization:

·  Work, Employment and Society Tri-annual Conference, University of Warwick, Conference Organizing Committee, to be held September 2013

·  International Labour Process Conference. ‘Body/Sex/Work: The Diversification of Sexual and Corporeal Labour’ (April 2011)

·  Gender, Work and Organization. ‘Politics and Work/ Politics as Work’ (with Nickie Charles, June 2010)

·  ‘Visualising Landscapes of Work and Labour’ International Visual Studies Association (with Phil Mizen, July 2009)

·  Organised student photography competition for the British Sociological Association 2008 conference on Nature and Culture, University of Warwick.


In preparation:

R.L.Cohen and C. Wolkowitz, ‘Gender, Body Work and Commodification’, for submission to Gender, Work and Organization or Work, Employment and Society.

C. Wolkowitz, The Body Work Economy of South Florida, for submission to New Political Economy Special Issue on Corporeal Capitalism or another journal.
In press:

C. Wolkowitz ‘Bodies’ Sociology of Work: An Encyclopaedia, edited by Vickie Smith, Sage.


C.Wolkowitz, T. Sanders, R.L. Cohen and K. Hardy (eds) (2013) Sex/Body/Work: Intimate, Sexualized and Embodied Labour, Basingstoke: Palgrave. 265 pp.

J. Twigg, C. Wolkowitz, R.L.Cohen, and S. Nettleton (eds) (2011) Body Work in Health and Social Care, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell 172 pp.

C. Wolkowitz (2006) Bodies at Work London: Sage. 224 pages.

T. Lovell, S Andermahr and C Wolkowitz (1997, 2000) A Glossary of Feminist Theory London: Edward Arnold 1997, 352 pp Winner of the Choice [US] Outstanding Academic Book of the Year Award 1998 Japanese edition published 2000

A Phizacklea and C Wolkowitz (1995) Homeworking Women: Gender, Class and Racism at Work Sage 1995. 152 pp.

S. Allen and C. Wolkowitz (1987) Homeworking: Myths and Realities, Macmillan, 1987. 225 pp.

K. Young, C. Wolkowitz and R. McCullagh, eds. (1985) Of Marriage and the Market: Women's Subordination in International Perspective, Routledge and Kegan Paul. 235pp.

Journal articles
C. Wolkowitz (2012) ‘Flesh and Stone Revisited: The Body Work Landscape of South Florida’ Sociological Research Online, Special Issue on ‘Visualising Landscapes of Work and Labour’, edited by P. Mizen and C. Wolkowitz. http://www.socresonline.org.uk/17/2/26 Impact Factor 0.544 (2010)

P. Mizen and C. Wolkowitz (2012) ‘Visualising Changing Landscapes of Work and Labour’ Sociological Research Online http://www.socresonline.org.uk/17/2/25 Impact Factor 0.544 (2010)

J. Twigg, C. Wolkowitz, R.L. Cohen and S. Netteton (2011) ‘Conceptualising Body Work in Health and Social Care’ Sociology of Health and Illness 33 (2): 171-188. Impact Factor 1.735

T. Cacchioni and C. Wolkowitz (2011) ‘Treating Women’s Sexual Difficulties: the Body Work of Sexual Therapy’ Sociology of Health and Illness 33 (2): 266-279.

C. Wolkowitz (2009) ‘Challenging Boundaries: The Sociology of Work in Autobiographical Context’, Sociology (Special Issue on ‘Re-thinking the Sociology of Work’), 43 (5): 846-860. Impact Factor 2.71.

C. Wolkowitz (2002) 'The Social Relations of Body Work' Work, Employment and SocietyVol. 16 (3) September. Pp. 495- 108. 15 pp. Impact Factor 1.225

C. Wolkowitz (1994) 'Unemployment, Dependency and Regeneration Strategies' Work, Employment and Society 8 (3): 439-452. Impact Factor 1.225

S. Allen and C. Wolkowitz (1986) 'Homeworking and the Control of Women's Labour', Feminist Review 22, 1986, pp.25-51. Republished in Feminist Review, ed. Waged Work: A Reader, Virago, 1987, pp 238-264 ,Impact Factor 0.831.

Book chapters

R.L. Cohen, K. Hardy, T. Sanders and C. Wolkowitz (2013) ‘The Body/Sex/Work Nexus: A Critical Perspective on Body Work and Sex Work’ in C.Wolkowitz, T. Sanders, R.L.Cohen and K. Hardy (eds) (2013) Sex/Body/Work: Intimate, Sexualised and Embodied Labour, Basingstoke: Palgrave. 25 pp.

C. Wolkowitz (2011) ‘The Organizational Contours of Body Work’ in Jeanes, E., D. Knights and P. Yancey Martin (eds) Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization, Wiley-Blackwell.

C. Wolkowitz and C. Warhurst (2010) 'Embodying Labour' in P. Thompson and C. Smith (eds) Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis, Basingstoke: Palgrave.

C. Wolkowitz (2007) ‘Linguistic Dirtiness or Really Dirty? Dirt in Social Theory’ in B. Campion and R. Cox (eds) Dirt: New Geographies of Cleanliness and Contamination London and NY: I.B.Tauris.

P. Edwards and C. Wolkowitz (2002) 'Sociology of Employment in Britain' in D. Cornfield and R. Hodson, eds Worlds of Work, New York: Llewer/Plenum. Pp. 253-273. 20 pp.

C. Wolkowitz (2001) 'The Working Body as Sign: Historical Snapshots' in K. Backett-Milburn and L. McKie, eds Constructing Gendered Bodies, Basingstoke: Macmillan. Pp. 85-103.19 pp

C. Wolkowitz (2001) 'Home-located Work in the Cultural Industries' in K. Ernst et al, eds Taking Stock: Trends and Strategies in the Arts and Cultural Industries Rotterdam: Barjesteh and Co. Pp. 357- 372. 15 pp

C.Wolkowitz (2000) 'Decision-making as a Process over Time' in M. Archer and J. Tritter, eds Resisting Colonization: Rational Choice Theory London: Routledge Pp 167-182.

C.Wolkowitz (2000) '"Papa's Bomb": The Local and the Global in Women's Manhattan Project Narratives' in M. Andrews, et al Lines of Narrative London: Routledge.Pp 104-116.

C.Wolkowitz (2000) 'Nuclear Families: Women's Accounts of the Manhattan Project' in S. Ahmed, et al eds Transformations: Thinking through Feminism London: Routledge. Pp 235-249.

S. Allen, C. Truman and C. Wolkowitz (1992) 'Home-based Work: Self-Employment, Small Business and Homeworking' in P. Leighton and A. Felstead, eds The New Entrepreneurs: Self-Employment: Evolution and Practice in Europe. Kogan Paul. Pp. 133-142

C. Wolkowitz (1987) 'Controlling Women's Access to Political Power' in H. Afshar, ed., Women, State and Ideology: Studies from Africa and Asia, Macmillan.Pp. 204-225

Shorter works

C. Wolkowitz (2012) ‘Embodying Labor, Then and Now’. Commentary on Women on the Line by Miriam Glucksmann (1982, new edition 2009), International Labor and Working Class History, 81, 182-6.

C. Wolkowitz (2010) Gendered bodies in the global economy. Extended review of L. McDowell, Working Bodies; D. Dickenson, Property in the Body; A. Cornwell et al. Development with a Body, Signs 36 (1): 245-249.

C.Wolkowitz (2008) Review of Jean-Pierre Durand’s The Invisible Chain: Constraints and Opportunities in the New World of Employment, Work, Employment and Society 22 (4): 753-755.

C. Wolkowitz and P. Mizen (2006) ‘Teaching Visual Sociology’, Interaction (Warwick CAP online journal).

C. Wolkowitz (2005) Review of Body Work by D. Gimlin, Sociology, 39:1, pp 182-4.

C.Wolkowitz (2001) 'Capitalism' in the Encyclopaedia of Women's Studies New York: Routledge. Pp. 138-140.

C. Wolkowitz (1999) Report on the 12 Annual Women’s Studies Network Conference, University of Warwick, AUT Women no. 48, p. 4

C. Wolkowitz (1999) Workshop and Conference Reviews, 12 Annual Women’s Studies Conference, University of Warwick, Women’s Studies Network (UK) Newsletter, No 34, November, pp. 21-22.

C. Wolkowitz (1995) 'Homeworking Women' Social Science Teacher September 1995.3pp

C. Wolkowitz (1990) 'Review of M. Blewett, Men, Women and Work: Class, Gender and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910’, New England Quarterly, Vol LXIII, No1, March 1990, pp.155-158.

C. Wolkowitz (1982) 'Documents from the Indian Women's Movement: Introduction', Feminist Review no. 12, pp. 92-103 Introduction

C. Wolkowitz (1982) 'History of Women's Struggle: The Indian Franchise Debate in the 1930s', Development Research Digest, 7, pp. 48-53.

Recent conference and seminar papers

(* Overseas events)

Invited papers

‘The Body Work Economy of South Florida’, Open University Business School, June 2013

*Lead speaker, Professional Development Workshop on ‘Work, Difference and the Body’, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, July 2012

‘The Commodification of Body Work’ Festschrift for Professor Ann Whitehead, University of Sussex, September 2012.

‘Analysing the Image: Archive Images of the 1974 Red Lion Square Demonstration’ Researching the Visual Culture of Law, Birkbeck, October 2011

‘Embodying Manufacturing Labour’, Panel on Glucksmann’s Women on the Line, Work, Employment and Society Conference, University of Brighton, September 2010.

‘Body Work as the Future of Work?’ University of Southampton, Future of Work Institute, March 2009

*‘The Social Relations of Body Work’ American Sociological Association Annual Conference, Boston, August 2008

‘Bodies at Work’ University of Strathclyde Business School, May 2008

Dirt and Social Theory’ School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham, February 2008

‘Bodies at Work: A Visual Analysis’ Working Lives Institute, London Metropolitan University, November 2007

‘Visual Sociology and Student Research’ (with Phil Mizen) Reinvention Centre Conference, University of Warwick, September 2007

‘Gender and Embodied Knowledge’ Social Science Faculty Roundtable, University of Bristol June 2006

*‘Reconfiguring Boundaries in Service Sector Employment: the example of body work’, Women, Work and Health Conference, New Delhi, November 2005

*‘Body Work as Social Relationship and as Labour’, Delhi School of Economics, November 2005

‘Balancing Global and Local Narratives', Centre for Narrative Research in the Social Sciences, University of East London, November 2000

‘Papa’s Bomb”: The global and the local in Manhattan Project Narratives’ University of Edinburgh, Sociology Department Research Seminar, October 2000

‘Papa’s Bomb”: The global and the local in Manhattan Project Narratives’ Lines of Narrative Roundtable, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Lancaster, April 2000

*'Nuclear Families: American Women's Accounts of the Making of the Atomic Bomb' Smith College (US), November 1999

'The Working Body as Sign: Picturing Gendered Bodies' University of Leicester Sociology Department Research Seminar, November 1999

'Old and new masculinities in Russia', Invited Discussant, LSE Gender Institute, September 1998

'Nuclear Families: Women's Narratives and the Making of the Atomic Bomb', Transformations: Thinking through Feminist Theory, University of Lancaster 17-19 July 1997

Other conference papers

‘The Body Work Economy of South Florida’, Corporeal Capitalism: Body Matters in the International Political Economy, University of Birmingham, April 2013

*‘Gender, Body Work and Commodification’ International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers University, March 2013

‘What’s New about “New” Body Work?’ International Labour Process Conference, Leeds, April 2011

‘Treating Women’s Sexual Difficulties’ (with T. Cacchioni). Symposium on Sex, Bodies and Emotions in Everyday Life, Glasgow Caledonian, October 2010

‘The Politics of Touch in the Workplace’, Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Co-convenor of stream on ‘Politics and work/ Politics as Work’. Keele University, June 2010

*‘The Body Work Economy of South Florida’, International Labour Process Conference, Rutgers University, March 2010

‘Flesh and Stone Revisited: The Body Work Landscape of South Florida’ International Visual Studies Association, Co-convenor of stream on Visualising Landscapes of Work. University of Carlisle, July 2009

‘Bodies and Body Work Symposium’, International Labour Process Conference, Edinburgh, April 2009.

*‘Conceptualising Body Work’ International Sociological Association Forum (Labour Studies Section), Barcelona September 2008

‘Behind the Scenes at an Exhibition’ British Sociological Association, Warwick University, March 2008

*‘Picturing the Bomb in the Family Scrapbook’ International Visual Studies Association Conference, New York University, August 2007

*‘Care work as embodied labour’ International Sociological Association World Congress, Durban, South Africa, July 2006

‘Sleepicisation’- Is context everything?’ ESRC Seminar on Sleep and Work, University of Warwick, March 2006

‘Body Work and Postfeminist Crime Fiction’, Work, Employment and Society Conference, Manchester 2004

‘Defining and measuring the body work labour force’, 21st Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), Cambridge July 2003