Here’s your VAT Declaration Form
Some businesses, including selected schools, charities and communal residential accommodation, may be eligible for a reduced VATrate on their gas and electricity supply.
If your premises are eligible and you have not already done so, please complete this VAT declaration form and return it to your supplier.
You can find your suppliers’ contact detailed on our dedicated supplier web pages at
This form can be used to declare your entitlement to both a reduced rate of VAT and exclusion from the Climate Change Levy atqualifying premises.
Please see the guidance notes for detail on what constitutes qualifying premises at the HM Revenue and Customs website
Once completed the VAT declarationshould be signed and posted to your energy supplier.
Please note that if you have changed supplier since your last VAT declaration you will need to complete a fresh declaration in order to continue to receive reduced rate VAT and CCL exemption.
Any problems? Call us on 0800 051 5770
For your benefit we always recommend that you keep a signed copy of your VAT declaration on file.
Business Juice Ltd. Registered in England. Company No. 7503976. Registered Office: Yorke House, Arleston Way, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4LH
Company Name:<Your Company Name
Company Address:<Your Company Address
<Your Letterhead>
VAT Declaration Form
To <Your Current Supplier
In respect of premises qualifying for reduced rate of VAT and exclusion from Climate Change Levy on energy supplies.
Telephone number:<Your Contact Telephone Number
Energy Supplier Account Number:<Your Energy Supplier Customer Reference
VAT registration number (where applicable):<Your VAT Registration Number>
Registered charity number (where applicable):<Your Registered Charity Number>
Company registration number (where applicable):<Your Company Registration No.
Address of qualifying premises: <Your Site Address
Please state purpose for which qualifying premises are used:
The date from which the reduced rate becomes effective:
How the gas and/or electricity for each meter is used:
% Domestic% Charity % Commercial
% Domestic% Charity % Commercial
I certify that the information given above is correct and complete. I undertake to inform <Your Current Supplier promptly if there is any change in the circumstances. I understand that any incorrect statement may make me liable to a financial penalty under the VAT Act 1994 as amended.
Full name of signatory: