Katherine Hebert
Professional Development
Date:September 17, 2008
- In attendance:
Caroline Brennan, Holy Family Academy
Maryann Hagan, Holy Family Academy
Andrea Wallach, DCIU
Matthew Moore, Rose Tree Media School District
Debbie Ryan, Marple Newtown School District
Hung Kim, Chester-Upland School District
Jill Ruch, William Penn School District
Joseph Cannella, Radnor Township School District
Carol Russell, Penn-Delco School District
Michael Webb, DCIU, Curriculum Coordinator
Ann Mosakowski, DCIU, Instructional Technology Coordinator
- DCIU Website
To access the Math Council Website, go to DCIU Home page, pull down Departments menu, and click on Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. On left column click on Curriculum Groups, then click on Mathematics Council.
Websites and information will be listed.
- Plan schedule of topics and discuss dates for future meetings.
Please sign up for future meetings at CourseWhere system on the DCIU website. Go to Math Council and click on date for
each meeting.
- Needs and interests
Prior to our next meeting on October 15th, team members will be able to complete a needs assessment survey. There will be a link on the Math Council site.
- Discussions and handouts
Membership forms and upcoming conferences for
PCSM, PCTM and ATMOPAV were distributed and discussed.
Go the Math Council website for access to the above websites to learn more about each organization, to join and sign up for conferences.
- PDE Website
On the Pa. Department of Education Website, on right column, click on Standards Aligned System to lean more about Standards, Assessments, Curriculum Frameworks, Instruction, Materials and Resources and Interventions. Go to left column and click on Mathematics, then to grade levels to find helpful information related to mathematics.
Also on the home page of PDE, in the Search box, write Mathematics Standards Draft 2008 to find the Revisions to the Academic Standards. See what the differences and similarities are!
- More Websites
Ann Mosakowski showed us some new and interesting websites. On the Mathematics Council page, go to Mathematics Links, then to the left, click on Mathematics Interactive Links to websites to use with Smart Boards, etc. Illuminations, an NCTM website and the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives are two of the excellent resources. The PDE has provided netTrekker d.i. to all schools in PA. All teachers can access it by login at
The DCIU #25 keyword is gettysburg For further information contact Ann at
or me. It is through this site that you have access to Hotmath.com a resource that connects to most textbook series and helps with explaining, assisting and finding solutions to textbook problems. The resource is free from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Do not forget to check the math websites on the Mathematics Council Website. If you know of others, please email me or and we will add them to our list.
- November 4 in-service.
There is a possibility for a session on Geometry at the November in-service. The title is IMAGES, Improving Measurement and Geometry in Elementary Schools (Grades 3- 7). Go the Research for Better Schools website , then under School Improvement, click on Elementary Mathematics and Geometry, the IMAGES site then is explained, or go Review the information for your use or learn more at the in-service session.
Remember our next meeting is at the DCIU Room 134 on Wed. October 15th at 3:00 p.m.
Kathy Hebert