FAQ’s – taken from the questions received via the website

1.  My work is in a specific area will it be eligible for funding?

You will see that there are three areas for funded activity that contribute to the overall objective

a) The protection of heritage and cultural property under threat in the target countries

b) Capacity building and training for those involved in protecting heritage and cultural property in target countries

c) Advocacy and education related to the protection of heritage and cultural property in target countries

In addition, the consultation response includes reference to some of the anticipated areas of activity.

2.  Who was involved in the consultations and what came from it?

The consultation response gives details of the approach to the consultation, those that were consulted and what came from it.

3.  Culture is a devolved matter is this fund open to all parts of the UK (Scotland)

Yes. [The main objective of the fund is to create opportunities for economic and social development through building capacity to foster, safeguard and promote cultural heritage in conflict-affected regions overseas. We are looking for organisations from across the UK to propose projects that make a contribution to achieving that objective].

4.  I notice the focus of the Fund is the Middle East & North Africa – some countries in the region are not mentioned are they eligible? (Oman and Iran)

The countries mentioned are the targets for the initial funding rounds.

5.  How do we apply?

Register your interest and forms and guidance will be sent through to you.

6.  What will the form look like

A one-pager has been created that outlines the sections of the application [we will provide a link from the website]

7.  How do I judge whether my project meets ODA criteria

A document “What is ODA” has been created [we will provide a link from the website]

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