www.henriettatownship.govoffice2.com Email:

ATTENDEES:Gary Nasser, Janet Gruis, Ryan Leckner, Judi Nelson, Brenda Carpenter, Lowell Warne, Sharon Koskela

Chairman Leckner called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance

SECRETARY’S MINUTES: Nasser made a motion to approve the August minutes and Nelson seconded. Motion carried.

Leckner made a motion to approve the August 23, 2006 and August 28, 2006, minutes making the correction removing “regular city council’s meeting, which takes places before the township’s. Nasser seconded. Motion carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Leckner made a motion and Nasser seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report as written and reported. Motion carried. (See attached).

Warne made a motion to transfer $500.00 from the General Fund to the Cemetery Fund. Nasser seconded. Motion carried.

Leckner made a motion to approve the bills for payment and Nasser seconded. Motion carried.


The Zoning Administrator was not present. The Chairman presented the Breitweiser (A&D Developing) Rezoning Request to be revisited. Mr. Breitweser has asked the Board to reconsider his request and to come before us with evidence for his request as the resident was not able to make the public hearing. Upon legal counsel advise, it was determined the Board can make the decision to proceed. It was discussed that a stipulation limiting service-type driveways are necessary (two parcels per driveway). After reviewing all the evidence, Nasser made a motion to rescind the motion of August 23, 2006, that denied the rezoning request. Warne seconded. Motion carried. With setback requirements met and after getting more information regarding the proposed layout of the rezoning request, Leckner made a motion that after hearing new evidence and after talking to the City of Park Rapids as this is part of the new annexation area, the Board agrees to accept the rezoning request with the stated stipulation as outlined: 1) Limited Parcel Driveway Access requiring wo parcels per driveway; 3) Setback requirements must be met and maintained; and 4) 100-foot dense tree screening buffer is required and maintained. Koskela seconded. Motion carried.

Big lights noticed laying on Silver Star City grounds – belong to Dale Breitweiser. Inform Zoning Administrator to formulate a reminder letter to Marcy Hayes to repair or remove the fence along Silver Star City to come into compliance with zoning guidelines.

ROAD REPORT- typical blading occurred this month. To prepare 210th Ave. for surfacing it was bladed, rolled, and water was applied. No thru traffic signs were placed on south 169th, one where the drive-in theatre was, one on Hwy 34, and one will be placed on 209th. Two (2) cable locations were missed--must do a recall on those. Ralph missed ordering speed limit signs indicating 30 MPH. The township can enforce rules as long as it’s posted. Shouldering was constructed on 169th and 170th. Ralph will hold off on building the cul de sac on Echo Drive. Dawn Drive – Bushes are covering the stop sign. John and Judy Nelson will chop them down. Ralph will check the fence in the right of way on Deer Drive. A letter should be initiated to them upon Ralph’s evaluation.

ASTECH – Too broken up to do some of the bad spots for road prep. The longer the gravel stays on the better. Satisfied with excellent patching and prep for 210th.

DEERVIEW DRIVE – A few residents may petition to pave the road. Anderson Brothers talked with Ryan Leckner about what kind of ditching etc. would be needed.


Recessed 8:45 p.m.; 8:55 p.m. reconvened


Leckner made a motion to pass a resolution indicating after researching the township records, it was determined no maintenance has occurred on the Czecok cart-way road for at least 30 years, and it is not and never was a township road, or recorded as such. Nelson seconded. Motion carried.

BRISTOW GRAVEL PIT. It was discussed with the township attorney that Kathryn Bristow has been given until by October 31, 2006, to complete the reclamation process. If they don’t meet the deadline, Rebecca Anderson will do another letter with more deadlines and stipulations.

Discussion regarding the sale of the old town hall took placed. Leckner made a motion to advertise the old town hall with or without the property using the sealed bid process and indicating the township’s right to reject any and all bids with a due date of November 2, 2006. The bids will be opened at our regular meeting in November. Nasser seconded. Motion carried. Stipulations that the building must be moved within 60-days from date of sale or negotiated at the time of sale couple months—have potential buyers check on dimensions, etc.; don’t need to appraise it because it is part of a plat. Buyer must have appropriate insurance

BOB PRICE EASEMENT – under our ordinance he is already covered under the non-conforming use. Board will write a letter to Masog and run it by Rebecca before issuing.

EVERSON DRAIN FIELD – The residents must record the changes. The township should verify such a transaction.

GREEN ACRE LOTS; Upon legal advice, it was determined the Board could proceed with the sale through a closed bid process because the lots will not be nor will they ever be developed for the intended purpose of a sewer district. Motion was made by Koskela to accept sealed bids until November 2, 2006, and open the bids at the November 9, 2006 regular meeting. Nasser seconded. The ad should stipulate that the Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The ad will be posted on the WEBSITE or the appropriate paperwork to file. Advertisement are to be placed in locate the Enterprise, Northwoods Press, and the Detroit Lakes paper. Bid information can also be found on the township website listed above.

Henrietta Township Minutes – September 14, 2006 Page 2

The Zoning Administrator contract and possible breach of contract issues were discussed: a. Log provided requirement is not adhered to; b. surrender to Henrietta Township Board of information (Data Privacy Act) was also discussed and, c) resident complaint issues. The Board will schedule a meeting with Al Winterberger to discuss his employment.

Nasser made a motion to adjourn and Warne seconded. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Carpenter

Henrietta Township Minutes – September 14, 2006 Page 3