Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep Academy

250 E. 111th St. Chicago, IL 60628


Integrated Math 3 Syllabus

Course Title: Integrated Math 3 Course Code 435101H

Teacher: A. Tyagi, Matthias Jamison-Koenig, Ann Kuenster Student Grade: 11th

Email: , ,

Offices: JK: 301 Tyagi: 307 Kuenster: 305

Reference Materials:

Schultz, J.E, Ellis , W.; Hollowell, Kathleen A. (2004). Algebra 2 . New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Course Description:

In integrated math 3, students will extend their knowledge of functions to create and apply mathematical models to represent and interpret real-world contexts. The development and comparison of multiple solution methods and mathematical representations builds a level of fluency and conceptual understanding essential for the study of more advanced mathematics. All students should regularly be engaged in the Standards for Mathematical Practice as defined by the Common Core. Mathematical content should be addressed through the study of big ideas allowing students to see the connections between multiple concepts. The mathematical content of Integrated Math 3 includes Non-linear Relationships and Functions, Solving Complex Equations using Multiple Methods, Interpreting, Building, and Modeling with Functions, Making Inferences and Conclusions from Data, and Probability.

In an honors class, students will be expected to develop more advanced problem-solving methods and precisely communicate their in-depth understanding of the mathematical concepts covered. Students will also be asked to make connections across mathematical ideas while justifying their thinking and strategies. Successful completion of Integrated Math 3 will prepare students for future honors and AP coursework in mathematics.

Algebra 2 Sequence:

  1. Unit L, Linear Equations and Inequalities (5 wks)
  2. Unit F, Functions (4 wks)
  3. Unit T, Trig and the unit circle (4 wks)
  4. Unit S, Systems (5 wks)
  5. Unit Q, Quadratics (5 wks)
  6. Unit P/C, Probability /Circle (5 wks)
  7. Unit E, Exponentials and Log (5 wks)
  8. Unit R, Rational and radical (4 wks)

Daily Supplies (to be brought with you in class everyday)

  • Textbook
  • 3-ring binder or folder (to keep worksheets and handouts)
  • Loose- leaf notebook papers or
  • Notebook
  • Pencil, black pen, red pen,
  • Scientific Calculator (minimum) Graphing calculator preferred
Classroom Expectations
  1. Be On Time - Any student entering without a pass after the bell will be considered tardy.
  2. Be Respectful - Treat all students and adults as you would want to be treated.
  3. Be Active - Always be working on the task at hand. Never hesitate to ask a question.
  4. Be Brooks!
Submission of Work

All hard-copy classwork is due in class by the end of the period. All hard-copy practice work is due in class at the start of the period on the date indicated by the teacher for that assignment. All digital work submissions are due to the teacher’s e-mail inbox by 11:59pm on the date indicated. Extensions for any practice work must be requested at least one day in advance of the due date in writing. Requests are not guaranteed.

If you are absent for illness or other emergencies, it is your responsibility to make up any work missed in class and complete any homework assigned. Make-up work will be due the class period following your return to class. If you know in advance you will be absent, you must see the teacher to get any work in advance. This will be due upon your return to class. If you miss an exam, it must be made up after school.

Statement on Academic Honesty

It is expected that any work submitted is your own. While collaboration is permitted and encouraged, simply submitting the work of another student, copied down either manually or digitally, is considered plagiarism. “Helping” another student does not mean doing the work for them. Any instances of academic dishonesty will be dealt with swiftly and to the severest extent permitted by school and district policy. If you’re not sure if it’s plagiarism, ask the teacher first!

Grading Scale

A = 90 - 100%

B = 80 - 89%

C= 70 - 79%

D= 60 - 69 %

F= 59 - 50%

Grading Evaluation

70% SA Summative Assessment

10% CPRs [Continual Progress Reports]

15% Unit Tests

15% APPs [ACT Prep Packets]

15% KITS [Keep In Touch]

15% Final

30% Formative Assessment

15% Investigations

15% Quizzes

0% Homework/Practice Work

Contact Information and Syllabus Acknowledgement

The undersigned has read and reviewed the syllabus with their student. Any questions or concerns can be sent to the teacher via e-mail or through the IMPACT Gradebook portals.


Parent/Guardian Signature




Parent/Guardian Printed Name


Phone Numberemail


Preferred Contact Method

Student Contact Information


Student Signature




Student Printed Name

Integrated Math 3Period : ______


Student E-mail (CPS)(Optional) Student E-mail (non-CPS)

Please provide an alternate e-mail ONLY IF you don’t regularly use/check your CPS email.