Here's a template to be used as you wish for faxing to your congressional rep. It was very kindly compiled by Eric Rivkin who said we are welcome to use this as an example for others to follow. It has been adapted to best serve this specific task.
I am contacting you about an urgent matter relating to an important British citizen who was horrendously mistreated by the INS and improperly deported on June
25 at Newark airport.
She is Professor Rozalind Gruben, a renowned international lecturer in the health and fitness field. Her positive and scientifically based educational material is clearly beneficial to US citizens wishing to improve their health.
Statistics show that a majority of US citizens have serious health problems due to improper diet and exercise, and Rozalind has proven to bring about a healthy turn through education and demonstration and is wanting to travel to the USA in order to give of herself for NO REMUNERATION.
Her ordeal with the INS is written below.
As a friend (or colleague) of Professor Gruben's and an American citizen, I urgently ask you to send a fax the US Embassy in Englnd requesting that they allow Professor Gruben back in to the US to do her scheduled voluntary educational lectures for the benefit US citizens.
She has planned voluntary lectures in August and September, hence the urgency of this matter.
Professor Gruben holds a professorship in Applied Nutrition and Health Science. Her work includes the role of Lecturer in health and nutrition at Middlesex University in London. She is well known as a Course Director and Assessor of exercise teacher training within the fitness industry, including specializing in the needs of the elderly and other special needs groups.
Professor Gruben is renowned for her exuberance, humour and energy, and is a regular presenter at many international conventions.
As the author of various articles and books, including writing for The Readers Digest, and Fitness Professionals UK along with presenting on radio and international television, Professor Gruben is at the forefront of Natural Health and Fitness education today. Our country badly needs the education she is offering free of charge.
On several occasions in the US and abroad, I have attended Prof. Gruben's voluntary lectures and found her educational material to be positive and scientifically based, and a great help to many US citizens I know personally. Her material and manner of presentation are clearly beneficial to US citizens wishing to improve their health and fitness.
She has the unique combination of health education, fitness for special needs, women's health, the approach to helping people heal from eating disorders and addictions, and monumental expertise in nature-science-based nutrition. No one else can do exactly what Professor Rozalind Gruben does. America needs her, the world needs her.
Professor Gruben has an appointment at the American Embassy in England on August 5th and will be applying for a B1 visa. I implore you to send a fax to the Embassy, prior to her interview, expressing your request that she have her green waiver reinstated, or at least that a B1 visa be granted to her, so that she can return to the US immediately to fulfil her commitments.
Please be aware that such a communication must be sent before August 5th.
The fax number for the American Embassy in England is 01144 207 495 5012. Please be sure and mark the fax for the attention of the NVI Unit Supervisor.
I am sending you here some additional documentation to support this request in the form of:
a) Professor Gruben's explanation of what occurred.
b) A letter From Dr Douglas Graham stating what her voluntary commitments
are here in the US.
3) A small sample of the vast number of letters written by American Citizens
requesting Professor Gruben's return, in order that she continue to give of
her voluntary services to the health of our nation.
Everyone involved is grateful to you for putting in the time and effort necessary to look into this. If you wish to contact Professor Gruben, she is in England at or can be reached there by telephone on (01144) 1903 746572.
Your name, address and phone number here
My full name is: Rozalind Alison Gruben
The address of my home, (which I own) and the place of my residence is:
1 Cassidy Place, New Town Road, Storrington West Sussex
My home telephone number is: (0) 1903 746572
My E-mail address is:
I was born on: August 10th, 1959
I am a British Citizen
I am Self-Employed as a Healthful Living Consultant
The purposes of my visit to the United States of America were:
To honour commitments I had made to do VOLUNTARY speaking at numerous vegetarian/vegan/raw food events in the USA.
I am entitled to visit for up to 90 days at a time holding a green 'Waiver' form.
I have a perfect history of being meticulous about NOT exceeding my 90 day limit on ANY occasion when travelling to the USA.
What occurred:
On June 25th, Dr. Doug Graham and I flew to the USA from London Gatwick England. The reason for our visit was to honour commitments we had made to do VOLUNTARY speaking at numerous vegetarian/vegan/raw food events in the USA
We arrived at Newark airport in New Jersey around the middle of the day.
As an American citizen, Doug passed through immigration without a problem, but I was taken away by the immigration police.
For seven hours I was psychologically terrorised, disrespected, abused, insulted, shouted at, deliberately frightened and treated as if I were a murderer. They committed slander about my parents, whom they have never met nor seen. They took my full set of fingerprints and several photographs. The denied me access to a telephone and refused, for the most part, to allow me to ask any questions.
Female officer D A Lowes was the first to question me and did so in the most aggressive, demeaning and insulting of ways possible to human communications. The officer who was the primary interrogator after that was TERRANCE ANDREW PEGUS.
Their terrorist tactics and psychological abuse eventually rendered me in such an emotionally distraught state that I vomited and had severe diarrhoea.
I was neither allowed to see nor speak to Doug, who was doing all he could to free me from my torment. After some hours the police escorted him off the airport premises telling him that I would not be joining him and that there was nothing he could do.
They marched me from room to room to be subjected to further insults and demeaning treatment. I had two sets of photographs of me taken, two full sets of finger prints and was made to take an oath. I have had chemicals smeared onto my hands and my personal belongings were rummaged through.
They bombarded me with ridiculous questions such as expecting me to remember the exact dates and details of my movements going back several years. When I told them that I did not remember they accused me of withholding information.
They even asked me the date my library card had been issued of which, naturally, I had little recollection. In order to avoid being accused of withholding information I made a guess as to the library card's issue date and, as it was incorrect, I was then accused of lying.
Regardless of the truth I told them they accused me of lying almost ever time.
At one point they left the small room where I was held telling me that I had to sit there until I was prepared to tell the truth. I was already telling the truth.
At no point did I ever raise the level or pitch of my voice, demonstrate rudeness or disrespect of them, refuse to co-operate or in any way antagonise them.
They have taken away my right to ever again enter the USA on a green 'waiver' form. The only way that I can enter in future is with a visa. They tell me that if I 'abuse' that by coming to the USA as frequently as I have been that they will also take that away and then I would also be in 'serious' trouble.
Issues of misinterpretation
Business Card
I had in my possession (in my wallet) contact cards that Doug and I had made up to give out to health seekers on both sides of the Atlantic. Doug works for money in the USA and I work for money in the UK. We had a joint card printed as oftentimes British people like to consult with Doug over the email when he is in America and sometimes American people like to consult with me over email when I am in the UK.
In addition to this we hand these cards out to people running events where we might choose to do voluntary speaking. The cards also mention events that we jointly run in Costa Rica where Doug has property.
Cell Phone
I was asked what the telephone number on the above mentioned card was and, in my highly distressed state unable to think clearly. I told them that the number was Doug's parent's telephone number in Key Largo. I was mistaken, and it was a genuine mistake on my part. The number is, in fact, that of my cell phone in the USA. I have such a phone because sometimes my clients in the UK, especially those who do not have email, need to contact me. Some of them are very sick people. The officer Terrence Andrew Pegus asked me who he would get if he called the number and I replied, in total innocence and believing it to be the truth, that he would either reach Bea or Marty Graham (Doug's parents). Naturally he did not, but instead reached the voicemail on my cell phone. The recorded message that I had left VERY clearly states that I am 'not in the US right now' and advises my friends and UK clients to call me at home in England. What Terrance Andrew Pegus insisted he heard the recorded message to say was 'I am not in the OFFICE right now. Which is absolutely untrue and a deliberate lie on his part. I have since called the number myself, and had numerous friends do so, all of whom verify that the message states 'not in the US' and NOT 'not in the office'.
Financial Support
As I attempted to explain to my interrogators, Doug supports me financially whenever I come over to the US. And I support him financially when he visits me in England. I NEVER worked FOR him. He has NEVER been my employer. The arrangement was just between him and me. I am NOT his employee, never have been, and am prepared to state this under oath.
I am suffering intense distress at being forced to dishonour my commitments. I have suffered from nausea, headaches, diarrhoea, insomnia and panic attacks since this episode and on the rare occasions that I fall asleep I suffer nightmares. My doctor confirms that I am suffering from post traumatic shock.
I am very concerned for all the people I will be letting down by not being there to present at the various vegetarian and vegan gatherings this summer (see attached sheet)
According to the American Embassy in England, I am not permitted to even begin the process of applying for a visa until August 5th 2003 when they have granted me an interview. By this time I will have let hundreds of American citizens down, many of whom will have travelled hundreds of miles to hear me speak.
I have NEVER stayed in the USA a day beyond that which I am entitled to (90 days at a time). Yet, according to the paperwork, the INS have deported me on those grounds.
I DO NOT live, in the USA. I live at my home address in England. I am especially attached to my home and, as my friends will verify, get significantly homesick when away overseas.
I DO NOT work in the USA I run my own self employed business from my home in England. I work as a health consultant.
I can easily provide ample documented proof of these truths.
When I travel to the USA it is with the intention of bringing voluntary health education to American citizens so that they, and their loved ones, might experience superior health, suffer less, and become more productive and useful members of their community.
I honestly believe that my being denied entry to the US is absolutely inappropriate and profoundly wrong. The way I was treated was inhumane, deplorable to an extreme and absolutely inexcusable.
Prof. Rozalind Gruben
Douglas N. Graham, D.C. 609 N. Jade Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037
(305) 852 0214 (650) 380 1282 cell
To Whom It May Concern;
My name is Dr. Douglas N. Graham. After over 20 years in private practice, I have elected, via public speaking, to give back to society the harvest of my experience.
Prof. Rozalind Gruben joins me for many of these presentations, and was planning to join me at all of the following Summer '03 events, where we were to present individually, as well as together.
I wish to stress that Prof. Gruben is to receive no pay for presenting at these events, and she asks for none. In fact, she will pay her own travel fees and expenses. She is strictly on a humanitarian mission of goodwill.
Professor Gruben has made commitments to speak for the following non-profit organizations this summer at their major yearly conferences:
Animal Rights 2003, Washington, DC
June 30, July 1
*RawStock, Occidental, CA
July 5-7
Healthful Living Intl, LA, CA
July 11-13
**The Essene Gathering, Brietenbush, OR
July 18-20
Hallelujah Ministries, Akron, OH
July 24-26
Living Now, NY
Aug 1 &2
North American Vegetarian Society, Johnstown, PA
Aug 5-10
Spirit Earth, Toronto, Canada
Aug 15-18
Raw Food Festival, Portland, OR
Aug 23-26
HealthEco, Silverthorne, CO
Sept 6-15
*This event is not run by a nonprofit organization, but Rozihs is receiving no payment for presenting for them.
**Professor Gruben's appearance at this event is pending confirmation, but she has spoken there in previous years.
It is extremely important that Professor Gruben appears at these events. Her presence has been advertised by the organizers of the various events, and people travel the globe in order to attend and listen to her presentations. She cannot be replaced. No one can substitute for her.
Dr Douglas N. Graham
To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to express my shock, concern, dismay, and outrage over the cruel, horrible, anti-democratic, and downright un-American treatment of Roz Gruben at the Newark airport on June 25th.
As Vice-President of the Vegetarian Society of El Paso, a respected community health education group, I have invited Roz to El Paso on two different occasions and I can attest to her wonderful and impeccable character.
If ever the earth created a gentle, compassion, and loving soul, it is Roz. She is a tremendous educator in the fields of health education and fitness. She has helped countless thousands of people in her work. Fortunately for the world's peoples, her mission takes her all over the globe and consequently she travels a lot.
Perhaps her frequent international travels raised unnecessary suspicion about her, but whatever the cause there is no excuse for the treatment she had to endure.
As a citizen of the United States, I request that this injustice be set right, and that Roz be granted full travel rights in and out of the United States. Please do not make her have to apply for a visa. This woman is no terrorist or criminal suspect; quite the contrary, she is a loving soul put here to make this a better planet. She is a uniquely qualified educator and if you harm her, you will also harm countless Americans in dire need of her help and teachings.
Dr. Steven Best
Chair, Department of Philosophy
University of Texas, El Paso
El Paso Texas 79968
In a message dated 09/07/03 00:43:49 GMT Daylight Time, writes:
Karen Neese
830 SE Sellwood Blvd.
Portland, OR 97202
U.S. Citizen and registered voter in Multnomah County,
To Whom It May Concern:
It is of paramount importance that Rozalind Gruben be
allowed to re-enter the United States. Her continual
volunteer efforts at educating the American population
about the importance of a healthy lifestyle is an
absolute necessity as our population follows its
current and rapid trajectory towards obesity,
lethargy, and illness. Her intentions and desires are
stimulated by generosity of the most admirable sort,
and to deny her entrance into the U.S. is to shoot our
country in the foot. As a registered voter and citizen
of this country, I am horrified to think that I and
everyone who is acquainted with Ms. Gruben's work are
represented by individuals who would make the decision
to arbitrarily bar her much-needed help.
Rozalind Gruben offers a wealth of priceless
information and experience that absolutely cannot be
provided by anyone else. Her female perspective on
health and self-improvement is a vital contribution to
the fields of health and nutrition, and I myself was
crushed to have missed the opportunity to hear her
speak this past weekend due to the decision to deny
her entrance. Her more than 25 years of experience in
the field of Natural Hygiene provide a solid source of
inspiration and information that no one else can
provide. Please allow her to enter the US IMMEDIATELY
so as not to further extend the hiatus of her truly
humanitarian work.
Thank you,
Karen Neese
July 9, 2003
David Ross
692 Distel Drive
Los Altos, California 94022
To Whom It May Concern:
I am appalled and deeply saddened to learn of our government's refusal to allow Professor Rozalind Gruben to continue to visit our country. I am writing to urge you to reconsider your position on her visitation status.
I possess over fifteen years in clinical and administrative positions in healthcare and am a credentialed healthcare quality improvement expert. It is my long-standing commitment to healthcare promotion in this country as well as my enduring gratitude for the wholly unique and valuable contributions Professor Gruben has made to this effort that compels me to write this letter.
I have had extensive contact with Professor Gruben over the past three years as a sponsor of health promotion events to which she has generously volunteered her time, energy, and expertise. Her unique contribution to the subject of health promotion places her in great demand to speak in this country. Like many who choose to allow his/her desire to contribute to the health and well-being of others to exceed his/her need for financial compensation and time for herself, Professor Gruben has demonstrated tireless dedication.