Fridge List
Week September 12-September 16, 2016
Here is what we are doing in class this week:
Literacy- Introduce Café Reading Strategies:Ask Someone to Define a Word For You; Use Dictionaries, Thesauruses, and Glossaries as tools; Use Prior Knowledge to Connect With Text; Adjust and Apply different Reading Rates to Math Text; Enhance Phrasing and Prosody; Read Text as Author Would Say it to Convey Meaning or Feeling
- Daily 5: Read to Self , Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading
●Short i & High Frequency Words
●Commands and Exclamations / Writing Workshop
●Explore Writing Menu
(Capitalization, Organization, Punctuation, and Spelling)
●Unit 1: Establishing Math Routines / Science
●Explore the Nature Zone
●Scientific Inquiry / Social Studies
●Government & Citizenship
- Please have your child wear gym shoes on Thursdays and Fridays.
●For our first PTA fundraiser, please return money or coupon book if you are not purchasing it.
Important Dates to Remember
●September 11 Patriot Day
●September 13 Fall Pictures
●September 14 APS PTA Meeting (9:30 AM)
●September 16 Constitution Day
●September 30 Mid-terms distributed
●October 2-4 Rosh Hashanah
●October 6 Evening Conferences (4:30-8:00PM)
●October 8 Nature Zone Clean Up Day!
Week of September 12-September 16, 2016
This week’s Spelling Words
hit / anwill / had
wind / but
miss / are
milk / did
fill / from
win / get
Reading Comprehension Packet
This activity will always be due on Fridays. Have your child complete 1 reading and question set per night.
Math Home Links
Homework will begin this Thursday. Students will need to tear out their homework each night from their Home Links workbook and turn it in the next day. It is suggested that students keep their Home Links book in their back packs.
Homework Club
If your student does not turn in their homework on time, they will need to complete it during their recess time at “Homework Club”. Please send me a written notice if there are circumstances that your child could not complete their homework and they can be excused from homework club. Thank you for your cooperation!
Optional Reading Log
Students can read 20 minutes each night and record their efforts on the reading log located on the back sleeve of their folder. After 1 side of the log is complete, they can turn it in for a reward!
HomeworkMonday /
- Reading Comprehension Pack- 1 page - Return Pack on Friday.
- Study for Spelling Test on Friday
- Study +2 flash cards- Test on Friday
- Optional Reading-20 minutes (Record on Reading Log)
Tuesday / 1.Reading Comprehension Pack- 1 page - Return Pack on Friday.
2.Study for Spelling Test on Friday
3.Study +2 flash cards- Test on Friday
4.Optional Reading-20 minutes (Record on Reading Log)
Wednesday /
- Reading Comprehension Pack- 1 page - Return Pack on Friday.
- Study for Spelling Test on Friday
- Study +2 flash cards- Test on Friday
- Optional Reading-20 minutes (Record on Reading Log)
Gym Day!
Library Day! /
- Reading Comprehension Pack- 1 page - Return Pack on Friday.
- Math-Home Links 1.11 due on Friday.
- Study for Spelling Test on Friday
- Study +2 flash cards
- Optional Reading-20 minutes (Record on Reading Log)
Gym Day! / No Homework!
Bubble Gum Math Test Today! Reading Comprehension Packet Due Today!
Spelling Test Today! Home Links 1.11 Due Today!