Title I, Part A

The Value and Utility of Parents

School Year 2017-2018

Slide 1 – Introduction

Read slide title: Title I – Part A

The Value and Utility of Parents


Slide 2– Why are we here?

There are numerous parent and family engagementrequirements in the Title I lawthat must be completed on an annual basis.

Title I, Part A, requires district and campuses to educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff members, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents.

Slide 3 – What you will learn

What is the law and what does the law require in regards to parent and family engagement?

What is Title I, Part A?

What is a Title I School-Wide program?

What are Parent and Family Engagement Activities and Programs?

Slide 4 – Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into legislation to rewrite ESEA/NCLB. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) introduces an entirely new set of rules to Title I and other federal programs.

Slide 5 – Parent and Family Engagement Compliance

Funding starts at the Federal level, then down to the State level, funds are distributed to the district and then to the campus.

Slide 6 – Parent and Family Engagement Compliance

The chart describes the different levels of fund disbursement.

This is a continuous cycle.

Slide 7 – What does the ESSA Lawrequire in regards to Parent and Family Engagement?

  • It requires school districts to implement programs, activities and procedures for the involvement of parentsand family members.
  • Such programs, activities and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents and family members of participating students.

Slide 8 - What is Title I, Part A – Improving Basic Programs?

  • It provides supplemental funding to state and local education agencies.
  • This funding pays for resources to assist schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families.
  • These resourcesimprove education quality and help ensureall children in low-income contexts meet the state's student performance standards.
  • Title I, Part A provides support to schools in implementing either a school-wide program or a targeted assistance program.
  • Title I, Part A programs use effective methods and instructional strategies that are evidence based.

Slide 9 –What is the Purpose of School-Wide Program?

  • The purpose is to upgrade the entire educational program in order to raise academic achievement for all students.
  • It is built on school-wide reform strategies, rather than separate, add-on services.
  • It provides flexibility in spending Title I funds.
  • It permits flexibility to coordinate with other funds in support of the school-wide program.
  • It focuses on results

Slide 10 – What are Parent and Family EngagementActivities?

Now we will discuss some of the Parent and Family EngagementActivities and requirements for our district and campuses.

Slide 11 – Parent and Family EngagementPrograms and Activities

Parent and Family Engagement Policies – Each district and school that receives Title I, Part A, funds or services must develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagementpolicy that contains information required by the Every Student Succeeds Act. This policy should spell out how parents and family members will be involved in a meaningful way and how they will be involved in the school. The policy must be updated periodically to reflect the changing concerns of parents.

School-Parent Compacts – A written commitment must be developed each year indicating how all members of the school community, including parents, teachers, principals, students, and community members, agree to share responsibility for student learning. The policy must be updated periodically to reflect the changing concerns of parents.Elementary Schools are required to have the compact discussed at a parent-teacher conferenceprior to the end of the first nine weeks. Compacts must be completed for compliance by November 3, 2017.

Annual Title I Parent Meeting – Each year, the Title I program is required to host a meeting for parents and family members to explain what the Title I program is and how Title I students will be assessed. It should also include information on how parents can be involved in their children’s education.

Staff Training on the Value and Utility of parents – just as we mentioned earlier…Title I Part A requires district and campuses to educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff members, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parentsand family members.

Providing Opportunities to Train Parents – The Title I program provides parents with opportunities to become partners with the school in promoting the education of their children at school and at home.

Notes on Slide 11 – Other Campus Requirements for Title I Parent Involvement

Assessing the Parent and Family EngagementComponent – At the end of each school year, the Title I program must somehow assess their parent and family engagementcomponent. Parents are asked to either participate in a formal meeting or complete a survey, giving their input.

Informing Parents of Student Progress – Parents of Title I students must be informed of their progress through a formal report that is sent home at least twice per school year.

Parents’ Right to Know Clause – Parents have the right to know the qualifications of their children’s teacher. At the beginning of each school year, the LEA must notify parents of such information.

School/District Report Cards – Parents must be notified annually regarding the availability of the school and district report cards outlining the academic achievement of all public districts and schools in the state.

Texas Academic Performance Reports – Parents must be provided with a copy of the school and district adequate yearly progress reports each year, along with correspondence explaining the reports.

LEP Parent Notification – Parents must be notified if their children are placed in a program for LEP students.

Parent Communication – campus shall ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand

Slide 12 – Value of Parent and Family Engagement

Parents are partners with the school in educating the child; neither group can be successful without the other. Increased parent and family engagementresults in:

Improved student achievement

Improved student behavior

Increased teacher effectiveness

An improvement in the child’s “interest in” and “attitude towards” school

An improvement in the parent’s “interest in” an “appreciation for” education, teachers and learning

Slide 13 – The Utility of Parents


co-educate the child

prepare the studentfor school each day

serve on Campus and District committees

help the school as chaperones, monitors, and mentors. They assist in the workroom, coordinate fundraising, read to students, make academic manipulatives for teachers and students, attend parent trainings and so much more!

Slide 14 – Successful Parent and Family Engagement

What are other ways that YOU can increase parent and family engagementin your classroom and campus? Strategies to increase parental involvement should be reflected in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and Campus Improvement Plan (CIP).

Slide 15 – Thank you

Please visit the federal programs department website or ask your campus PFL for additional assistance.