Monthly meeting held in the Town Hall
on Monday 26th September at 6.30pm.
Present: Cllr M Vander Weyer (Chairman), Cllr J Barker, Cllr K Claridge, Cllr C Parkin and Cllr P Pearce.
Also Present: Mrs D Farley (Town Clerk) and Ms V Ellis (Asst. Town Clerk)
There were no comments from the public.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr J Buffoni and Cllr J Duncombe.
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.
The minutes of the Planning Meeting on the Monday 1 August 2011were agreed and signed.
To receive reports from the following meetings for information only.
i) Chairman’s Report. The chairman reported:
· He had written to thank David Westhead on the occasion of his retirement as chairman of Helmsley in Bloom and he would write to congratulate him on the Gold Award.
· A Diamond Jubilee meeting had been held and about a dozen people were interest and minutes of the meeting have been kept. A discussion was held about the merits or complications on holding events in the market place, the castle grounds and the walled garden.
· A meeting about Helmsley Library would be held on the 27 September.
ii) Clerk’s Report. The clerk reported on:
· Ryedale Safer Neighbourhoods Team August 2011 Statistics
· Northern Ryedale Transport Group Northern Ryedale Towns & Villages Travel Study
· Development update
Councillor Claridge, the clerk and assistant clerk reported on the following meetings
· Ryedale Five Towns 8 September 2011
· YHRTP Training Conference 24/25 September 2011
i) The following planning applications were considered:
Application No: NYM/2011/0564/FL
Applicant: Mr D Elkington
Description: Application for variation of condition 3 of planning approval NYM/2009/0104/FL to permit units 5 and 6 to be used as a coffee shop/café (Use Class A3) at 5 and 6
Location: The Old Stables, Borogate, Helmsley
Comment: No objection
Application No: NYM/2011/0510/FL
Applicant: Helmsley Town Council
Description: Application for construction of single storey extensions, replacement onduline roof together with re-modelling
Location: Helmsley Recreation Ground, Baxton’s Lane, Helmsley
Comment: None
Note: The North York Moors National Park Authority was aware that as trustees the Town Council was unable to comment.
Application No: NYM/2011/0605/FL
Applicant: Mr and Mrs David Lunn
Description: Construction of garden room to rear, erection of side extension over garage together with parking alterations.
Location: 3 Rutland Place, Helmsley
Comment: No objection
Application No: 11/00857/FUL
Proposal: Demolition of garage workshop buildings and erection of retail Country Store with customer parking and external storage.
Location: BATA Garage Bondgate Helmsley YO62 5EZ
Applicant: BATA
Comment: No objection to the concept of a Country Store but the council has reservations about the parking spaces or the turning area being sufficient. Also it will cause additional traffic congestion on Bondgate at a junction already regarded as unsatisfactory. The council would like the pavement in front of the forecourt to be clearly defined so that the entrance/exit routes from the forecourt are clear. In all, the council would like to see a better developed scheme.
ii) The following Planning Results were recorded.
Application No: 11/00596/HOUSE Description: Erection of first floor extension to rear Location: 20 Ryegate, Helmsley. Decision: Refusal
Application No:11/00702/FULProposal:Installation of automated entrance swing door to replace existing door and application of window graphics to inside face of the shop windows
Location:Co-op Shop 4 Market Place Helmsley York YO62 7BH Decision: Refusal
Application No:11/00756/LBCProposal:Installation of automated entrance swing door to replace existing door application of window graphics to inside face of the shop windows to replace existing window display cases and alterations to some interior fittings.
Location:Co-op Shop 4 Market Place Helmsley York YO62 7BH Decision: Refusal
Application No: NYM/2011/0384/FL Proposal: Erection of a greenhouse attached to existing garage. Location: The Corner House, Carlton Road, Helmsley Decision: Granted
iii) The following Planning Appeal Decisions were recorded.
Appeal A, Ref: APP/W9500/A/11/2151525 . Location: St Aidan’s Church, Carlton, Helmsley Decision: Allowed
Appeal B, Ref: APP/W9500/E/11/2151536
Location: St Aidan’s Church, Carlton, Helmsley Decision: Allowed
To answer the questions on Site Selection Methodology relating to the selection of sites in Ryedale and the Helmsley Development Plan Documents.
The council delegated a response to this consultation to Planning Committee who will meet on the 10 October 2011.
The council decided not to respond to the following consultations.
NYCC North Yorkshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework: Minerals Core Strategy Issues Consultation and the Waste Scoping Consultation/ First consultation
The council decided to continue using RDC and to include an article in the newsletter about the assistance available from RDC for volunteer schemes.
It was agreed to get reports for the next meeting from M Young Tree Services on any tree work needed at the cemetery, churchyard, The Limes play area and The Limes footpath (Acres Close).
It was agreed that all the streetlights on Bondgate would be replaced but not necessarily in this financial year to avoid the use of reserves. A decision will be made in November or when the final budget is agreed. Any dangerous lights would be replaced immediately. A quotation of £8,870 from Acorn Lighting was agreed.
i) The bank reconciliation to 31 Aug 11 was received and agreed and Cllr M Vander Weyer and Cllr Parkin reported that the councillor’s audit was undertaken on the 29 September 2011 and the results were satisfactory.
ii) The budget update to the 31 August 2011 was received and agreed.
iii) The following payments were agreed and the cheques signed.
865 / Paul Gamble / Sign Writing / £50.00866 / British Legion / Wreath / £17.00
867 / SLCC / DVD / £29.00
868 / Ian Wood / Grasscutting / £500.00
869 / Ryedale DC / Rent / £10.00
870 / Ryedale Gr / Newsletter / £700.00
871 / Ryedale Gr / Stationary / £94.42
872 / Acorn / Streetlights / £180.00
873 / V Ellis / Salary+Expenses / £373.52
874 / D Farley / Salary+Expenses / £986.81
875 / C Humpleby / Grasscutting / £700.00
876 / HM Revenue / PAYE / £238.88
Chairman Date