Strategic Plan for Education Directorate/Section / 2011-14




2011-2014(strategic plan for 2012 – 2015 currently being developed)

‘Times change but our commitment to excellence remains’

Version no: 1

Prepared: September 2010

Foreword BY....

This strategic plan has been written to reflect the goals, objectives and activities of the Education Directorate which correspond directly with those of the St.Helena Government. Each Sector has used these goals and strategic objectives to form the basis of their operational strategic sector plans which set out the activities that will be conducted on an on –going basis to achieve the outcomes of the national goals and strategic objectives.

It is under this strategic planning framework that an agenda for a comprehensive change management process throughout the entire directorate has been set to continue to be implemented from April 2011 to March 2014.

We are committed to educating the future citizens who will eventually lead and develop our Island. The island’s main resource is its people, and unless this resource is developed fully then the future economy and development of St Helena will be threatened.

As a Directorate we are confident that we will be able to meet the challenges as a result of the change management agenda but we also recognise that achieving our goals will only be realised if we are able to retain and recruit staff who can effectively and efficiently deliver the service that is provided under the auspices of the Education Directorate.

The commitment, hard work and dedication of all members of staff of the Education Directorate must be highly commended. We greatly value the contribution made to our Directorate by our staff as they play a pivotal role in supporting the extensive service that we provide.

The Education and Employment Committee members are actively involved in encouraging, supporting and developing the strategic objectives of the Education Directorate. They form part of the Education Directorate’s team of people who are helping to drive forward the agenda for change process.

I would like to thank all those who contributed in any way towards the formulation, development and production of this plan especially the Senior Managers of our Directorate namely Mr. John Sullivan, Head Teacher of Prince Andrew School, Ms Alice Greentree, Education Officer Primary, Mr John Thurlow, AVES Manager, Mrs Wendy Benjamin Education Officer for Teacher Training and Miss Christina Stroud Human Resources and Administrative Manager (This post has now been taken over by Mrs Carol Thompson). Each Sector Officer has been supported in this process by their school and office management teams and led ultimately by the Chief Education Officer.

Advice, training and support from the Strategic Policy Co-ordinatorhas proven extremely useful in this strategic planning exercise.

The professional and enthusiastic approach adopted towards this strategic planning framework within the Education Directorate is highly commendable and gives clear evidence of an outcome based and target driven service.

Lilla Oliver M.Ed

Chief Education Officer

April 2011


Foreword by ....







Strategic Plan for Education Directorate/Section / 2011-14


AQA-Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

AVEC-Adult Vocational Education Centre

AVES-Adult Vocational Education Service

CC-Curriculum Co-ordinator

CEO-Chief Education Officer

CIDT- Centre for International Development

CPD-Continuous Professional Development

CPG-Child Protection Group

CPTA-Combined Parent Teachers Association


DAPM-Development Aid Planning Mission

DEPD -Development & Economic Planning Department

DFID -Department for International Development

DHC-Deputy Head (Curriculum)

DHP-Deputy Head (Pastoral)

DHV-Deputy Head (Vocational)

EBD-Emotional Behavioural Difficulties

EO Admin-Executive Officer (Administration)

SEO-Senior Executive Officer

EO(PAS)-Education Officer (PrinceAndrewSchool)

EOP-Education Officer Primary

ESA's-Educational Support Assistants

ESS-Education Sector Strategy

ESSP- Education Service Support Programme

EXCO-Executive Council

FPUG-Francis Plain User Group

FS-Financial Secretary

GCSE-General Certificate of Secondary Education

GSSA-General School Support Assistant

HOD-Head of Department

HOLS-Head of Learning Support

HT -Head Teacher

ICT-Information Communication Technology

ICT-Information Communications Technology

IEPs-Individual Education Programme(s)

INSET-Inservice Training

IT-Information Technology

ITT-Initial Teacher Training

LEGCO-Legislative Council

LLL - Life Long Learning

MER’s -Monthly Expenditure Returns

NFER-National Foundation for Educational Research

NTT-Newly Trained Teachers

NVQ-National Vocational Qualification

OPR-Output to purpose Review

OVSET-Overseas Training


PF's-Personal Files

PHL-Pastoral Head (LowerSchool)

PHU-Pastoral Head (UpperSchool)

PMC -Public Management Cadre

POS-Programme of Study

PRU-Pupil Referral Unit

PSC-Post School Co-ordinator

PTR-Pupil Teacher Ratio

SoS- Scheme of Service

SLT - Senior Leadership Team

SMT - Senior Management Team

SHED- St.Helena Education Directorate

TNA - Training Needs Analysis



This Strategic Plan sets out the expectations for the Directorate/Section’s performance for the period 2011-2014 and establishes a framework for a clear and impartial assessment of the Directorate/Section’s success in achieving its objectives and responsibilities.

The Plan describes the Directorate/Section’s Mission, link to SHG goals, strategic objectives, sub objectives and strategies, and gives details of the resources required to achieve its objectives.

1.2 The Directorate/Section

The role of this Directorate/Section is to:

Deliver an efficient, effective and high quality Education Service

We are responsible for educating all students / pupils on the Island of compulsory school age and providing a Life Long Learning Programme for adults under AVES

We deliver the following services:

Primary Education including Nursery Education

Secondary Education

Public Library Service

Adult and Vocational Education Service

Teacher Training and Special Educational Needs

Administrative Services

Since the previous plan was prepared, there have been the following changes which have impacted on the performance of the Directorate/Section:

The new Life Long Learning Strategy for AVES was endorsed by the Education and Employment Committee in June 2010 and implementation commenced in August 2010.

Changes made to senior management in the recruitment of a new Head Teacher of Prince Andrew School, including other changes made to the management structure of PAS such as the posts of curriculum leaders being replaced by Advanced Skills Teacher posts and the reduction of the Assistant Head Teacher’s Post.

The teaching profession has been recognised as a separate cadre by the approval of a revised Scheme of Service and Pay & Grading structure from August 2010.

Performance Management Appraisal System forthe Teaching Cadre has been trialled for ayear and has been revised for the forthcoming academic years.

New Performance Management Appraisal for the non –teaching cadrewas adopted from April 2010.

The post of Deputy Chief Education Officer has been approved by SHG and once filled will merge the duties / posts of the Education Officer Primary and the Secondary Education Officer

We work closely with:

Public Health and Social Services Department in the areas of health promotion in schools and preventative care and child care protection issues

St. Helena Police Department in drug awareness and road safety programmes

Public Works &Services Department with our AVES Strategy

St. Helena Development Agency with our AVES Strategy

Agriculture & Natural Resources Department with our AVES Strategy

Private Sector – through SHDA


All directorates in respect of training and retraining of staff

Overseas training providers

Education & Employment Committee

1.3 Context and coverage of the plan

This plan covers the years 2011-2014

It covers the activities of the Directorate/Section and also includes the activities of:-

Education and Employment Committee, Scholarship Awards Committee, AVES Task Team and ESSP 2

The guiding legislation for the Directorate/Section includes:

The Education Ordinance 2008

This Plan draws upon the new Life Long Learning Strategy for AVES, The PAS Whole School Reform Planning Framework, The ESSP 2 Log Frame and Action Planning Framework, The Teacher Training Needs programme, The Primary Sector Whole School Development Action Plans, the Special Educational Needs data and analysis and the annual external examination results at all Key Stages.


2.1 Introduction

This section outlines the high level direction for the development of this Strategic Plan. It outlines the areas in which the directorate/section will support the achievement of the national goals of St Helena and the high level strategic objectives and performance targets which we will seek to achieve. This provides the basis for the preparation of our detailed plans and drives our decisions about resource allocation.

2.2 Mission

Our Mission directly supports the Vision for St Helena which is:

A prosperous, peaceful and democratic society for all achieved through sustainable economic, environmental and social development leading to a healthy and eventually financially independent St Helena

Our Mission is:

To inspire generations to undertake a life long voyage of learning and discovery by providing an effective and efficient education programme.

Our Vision:

We will inspire, motivate and develop individuals as we deliver quality, lifelong learning experiences that will enable learners to achieve their full potential and hence make a valuable contribution to our island.

2.3 Current policy priorities

This Directorate/Section supports the following SHG goals

  • Goal 1 A sustainable and vibrant economy
  • Goal 2 A healthy community in a safe environment (indirectly through curriculum delivery)
  • Goal 3 Strong Institutions of Governance (indirectly through curriculum delivery)

Our strategic priorities for the coming three years are:

Improve the quality of teaching and learning through the delivery of compulsory education

An improved Adult and Vocational Education Service

Public Library service moved to new location as a Learning Resource Centre

Develop the Initial Teacher Training and New Teacher Training programme and continue to address Special Educational Needs and Emotional and Behavioural difficulties

Education Service Support Programme utilized effectively for teacher training, retraining and school linking.

Sustainability of the ESSP 2 will need to be a strategic focus for the next three year planning process as this is likely to be no longer funded as a separate project by DFID

Review infrastructure and staffing needs depending on migrationand positive air access decision.

2.4 Strategic objectives and key performance indicators

This section outlines the SHG Goals and Strategic Objectivesthat we will support during the next three year period.

In order to measure progress towards delivering the Strategic Objectives, each one has been defined as a set oflower level Sub Objectivesand Directorate/Section level objectives. Each Directorate/Section level objective has been assigned a specific target and performance measure linked to outcomes. These are shown in priority order in the tables below.

SHG Goal: 1 A Sustainable and vibrant economy
Strategic Objective: 1.3 Ensure effective investment in human capital through workforce development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective: (1.3.3) Improve the standard of education to meet the future development needs of St.Helena and prepare the population for living in a more open environment and globally orientated economy
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
  1. Continue to develop and enhance new policy based on the review of the secondary curriculum and 14-19 reform in England to complement the current priority on distance learning and to take into account the possible impact of air access proposals on the island
/ % students achieving KS3 L5+ and % of students making 2 levels of progress between KS2 and 3
% students achieving L1/2 and 3
Average Capped Points Score
Range of courses available at KS4 & 5 / 67% of students @ L5+ in both English and maths by 2015
30% make 2 levels progress in En
60% make 2 levels progress in maths
By 2015 90% L1
50% L2
80% L3
KS4 300 points
KS5 500 points
KS4: Core + 12 academic and 6 vocational options available at both L1 and L2
KS5: 12 academic and 6 vocational subjects available via taught and distance learning
Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective / Secondary Education Services
SHG Goal:1 A Sustainable and vibrant economy
Strategic Objective1.3 Ensure effective investment in human capital through workforce development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective(1.3.3) Improve the standard of education to meet the future development needs of St.Helena and prepare the population for living in a more open environment and globally orientated economy
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
  1. Maximise investment in the scholarship programme to increase the opportunities available, to ensure that long, medium term and short term benefits are taken into account when allocating scholarships.
/ Numbers of students entering tertiary education in each consecutive year to attend university in the UK / An increase of students studying for tertiary education to match budget requirements
Note: Actual figures to be confirmed once applications are submitted in October 2010
Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective / Tertiary Education Services
SHG Goal:1 A Sustainable and vibrant economy
Strategic Objective 1.3 Ensure effective investment in human capital through workforce development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective (1.3.3) Improve the standard of education to meet the future development needs of St.Helena and prepare the population for living in a more open environment and globally orientated economy
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
Encourage and incentivise the private sector to support scholarships and NVQ students, including through a joint public/private sector scheme. / Number of public / private sector supporting scholarship and NVQ students for tertiary education placements. / Positive response from private / public sector to joint funding scheme.
Note: Actual figures to be confirmed once applications are submitted in October 2010
Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective / Tertiary Education Services
SHG Goal:1 A Sustainable and vibrant economy
Strategic Objective 1.3 Ensure effective investment in human capital through workforce development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective (1.3.3) Improve the standard of education to meet the future development needs of St.Helena and prepare the population for living in a more open environment and globally orientated economy
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
Relocate the Public Library into a new Learning Resource Centre / Funding streams obtained to finance the relocation of the Public Library / Relocation of Public Library implemented by March 2014
Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective / Library Services
SHG Goal:1 A Sustainable and vibrant economy
Strategic Objective 1.3 Ensure effective investment in human capital through workforce development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective (1.3.3) Improve the standard of education to meet the future development needs of St.Helena and prepare the population for living in a more open environment and globally orientated economy
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
Investigate the feasibility of establishing a joint venture for nursery provision with a view to moving it into the private sector after the three year period. / Feasibility study of establishing a joint venture for Nursery provision with a view to\moving it into the private sector. / Feasibility study completed by March 2012.
Outcome of feasibility study realised by 2013/14
Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective / Primary / Early Years Education Services
SHG Goal:1 A Sustainable and vibrant economy
Strategic Objective 1.3 Ensure effective investment in human capital through workforce development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective (1.3.3) Improve the standard of education to meet the future development needs of St.Helena and prepare the population for living in a more open environment and globally orientated economy
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
Develop the use of ICT as an effective teaching and learning resource / % of teachers showing evidence of using Shropshire Learning Gateway (SLG) resources in planning
% of teachers accessing Continual Professional Development through the ESSP 2
Number of teachers trained in the use of ICT as an effective teaching and learning resource by external trainer / 100% of staff showing evidence of using SLG resources by 2013/2014
50% of staff showing evidence of accessing CPD through ESSP 2
ICT Training delivered in Year 3 of ESSP 2 Log Frame
Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective / Secondary, Primary and Teacher Training and SEN services
SHG Goal:1 A Sustainable and vibrant economy
Strategic Objective 1.3 Ensure effective investment in human capital through workforce development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective (1.3.3) Improve the standard of education to meet the future development needs of St.Helena and prepare the population for living in a more open environment and globally orientated economy
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
Implement a comprehensive professional development (CPD) framework for all staff. / CPD framework for all staff in place / CPD Framework completed by July 2011.
Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective / Education & Employment Policy Advice
SHG Goal: (1). A sustainable and vibrant economy.
Strategic Objective: (1.3). Ensure effective investment in human capital through work force development and improved education and training.
Sub-objective: (1.3.2). Develop the skills and capacity of the labour force by strengthening adult and vocational education and training.
Directorate/sectional objective / Performance measure (Indicator) / Target and timeframe
  1. Develop an appropriately skilled and qualified workforce through strengthened Adult and Vocational Education and Training.
/ % of Training Needs met /
  • 30% of training needs met in 2011/12
  • 45% of training needs met in 2012/13
  • 60% of training needs met in 2013/14

% of courses which meet internal and external quality standards /
  • Agree and put in place Quality assurance systems for local courses by December 2011.
  • Fully establish quality assurance systems with 60% of courses meeting the standards by year end 2013/14.

% of registrations for Further and Higher Education and Training Opportunities on offer, with a focus on IT and distance learning /
  • Increase number of registrations by 10% in 2011/12
  • Increase number of registrations by 20% in 2012/13
  • Increase number of registrations by 30% in 2013/14

Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective /
  • Secondary Education Services
  • Vocational Education Services
  • Tertiary Education Services

2. Provision and take up of a wider curriculum. / Scope of new AVES Lifelong Learning Strategy delivered /
  • Full scope of the curriculum contained in the Strategy made available by the end of 2013/14.

Number of IT and distance learning courses on offer increased /
  • Increase number of courses on offer by 15% in 2011/12
  • Increase number of courses on offer by 25% in 2012/13
  • Increase number of courses on offer by 35% in 2013/14

% of attendance at AVES accredited Courses increased /
  • New Charging Policy fully implemented during 2011/12.
  • Increase in attendance of AVES courses by 10% in 2011/12
  • Increase in attendance of AVES courses by 15% in 2012/13
  • Increase in attendance of AVES courses by 20% in 2013/14

Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective /
  • Secondary Education Services
  • Vocational Education Services
  • Tertiary Education Services

3. Sustainable long-term support secured / AVES Task Team appointed and operational /
  • Task Group in operation by June 2011.
  • All policies revised

Number of local apprenticeships and NVQs on offer /
  • 6 local apprentices enrolled each year
  • 15 new NVQ candidates registered each year

Outputs for appropriation supporting this objective /
  • Vocational Educational Services
  • Education & Employment Policy Advice

2.5 Actions in support of performance improvement