Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Archivist at Hertford College, Oxford. This is a part-time (one day per week) fixed-term appointment for 12 months in the first instance.
The archives of Hertford College combine disparate material concerning the current college, incorporated in 1874, and its two predecessors, Magdalen Hall and the eighteenth century Hertford College, previously Hart Hall. While some of the collection survives from the seventeenth century, the bulk of the archive dates from the eighteenth century onwards. Recently, the collection has been reorganised and the catalogue compiled by Aidan Hyland Lawes in 1985 has been updated on Adlib archive software. The catalogue is in the process of being indexed. The Assistant Archivist will be expected to supervise archive management and accommodation, continue to bring the catalogue up to date and advise the Fellow Archivist (Dr Christopher Tyerman) and the Librarian (Mrs Alice Roques)on best practice in archive storage and conservation.
The specific requirements of the post are
· To oversee the Archives Room and archives in general
· To sort remaining unsorted material
· To continue updating the catalogue
· To maintain a system whereby new acquisitions can be identified, assimilated and catalogued online and in hard copy
· To assess and advise on the college’s archive conservation needs
· To advise on the creation of a college retention policy
· To respond to enquiries from scholars and others
The successful applicant will be an experienced and professionally qualified Archivist with excellent IT and organisational skills. It is hoped that the successful candidate would able to take up the position by 30 January 2015, sooner if possible.
The College offers an annual salary based on a pro rata equivalent at the bottom of Grade 6 on the University’s Salary Scale (currently £27,057 to £32,277 per annum) for working one day per week. Benefits include holiday entitlement, contributory pension scheme, and free lunch on days worked.
Applications, including a letter explaining suitability for the post together with a curriculum vitae stating education, degrees (with results), professional qualifications and career, should be sent, with the names and contact details of two referees, to Mrs Alice Roques, College Librarian, Hertford College, Oxford OX1 3BW by noon on Monday 8 December 2014. Interviews of shortlisted candidates are likely to be held in the week beginning 15 December.
Hertford College, Oxford
(to be accompanied by a CV)
Full Name/Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other) ______
Address ______
Tel No: day time ______Discretion needed Yes/No
Email ______Discretion needed Yes/No
Tel No: evening ______Answer phone Yes/No
Mobile ______
Please give details of two work-related referees indicating whether they may be approached at shortlist stage.
Referee One ______
Relationship ______
Occupation/Job Title ______
Address ______
Tel No: day time ______evening ______
Approach Yes/No ______
Referee Two ______
Relationship ______
Occupation/Job Title ______
Address ______
Tel No: day time ______evening ______
Approach Yes/No ______
Job Title ______
Name and address of employer ______
Date commenced employment ______
Basic annual salary ______
Are you legally entitled to work in the UK? YES/NO
Will Hertford College need to apply for a work permit on your behalf YES/NO
If yes, please state your nationality ______
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? YES/NO
If yes, please state details and any on-going restrictions in effect ______
Do you have any disabilities that might affect your application: YES/NO
Please tell us if:
a) there are any reasonable adjustments we can make to assist you in your application
b) there are any reasonable adjustments we can make to the job itself to help you carry it out.
I declare that the information I have provided on this form is true and accurate, and in particular that I have not omitted any material facts which may have a bearing on my application.
Signature ______Date ______
Reference: / HC / A / A / 1 / 4The policy and practice of the University of Oxford and Hertford College require that entry into employment with the University and the College and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post. Subject to statutory provisions, no applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of their sex, racial group, sexual orientation, or disability. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary consideration.
Please return the form in the enclosed envelope. Any information given will be used only to support the diversity and equal opportunities policy and in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998, and to provide annual statutory returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency. The information will be held in the College Office and will be kept strictly confidential and separate from your name. It is not part of the selection process and will not be seen by any member of the selection panel. The information you give will be retained only for statistical purposes and will not be linked to your name.
Please complete this form if you are applying for a post, or have agreed to be considered for a post. Completion is voluntary.
1. / Are you: / Female / Male2. / Do you have a disability? (If yes, please answer question 3.) / Yes / No / Decline to specify
3. / Please tick one or more boxes to describe your disability:
1: / Dyslexia/specific learning difficulty / 5: / Asperger’s syndrome
2: / Blind/visual impairment / 6: / Mental Health difficulties
3: / Deaf/hearing impairment / 7: / Unseen disability (e.g. diabetes)
4: / Wheelchair/mobility impairment / 8: / Other (please describe)
4. / Nationality: / 1: / UK / 2: / Other EC / 3: / Other
please specify:……………………
5. / How long have you lived in the UK? (please tick one box only)
1: / I do not currently live in the UK
2: / I have always lived in the UK
3: / < 1 year / 4: / 1-4 years / 5: / 5-10 years / 6: / 11-20 years / 7: / 21+ years
6. / Age: (please tick appropriate box)
1: / 18-25 / 2: / 26-30 / 3: / 31-35 / 4: / 36-40 / 5: / 41-45 / 6: / 46-50 / 7: / 51-55 / 8: / 56+
7. / Please describe your ethnic origin: (please tick one box only)
(Ethnic origin questions are not about nationality, place of birth, or citizenship. They are about colour and ethnic group. Citizens of any country may belong to any of the groups indicated. The ethnic origin categories used here are based on the 2001 census of the population and are those required by the Higher Education Statistics Agency.)
White / Black or Black British / Chinese
101: / British / 201: / Caribbean / 401: / Chinese
102: / Irish / 202: / African
103: / Any other White background / 203: / Any other Black background
please specify / please specify
……………………………………….. / ……………………………………….... / (continued overleaf)
Mixed / Asian or Asian British / Other ethnic group
501: / White and Black Caribbean / 301: / Indian / 402: / Any other
502: / White and Black African / 302: / Pakistani / please specify
503: / White and Asian / 303: / Bangladeshi / ………………………………
504: / Any other mixed background / 304: / Any other Asian background / 601: / Decline to specify