Qualification Feedback Form
This feedback form is designed to allow individual learners, employers, assessors, training providers and anyone interested in a particular qualification, to tell Occupational Awards what they think of the qualification or parts of it. This information will help Occupational Awards change and improve its qualifications to better suit the needs of learners and their employers. Summaries of feedback received are published (without identifying respondents) on Occupational Awards website in annual reports,( anda report is also published which summarises any changes and actions taken.
Fill in the questions you can, and leave the others blank. Alternatively, use your own format if you want to focus on some issues, or anything not covered here.
The information you provide will be treated as confidential and will only be seen by Occupational Awards employees involved in this work. Alternatively, you can ring the Responsible Officer on 01235 432032 if you would prefer to provide direct feedback or to get further information.
This form can only be used for one Qualification. Please fill in a different form for each qualification.
Qualificaton title (and the number if possible): Please use the exact title from the paperwork you have.
Are you representing an organisation?If so, please circle which type of organisation: / Standards Setting Organisation, Awarding Organisation, Training Centre, Employer, Trade Union, Training Provider, Professional Body, Federation/TradeAssociation, Professional Institute, Regulatory AuthorityOther:
Are you an individual learner? / Yes/No
Are you involved in delivering training? / Yes/No
Are you involved in carrying out assessment / Yes/No
Industry – please specify
Is the content of the qualification/unit relevant for your/the learner’s job? / Yes/No
Do the learning outcomes and assessment criteria reflect the purpose of the qualification? / Yes/No
Is the level of the qualification right for the job? / Yes/No
Do the credit values reflect how long it took you/the learner to complete the qualification? / Yes/No
Is the structure of the qualification right for the job role and skill set, it is aimed at? / Yes/No
Are the mandatory units correct? / Yes/No
Should there be more or less mandatory units, and if so which ones? / Yes/No
Is the choice offered by the optional units right for the job role and skill set the qualification is aimed at? / Yes/No
Should the choice options be changed, and if so which ones and why? / Yes/No
Should there be more or less optional units, and if more, which ones?
Are the exemptions (ie unit(s) you/learners don’t have to do because of existing qualifications or experience) fair and correct? / Yes/No
Should they be changed, and if so how? / Yes/No
Is it clear if the qualification offers you/the learner the option for transferring credits gained to other qualifications? How could this be improved? / Yes/No
How effective are the assessment criteria in assessing the learning outcomes? / Yes/No
Were there any barriers for you/the learner in achieving this qualification? / Yes/No
Is the language used clear and understandable. If not, please give examples if possible. / Yes/No
Does the structure of the qualification help or hinder the learning to achieve the skills and knowledge required?
For example, the wrong split between mandatory/optional units; mandatory unit “too hard”; not sufficient choice in the optional units to maximise the potential of the learner. / Yes/No
Does the assessment process and the way it is implemented encourage learning or is it seen as a possible barrier to learning? / Yes/No
Are there any other improvementsthat could be made to the qualification? / Comments:
Any other comments:
Optional Information (if you would like Occupational Awardsto contact you):
First name: / Surname:Contact details (telephone number/email):
Your job title:
Please return your completed questionnaire to:
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