Central Springfield Little League All-Star Commitment Form
Every year, Central Springfield Little League (CSLL) selects a group of its most dedicated and talented players to participate in the annual Little League International Tournament. While it is an honor to be selected as a member of an All-Star team, there is also a substantial commitment of time and effort. By volunteering, you are agreeing to apply the commitment and dedication required to be a CSLL All-Star. Please review the information below before volunteering. Please complete this form to indicate your sincere interest in pursuing All-Star selection and willingness to take on the commitment and cost of being a CSLL All-Star.
This year CSLL plans to field an 9/10,10/11, 11/12, and Juniors (13/14) All-Star teams. Any CSLL Juniors, Majors, AAA, or AA player league-age 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 is eligible to be a CSLL All-Star. It should be clearly understood completing this form and accepting the commitment does not guarantee selection to an All-Star team. The All-Star selection process begins early in the spring season and includes a diligent combination of peer balloting and assessments provided by the CSLL All-Star selection committee, managers, and All-Star coaches. An All-Star tryout is normally held towards the end of the spring season to confirm assessments and formally conclude the All-Star selection process. The Juniors and Majors (11/12) All-Star teams are primarily selected by a peer ballot conducted at the end of the season. The 9/10 and 10/11 All-Star teams are selected through the assessment process.
The All-Star season generally begins right after the Little League spring season. This year the All-Star season begins in mid-June, although practices could begin as early as June 3rd. The All-Star season endsafter the championship game, or after the team is eliminated from the tournament. Each tournament concludes at different levels of championships. The 9/10 and 10/11 All-Star tournaments conclude with Regional Tournaments in North Carolina, while the Majors and Juniors All-Star tournaments conclude with an International Championship game. All state tournaments will take place in July; regional tournaments will take place towards the end of July; and the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA will take place in mid to late August.
The All-Star commitment consists of daily practices (up to three hours a day) beginning as early as June 3rd and then participation in the District 9 All-Star Tournament in late June - early July. In the event a CSLL team wins the District Tournament, they would advance to the Virginia State Tournament in mid-July. Players are expected to attend all team events, including practices, games and social activities.
The actual cost incurred by each CSLL All-Star varies and CSLL policy is no player will be denied participation based on ability to pay (scholarships are available). General cost of All-Star participation includes but is not limited to the following: purchase of a uniform, purchase of team meals (teams eat together at practice), purchase of hydration supplements (Gatorade), matching team gear (batting helmets), and miscellaneous team costs determined by the team parent in consultation with parents on the team. Average cost incurred by each All-Star through Districts is about $150. Teams advancing to the State, Regional, or World tournaments will incur more costs.
Please complete the All-Star volunteer form and return to the Concession Stand at Trailside Park or email it to the CSLL Player Agent, Annemarie McGavin at .
CSLL All-Star Volunteer and Commitment Form
PLAYER INFORMATIONLast Name: / First Name: / MI:
City, State and Zip
Birthday: (mm/dd/yyyy) / Phone Number:
Parent 1 Name: / Phone
Parent 1’s Email:
Parent 2’s
Name: / Phone
Parent 2’s Email:
Check ALL that apply
Note: Players league age 9, 10 and 11 will be eligible to be assessed for numerous All-Star teams, but only selected to one team.
o I understandandacceptthecommitmentandwanttobeconsideredfortheCSLL Juniors(13/14)AllStar team.
o I understand and accept the commitment and want to be considered for the CSLL Majors (11/12)AllStar team.
o I understand and accept the commitment and want to be considered for the CSLL 10/11AllStar team.
o I understand and accept the commitment and want to be considered for the CSLL 9/10 AllStar team.
Note: PlayersselectedforanAll-StarteamarenoteligibletoparticipateintheFunTournament. Ifparticipationinthe Fun
Tournamentisdesiredifnotselectedtoan All-Starteam,pleaseregisterfor both. PlayersregisteredfortheFunTournament whoareselected fortheAll-Starteamwillhavetheir registrationfeereturned.
Will the player be participating in any other activities (camps, other sports, etc) from June 15 through July 15? Yes No
If Yes, please specify activity and dates:
Uniform Jersey #: Choice #1 ______Choice #2 ______Choice #3 ______
Player Signature: / Date:
Parent Signature: / Date:
Please complete the All-Star volunteer form and return to the Concession Stand at Trailside Park or email it to the CSLL Player Agent, Annemarie McGavin at .