NHS 111 Survey Questions

NHS 111 is a free telephone number available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you can call if you need medical help or advice quickly, or if you’re not sure where to go to get the right help. Trained NHS 111 advisers and experienced clinicians can assess you and direct you to the right place to help you get the right medical care as quickly as possible.

About You

Helping us to understand more about the patients and the community we serve

NHS Newham CCG is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equal opportunities. We want to deliver and improve our services and ensure they are available to all members of our community. The data from this form will help us achieve this aim. We will also use this data to report the needs of different groups of people. The information you provide on this form will remain confidential and only used for monitoring.

Q1.Are you:

Male Female Prefer not to say

Q2.What age group are you in?

Under 18









Prefer not to say

Q3.It helps us to know whether we are reaching all disabled people. Can you please select the relevant impairment (disability) group below? You can tick more than one box, if appropriate.

Physical impairment

Hearing impairment

Learning difficulties

Mental illness

Mobility impairment

Visual impairment

Deaf BSL user


A health condition e.g. HIV, multiple sclerosis or cancer


Prefer not to say

Not applicable

Q4.How would you describe your ethnic origin?

A. White

British Irish




Other Eastern European (specify) ______

Any other white background (specify) ______

B. Mixed

White and Black Caribbean

White and Black African

White and Asian

Any other mixed background (specify) ______

C. Asian





Sri Lankan Tamil

Any other Asian background (specify) ______

D. Black







Any other Black background (specify) ______

E. Chinese



Other (specify) ______

F. Other ethnic groups

Irish Traveller

Roma Gypsy / Traveller

Other (specify) ______

Prefer not to say

Q7. How would you describe your religion or beliefs?


Hindu Jewish




Any other religion or belief (specify) ______

Prefer not to say

About 111

  1. Have you ever used the NHS 111 service before?
  1. Yes (if yes, please go to question 2)
  2. No (if no, please go to question 5)
  1. Please tell us about your experience of using NHS 111.
  1. Were you able to easily get the right help or advice that you needed? For example, were you able to get the right information or access to the right service?
  1. Yes
  2. No, if no please tell us why you were not able to access the service that you needed
  1. People who call NHS111 today will have an assessment with a trained adviser, with opportunities to speak with a clinician if this is needed. In future, we’d like to increase the number of calls that are handled by a clinician – and we want to involve a number of different professionals

Whichservices or professionals would you like to be able to get advice fromif you call 111?

  1. Pharmacist
  2. Dentist
  3. GP
  4. Nurse
  5. Mental health support
  6. Health visitor
  7. Paramedic
  8. Other (please tell us which service below)
  1. We’d like to understand how you would like to be helped when you call 111.
  1. Advice from a health professional on how to look after yourself at home
  2. Advice on what health care services are available near to you
  3. Order an urgent repeat prescription
  4. Get advice on medication from a pharmacist
  5. When your need means a GP appointment is required, book you an appointment with your own GP
  6. When your need means you need to see a GP outside of surgery hours, book you an appointment with another local service e.g. an urgent care centre
  1. Parents or carers of ill children aged under one, people aged over 75 or those who have an existing care plan could be put in direct contact with a health professional more quickly if we introduce a new streaming process in our 111 service. Do you think this would be a useful change?
  1. Yes, if yes please tell us why
  2. No, if no please tell us why not
  1. Do you think that there are any other groups of people who might need faster direct contact with a clinician that we should include in this option?

Knowing where to go to get the right help can be difficult, we hope that the NHS 111 service will become the trusted first point of call that more people make when they need medical support or advice. Calling NHS 111 helps to determine what type of care you need and helps you find the best place to go for treatment.

  1. What do you think is the best way to encourage local people to call NHS 111 for help?
  1. Do you think that having one phone number to call for all advice or support if you have an urgent health issue would be useful?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. What challenges do you think having only one point of access would present?
  1. If you think there would be challenges, how do you think we can overcome them?
  1. What do you think is the best way to tell people about NHS 111 and the improvements we are hoping to make?

Thank You

Please email completed survey to by 12pm on Friday 11 November 2016