August 14, 2008 @ 7:00 P.M.
ATTENDEES:Ryan Leckner, Gary Nasser, Brenda Carpenter,Janet Gruis, Judi Nelson,
Sharon Koskela, Lowell Warne
Chairman Leckner called the August board meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
SECRETARY’S REPORT–Leckner made a motion and Nasser seconded to approve the July minutes. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT - Leckner made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Nelson made a motion to pay the balance in full for the short-term loan in the amount of $28,125.27. Leckner seconded. Motion carried.
Warne made a motion and Nasser seconded to approve the August bills for payment. Motion carried.
The closing for the two (2) Discovery Circle lots was held today. A check in the amount of $37,500.00 is the agreed upon final selling price to be paid to the township by Nick Gardner’s.
The new federal mileage rate for reimbursement is now set at 58.50 cents. Nasser made a motion and Warne seconded to pay the annual meeting moderator $50.00 for running the annual meeting. Discussion ensued. Motion carried.
1.Ken Davis– Mr. Davis would like to apply for a home-based occupation permit (conditional use) to have a business and a residence combined. Parcel was zoned commercial previously and was changed to residential. It was grandfathered because it hadn’t been used for over a year and lost the classification. The property is 1.1 acre on the east and remainder is on the other side of the road. The Board recommended Ken Davis seek proper procedures for this by contacting Al Winterberger. Nelson made a point questioning whether the business must follow State laws with regard to permitting.
2.Eric Crow –A request for a conditional use permitfor East 34 Lawn and Sport on Highway 34 was discussed. Parcel is already zoned commercial. Nelson posed questions regarding the on-going issue of a possible overlapping of lot lines. According to Leckner, Winterberger indicated the issue has been resolved. Finding of facts were read by Koskela. Leckner made a motion to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve the CUP. Koskela seconded. Motion carried. Carpenter indicated if there are no stipulations, it should be noted as part of the motion. Leckner made a motion to amend his motion approving the Eric Crow conditional use request to include approving the request with no stipulations placed on the use. Koskela seconded. Motion carried.
Planning Commission Vacancy - Hokanson will give names of potential candidates to the Board at the next meeting to replace Nicole Lueth.
1. Echo Drive – NevisTownship Board. Discussion of the culvert area needing asphalt ensued (segment is 90’ by 22’). Howard’s Driveway gave a quote of $4,200 for a 2.5” surface and $5,200 for a 3” surface. Anderson Brothers’ quote received was $3,400 for a 2.5” surface but no pricing for a 3” surface was included. Leckner made a motion to go with a 3” overlay from the lowest quote presented, providing it covers two lifts. Koskela seconded. Motion carried.
Gravel – Warne made a motion to accept the quote that NevisTownshiphas alreadyaccepted from Cumbers which was $34,000. Leckner seconded. Discussion ensued. This amount is over and above the asphalt segment amount. The gravel is for both segments of 219th north and south. Chloride must wait until next spring due to the time of the year. Motion was called and carried. Warne discussed the section of road from Hell Kamp Creek to the intersection of 170th. Discussion of putting Class I gravel on this segment was discussed. Nevis would do the job and then bill HenriettaTownship. It was mentioned that some townships use magnesium chloride on roads which is less corrosive. Leonard Pearson, supervisor, and Tom Walz, chair, for Nevis Township returned the Road Maintenance Agreement back to us with their signatures.
ROAD REPORT– The blading schedule for the month was outlined. Blading hours will be more closely monitored. Class I gravel has been placed on 178th 180th, 170th, and 209thand on blow outs. The 170thStreet concerns were discussed. It is believed the State of MN will wait until the project is complete before reimbursing the township. Two hundredth Avenue traffic increases were discussed. Ralph cut more trees down from the storm and spent a fair amount of time cutting by Mike Ridlon’s place. Questions posed to Sanquist’s last month were addressed by Ralph. With regard to fuel costs, Ralph indicatedat this point,things are adequate,and he will only ask for an increase if the prices escalate farther. Roads were bladed and shoulders pulled in. Tar and chip holes were also fixed. Brush remains uncut along Enchanted Trail.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR REPORT – Log of activity for July was read by Carpenter in Winterberger’s absence.
TOWNSHIP PULL-BEHIND GRADER-Discussion took place about the use and liability issues of the township owning this type of equipment including loaning it out. Tabled until next month.
ASSESSOR’S INCREASE REQUEST: Assessor, Mary Anne Maurer, presented figures backing her request for an increase per record from $11.00 to $12.50. Leckner made a motion to accept Mary Anne’s increase request to $12.50 per record. Nasser seconded. Budget considerations were discussed. Leckner, Koskela, and Nasser voted yes; Nelson voted no, and Warne abstained. Motion carried.
FLAG INSTALLATION: It was discussed and decided for the interim the new flag would be installed and further research will take place regarding other display options and ways to curb the vandalism of flood lights as well.
TOWNSHIP OFFICE EQUIPMENT:Leckner made a motion and Nasser seconded that Carpenter shopfor a new printer for up to $1,000.00. Motion carried. Nelson will be donating a T.V. to the township.
POST ROAD TOUR CORRESPONDENCE Leckner directedElizabeth Stone to remove the loose stones along the driveway to reduce the liability in the road right of way. Bill Steen visited Carpenter and asked for optionstohold the soil. He indicated that one of the forms has been removed already and he will be removing the other as well. Follow-up will be necessary for these cases. Johnson’s correspondence was not delivered by Warne.
Nasser made a motion to approve the election judge list. Warne seconded. Motion carried. Nasser made amotionand Leckner seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Carpenter
Township Clerk
HenriettaTownship Minutes – August 14, 2008 Page 2