Hesters Way Partnership
Partners Meeting
Hesters Way Community Resource Centre
Incorporating Hesters Way Community Safety Partnership
Monday 21st November– 6pm to 7pm
Present:Philip Smith / Hesters Way Partnership / Lloyd Kilford / Resident
Andy Hayes / Hesters Way Partnership / Cllr Suzanne Williams / CBC, GCC, local resident
Jenny Perkin / Hesters Way Partnership / Tanya Harrison / Create on the Square
Pat Thornton / HWP, CBC / Abby Guilding / The Wiggly Worm
Ryan Barkle / HWP, Severn Vale Housing / Anne Holderness / West Cheltenham Team Ministry
Mark Saunders / HWP, DS Legal / Kevin Devaney / Hesters Way Neighborhood Project
Julian Simcox / HWP, All Saints Academy / Frank Beattie / Hesters Way Neighborhood Project
Sergeant Matt Richards / Glos Police
Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, Apologies, Introductions and Declarations of Conflicts of Interest
- Apologies received fromClaire Mitchell, Miranda Steele,Suzanne Shead, Mark Penwill, Jacquie Boyer, Fiona Miller, Liz Penwill, Jim Edie, John Bearcroft, Pip Claridge, Paul Mukasa, Sarah Avery, Charlie Winter-Taylor, Mark Griffiths, Russel Ellicott.
- Introductions were made for the benefit of those who had not previously met and The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Declarations of Conflicts of Interest – none noted.
Agenda Item 2 – Minutes of the Last Meeting, Matters Arising and Declarations of Any Other Business
- Minutes of the last meeting - held on 18th July were agreed by those present and signed by the Chair as an accurate record.
- Action Points from the Last Meeting:
- Look into incident at St Barnabas as reported by Hope Thornton (Philip)– Not yet complete.
- Send Wendy Flynn a list of which properties in the area are owned by Guinness (Charlotte)– Charlotte not present.
- Amend Partnership minutes from 21st March and bring to November meeting for signature– Complete, Philip signed.
- Contact Sergeant Paul Simmons re giving a presentation on restorative justice at a future NCG meeting– Andy advised that he had invited Paul to do a presentation at an NCG meeting in the New Year.
- Contact Beccy Jesson at TCV re any community funding requirements for 2017– Andy referred the group to Viewpoint magazine for more information.
- Matters Arising from the Minutes – none noted.
- Declarations of Any Other Business–none noted.
Agenda Item 3– Hesters Way Community Safety Partnership
- Welcome – The Chair welcomed Sergeant Matt Richards, for the Cheltenham North Local Policing Team to the meeting.
- Minutes of the last meeting – were agreed by those present and signed by Sergeant Matt Richards as an accurate record.
- Actions from the last meeting – None.
- Community Safety Report – Sergeant Matt Richards introduced himself and presented his report. In summary:
- Matt explained that he is acting temporarily as Policing Sergeant for North Cheltenham until January/February. Lucy Koeltgen is moving to a different role. Tim Waterhouse has retired and will be replaced by Inspector Gosden. Simon Ellson is the filling role on temporary basis.
- Crime statistics for period 1st August 2016 to 31st October 2016 (compared to 1stAugust 2015 to 1st October 2015): In Springbankthere has been a 2.5% increase in recorded crime (from 40-41), in St Marks a 5.79% increase (shoplifting and assault but a decrease in burglaries). In Hesters Way there has been an increase of 57% but this is largely due to a spree of criminal damage incidents (motor vehicles and houses; some individuals have been charged but not for all of these offences).
- Pat asked where St Peters fits into the statistics and it was confirmed that St Marks encompasses part of St Peters. Matt agreed to send Pat a map.
- Matt commented on the general concern regarding PCSO’s – this has been under review – 4 PCSO’s have been moved from Cheltenham to Gloucester. The areas discussed in the crime statistics previously have not been affected by this move (though one PCSO has since become a PC for Gloucester).
- Customer satisfaction – Matt reported a 5% increase – people are impressed with follow-up actions and service (e.g. reports and support for victims).He confirmed that PC Armstrong and PC Silsby cover our area, and that there have been no significant changes in crime over last 12 months. He advised that the Police Crime Commissioner remains committed to maintaining Community Policy; there are currently have 4 Neighbourhood Officers in Cheltenham, and we may see an increase in this number. Matt advised that a new model for assessing risk has been created; which is aimed at identifying people who are at risk and providing better support for those people.
- Frank asked re opening times for the Police Station next dooras it always seemed to be closed – Matt reported that it should be open office hours and he will investigate. Frank said that he was extremely dissatisfied with the service he had recently been provided by the Police in relation to a criminal damage incident at his house.
- Andy asked for clarification re crime statistics on website. Matt clarified that he did not use this site for generating his statistics and that a lot of the incidents shown in low numbers are crimes committed in the home; these are difficult to confirm. Andy’s concern was that figures presented were misleading and that there may be trends people are unaware of. Matt agreed that the figures can be difficult to interpret.
- Matt said there had been a recent push re burglaries. 11 people have been arrested, some charged, 2 remanded in custody. Matt appealed to everyone to be more aware as there are more hours of darkness; anyone with any concerns can contact Matt; contact details shown below.
- Kevin asked re shoplifting on the Square – Matt is not aware of specific incidents; these are normally attended by response officers. They are working with the shops to improve security. There have been reports of abuse from local children.Andy advised that local traders had abandoned the walkie-talkie system, and also that the security guard is not visible on site and is not employed throughout the shop opening hours.
- Any other business
- Philip Smith askedSergeant Matt Richards to pass on our thanks to his team.
- Contact details:
The next Community Safety report will be included in the Hesters Way Partnership meeting on Monday 20th March 2017 from 6pm to 7pm.
Agenda Item 4 - Updates from Partners
Philip Smithinvited everyone present to share their news and comments:
- Julian Simcox advised that there is a Panto at All Saints Academy on 10th December (Cinderella; see booking form attached with the minutes.)
- Abby Guilding reported that The Wiggly Worm had recently moved into SpringbankResource Centre and that they want to do more in the local area. They are launching their “No child hungry” campaign shortly. Abby appealed for ideas/volunteers. Philip mentioned Viewpoint magazine as a good way to communicate information.
- Tanya Harrison advised that Create on Square is for hire. They are trying to encourage local people to display their work, and are currently running the traders group from there. Cheltenham Science Group hoping to move in next door.Tanya suggested that there is a barbers moving in to the old Axiom building.
- Suzanne Williams reported that there has been a lot of flooding recently, and also that the school safety zone is supposed to be going in Welch Road, Powell Road and Lipson Road. She advised that people are complaining about parking Springbank Primary Academy; Andy said he would send a link to “Parking for Schools” brochure to the HWP distribution list.
- Kevin mentioned the “Where I live” section in the Echo; if there is anything anyone wants to include they should send it by midday on Tuesday. He informed the group about Willy Wonka’s Christmas Special on Saturday 3rd December; and also about the new Hesters Way Neighbourhood Project website coming soon which will be promoting some of the community work they do – this should be up February/March 2017.
- Philip Smith advised that the Parish has been restructured. If the recent proposals are approved, then he will be made redundant; this will be decided on 14th December. He also advised that someone had nominated him for the “Heart of Gloucester” award; the ceremony will take place on 1st December at Hatherley Manor Hotel.
Agenda Item 5– Hesters Way Partnership Update – to include Neighbourhood Development Plan
Andy Hayes thanked Jenny Perkin, the Dreamscheme staff, the HWP Board, funders and all of the individuals, volunteers, Partners who attend meetings and commit time and energy to Partnership projects.He advised the following:
- Dreamscheme– This project is continuing to be successful with the three local primary schoolswho are involved.
- Hesters Way Sports & Play Project – This partnership project with YMCA came to a close in the summer.
- MUGA –Permission (sub-lease) is very close to being achieved – funding is in place.
- KGV – Public Art Project – consultation will be starting again in the New Year.
- Springbank Park – Has been awarded a 5th green flag.
- Glow Sports Project – This will be starting at Oasis in the New Year.
- Bike racks – Monies have been received to installracks outside the Library.
- Neighbourhood Development Plan Forum – HWP have focused resources on this; if people want to make a difference to the future development in West Cheltenham this is the best way to do it. A successful referendumwill see the plan adopted as a statutory document. The Forum has identified an area and developed a steering group. It needs to now provide more detail and develop policies; technical advice will be sought to ensure policies meet planning regulations.
- Neighbourhood Management – Many of the key issues have been dealt with but this is still a good opportunity which links police, Council, community etc.
- Proposed JCS plan for West of Cheltenham – Andy showed the group the map for the proposed plans for the safeguarded landto the West of Fiddlers Green Lane (safeguarded means safeguarded for development and not from development). CBC have supported these plans. Andy advised that the Neighbourhood Forum is hoping to develop a plan to address issues raised within the community regarding the JCS proposal especially in relation to the number of properties proposed for the area, the location and extent of green spaces and the proximity of industrial units to the current residential areas.
- Capital Developments –Coronation Square (i.e. redevelopment of flats and potential new tenants), Springbank Shopping Centre (Newlands Homes undertook community consultation in November), Christ College site which is nearly complete with 90 properties and Cheltenham Spa Train Station (redevelopment plans have stalled; consultation has not halted the introduction of a new parking permit scheduled for the New Year).
Agenda Item 6 – Any Other Business
None noted
Agenda Item 7 – Date and Time of Next Meeting
Monday 20th March 2017
Partners Meeting – 6pm to 7pm
Including the Hesters Way Community Safety Report
Hesters Way Community Resource Centre
Name …………………………………………….. Date………………………………………
Action / Name
1 / Look into incident at St Barnabas as reported by Hope Thornton / Philip
2 / Send Wendy Flynn a list of which properties in the area are owned by Guinness / Charlotte
3 / Send Pat Thornton a map of the Policing area to include St Peters / Matt
4 / Investigate Police Station opening times / Matt
5 / Send Cinderella booking form with the minutes / Jenny
6 / Send link to “Parking for Schools” brochure to the HWP distribution list / Andy
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