
Herencia Africana: The African influence in Latin America by Jonathan Barrera

In light of February beingBlack History Month, I was inspired to write a post about African heritage in Latin America. Although many are familiar with the strong African presence in areas like the Caribbean, there are other regions that also have influential Afro Latino histories, communities, and heroes. The following examples reflect a few of these perspectives that may not be as well known.

This month, members of Colombian hip-hop groupChocQuibTownwere interviewed by Univision anchormanJorge Ramoson the popular television program Al Punto. The group spoke about the challenges of being Latinos of African descent, racism, and how they use music as an expression of their heritage and pride. The lyrics from their award winning song, “De Donde Vengo Yo (Where I Come From), reflect the sentiment of the group’s home province ofChoco, part of Columbia’s predominately Afro Pacific Coast. Seventy percent of Choco’s residents live on less than one dollar a day.

1. Watch the video and write down a few things you find interesting. What do you notice about the people? The towns?The music/lyrics? Where do you see African influence?


“We are living the hardship of Choco’s ‘development,’ ” explains bandleader Carlos “Tostao” Valencia in a recentAP release. “From the corruption to the natural disasters – and always molding our music with it.”

2. What are some benefits of incorporating what’s happening in society into music? Do you knw of any songs that do this?


In November, ChocQuibTown won a Latin Grammy for Best Alternative Song and was recently nominated for a Grammy in the category of best Latin-Rock/Alternative Album. The group is currently recording their next studio album and plans to feature Puerto Rican hip-hop iconTego Calderon. Calderon is also a Latino artist of African heritage and often expresses socially conscious messages about the negative effects of racism.

For many Afro Latinos, like the members of ChocQuibTown, ancestry can be traced between the 1500’s and 1800’s when individuals from Africa were brought to the Americas against their will during the slave trade (a movement commonly known as African Diaspora). According to theInstitute for Cultural Diplomacy, Latin America and the Caribbean were the first regions of the Americas to be populated by Africans, even before European exploration. Many nationalities in Latin America have been influenced significantly through this historical context and have strong ties to African culture – sometimes even more so than in North America.

In the U.S., theNational Museum of Mexican Artin Chicago curated an exhibition in 2006 entitledThe African Presence in Mexico: From Yanga to the Present. The exhibition, which recently finished a national tour, features paintings, sculpture, and folk art that focuses on Mexico’s influential but relatively unknown African roots Gaspar Yanga, mentioned in the exhibition’s title, was the African leader of a slave rebellion in the Veracruz region of Mexico during the early 1600’s. Yanga also establishedone of the Americas earliest free African settlements in Mexico.

3. Have you ever heard of Gaspar Yanga before? ______Why is he an important historical figure? ______

In an article fromTime Out Chicago, the National Museum of Mexican Art’s director Carlos Tortolero emphasizes the importance teaching about Mexico’s African history. “We know about the Africans of Jamestown, but not Yanga,” he states. Tortolero also mentions that Mexico’s second president,Vicente Guerrero, was of African heritage and outlawed slavery in 1829.

Another little known fact from Mexico’s history that is addressed in the exhibition is brought to light by celebrated contemporary artistRufino Tamayo.José María Morelos, the famed revolutionary priest who fought for Mexican Independence, is the subject of a Tamayo oil painting that portrays him with dark African features. Many are unaware of Morelos’ African heritage and the revolutionary hero is often portrayed in images with a lighter complexion.

4. What was José María Morelos’ profession? ______Who does Mr. Gates compare him to in the video? Why? ______What happened in Mexico in 1830? ______Mr. Gates mentions that many Mexicans do not know that they owe their independence two 2 men of African descent. Why is it important that Mexicans and others know that these 2 men are of African descent? ______

5. At the end of this mini unit you will have a writing task in which you will have to support the following claim: African cultures and peoplehave had a significant influence in Latin-American culture.

Find 2 examples in this article that back up the claim and write them below.

Supporting evidence#1 ______

Supporting evidence#2 ______

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
―George Orwell