Preventing head lice is a parent’s responsibility as well as school duty, working together as a team to prevent lice can decrease the incidence

1st Day
School notifies parent that evidence of lice has been found on your child’s head. Parent comes for child.
1st Treatment with lice shampoo is used. Use over sink and keep eyes covered. Follow directions on bottle. Consult pharmacist or physician as needed.
Remove all nits (eggs) using special comb. You will also have some nits you need to remove by hand.
Vacuum house and immediately throw vacuum bag in trash.
Place nits in plastic bag, seal and throw in trash.
Inspect family members and treat only if they have evidence of lice/nits.
Using insecticide sprays or fumigants is not necessary or recommended.
Sweep up loose hair in areas not vacuumed.
Place objects in air-tight bags for 14 days, if they cannot be washed/cleaned or place in hot dryer for 30 minutes.
Clean the following:
Combs & brushes  Towels
Head bands  Book bags
Hair rollers  Bed linens
Barrettes/hair ornaments  Rugs, carpeting
Play mats  Headphone
Mattresses, pillow cases
Recently worn clothing
Hats  Baseball caps
Coats, scarves, earmuffs, gloves
Stuffed animals  Home/car upholstery
Let the parents of your child’s friends, playmates, neighbors, etc. know so they can check their children for lice. / 2nd Day
Child returns to school after treatment accompanied by parent or bring in a “nit-free” note from doctor or health clinic.
Inspection by school nurse or trained school personnel, if lice free with all eggs removed, the child can remain at school.
Talk to your child about not using others personal items. GOOD JOB PARENTS! / 3rd Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found. Check family members. Lice may occur again if the source of lice is not known. / 4th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
5th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
Lice can occur again if proper treatment and procedures are not followed. / 6th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
Check family members. / 7th Day
Follow directions on label if second treatment with lice shampoo is needed.
Inspect child and family for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
Do not overuse any product and do follow directions. All lice killing products contain pesticides and must be used with caution.
8th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found. / 9th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found. / 10th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
11th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
Head lice causes discomfort, interference with concentration, and spread easily. Good job parents! Almost done! / 12th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
13th Day
Inspect child for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
Head lice are a community problem since perhaps only 10% of lice infestations are actually acquired at school. / 14th Day
Inspect child and family for evidence of lice or nits. Remove by hand if found.
Thank you parents. Great job! Check for lice on a regular basis. This is he best way to protect your family and community. Parental cooperation and informing the school if your child has lice will protect all children, including your own.