Her Worth is Far above Jewels


INPUT: When you think about culture’s view of women and/or God’s view of women – what do you think?


I. Adam and Eve as ______

II. Adam and Eve as ______allies

III. Adam and Eve as ______influencers

INPUT: When I say the word “helper”, what do you think?


Women in the New Testament times were not regarded highly in the surrounding cultures.

Quotes from “Reconstructing the Rise of Christianity: The Role of Women.”

So...in the beginning and also in Bible times, we see that God’s view of women is very high and in no way demeaning.


I.Believing the Lie from the Culture

It was years before I realized the underlying lie I still believed from the world. And what was the lie? “The truly meaningful work is what is done in the marketplace (frequently by men) – and only there – anything else is of lesser importance.” It wasn’t that I needed to learn to be content with God’s subservient role for me, but that I needed to stop believing the lie that my role was subservient. And who was telling me that? The same culture that is supposedly exalting women!! We work, in part because of a faulty view of what is valuable.

INPUT: Now let me hear from you – what are the lives of women today really like?

II.Identifying the Lies

A. Men get to go and do the ______work and I need to learn to be content with the less important things:

For married women: managing a ______, ______children and helping him while he is doing exciting things in his ______.

INPUT: What is the lie in that?

For single women: learning how to ______and baby-sit, be on the ______committee, work in the ______while he gets to ______, be a deacon, ______, etc.

INPUT: What is the lie in that?

INPUT: So what does God value?

In Proverbs 31 we see a mother telling her son to look for those qualities in a FUTURE wife – what is a future wife? A SINGLE woman. So...apparently, the qualities that we admire in the Proverbs 31 woman are able to be seen in the life of a single woman.

INPUT: How is the Proverbs 31 using her unique role to have an eternal impact?

INPUT: OK, so now, how would this look in the life of a single woman?

I hope you see that regardless of your present situation, you can and should be developing the qualities of a Proverbs 31 woman: selflessly giving of yourself, your time and your talents for the betterment of those around you.

B. It’s not fair that I am the ______and not men. Why do I have to help them ______of them helping me?


I.We are all ______in God’s sight. READ Gal. 3:28.

II.We are ______with men over all of creation to display God’s glory to the rest of the world. As believers, all of us, man or woman, have the awesome job of being ______for Christ. READ 2 Cor. 5:20.


I.To begin with, we need to have the ______if I am to flourish in my design.

II.Working ______of our role.

“At the heart of mature femininity is a freeing disposition to affirm, receive and nurture strength and leadership from worthy men in ways appropriate to a woman’s differing relationships.”

INPUT: How is God’s view of women superior to the world’s view?

III.Helper by ______

A.Help ______in understanding the needs of other women.

B.Use your God given inclination to help in order to strengthen younger women through ______.

C.Be aware of the fullness of “______”:

  • Defender
  • Supporter
  • Protector
  • Helper in word and deed
  • Giver of hope
  • Praise!
  • God’s love and sovereignty!
  • Eternal perspective!
  • Forgiveness!