Windy Hill Middle School - Lesson Plan (2012-2013)
Q1 – Week / Date range: 01/07/13-01/11/13
Essential Question(s) /
- How do Newton’s Laws of motion relate to our everyday lives?
- How would our world be different to one without forces?
NGSSS/CCSS / SC.8.N.1.1; SC.8.N.1.3; SC.7.N.1.1; SC.7.N.1.3; SC.7.N.1.4
Learning Goal / Students will be able to describe how forces affect objects.
Unit Purpose & Theme:
Instructional Focus & Content Overview / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Chapter 21,2 Review
Demonstrate understanding of forces that cause motion and the factors that affect them. Include gravity mass and weight. / Chapter 2 Lesson 3
Demonstrate understanding of forces that cause motion and the factors that affect them. Include gravity mass and weight. Discuss how Newton’s third law relates to momentum. / Chapter 2Review
Demonstrate understanding of forces that cause motion and the factors that affect them. Include gravity mass and weight. Discuss how Newton’s third law relates to momentum.
Newton’s first law and inertia.
Newton’s second law and gravitational acceleration and calculating weight. / Lab: Newton’s Laws
Newton’s Cradle / Chapter TEST
Objective /
- Students will be able to calculate and analyze an objects motion and net force.
- Identify types of forces and how they affect objects.
- Identify the factors that affect gravitational
- Students will be able to calculate and analyze an objects motion and net force.
- Identify types of forces and how they affect objects.
- Identify the factors that affect gravitational force.
- Differentiate between weight and mass.
- Students will be able to calculate and analyze an objects motion and net force.
- Identify types of forces and how they affect objects.
- Identify the factors that affect gravitational
- How unbalanced forces affect an objects motion
- Students will be able to calculate and analyze an objects motion and net force.
- Identify types of forces and how they affect objects.
- Identify the factors that affect gravitational
- How unbalanced forces affect an objects motion
- Students will be able to calculate and analyze an objects motion and net force.
- Identify types of forces and how they affect objects.
- Identify the factors that affect gravitational
- How unbalanced forces affect an objects motion
Homework / Work on items not completed in class / Work on items not completed in class / Work on items not completed in class / Work on items not completed in class / Work on items not completed in class
Writing / Science Fair paper work and journal, lab documentation.
Vocabulary / •Reference force
•contact force
•noncontact force
•net force
•balanced forces
•unbalanced forces
•Newton’s first law of motion
•Newton’s second law of motion
•circular motion
•centripetal force
Speaking/ Listening / Working in groups develop experiment following scientific inquiry.
Formative & Summative / Class Work / Presentation / Essay / Journal Response
Test/Quiz / Question/Answer / Exit Slip / Other:
AVID Instructional Practices / Marzano’s
High Yield Strategies
W / I / C / R
Learning Logs/Journals / Skilled Questioning / Group Projects / SQ5R / Identifying Similarities and Differences
Cornell Notes / Socratic Seminars / Study Groups / KWL / Summarizing and Note Taking
Pre-write / Quick-write / Jigsaw Activities / Reciprocal Teaching / Reinforcing Effort/Providing Recognition
Draft / Group Discussion / Read-Arounds / Think Aloud / Homework and Practice
Respond / Critical Thinking Activity / Response/Edit/Revision Groups / Marking the Text / Non-Linguistic Representations
Revise / Writing Questions / Collaborative Activities / Writing in Margins / Cooperative Learning
Edit / Open-Minded Questions / Charting the Text / Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback
Final Draft / Philosophical Chairs / Summarizing / Generating & Testing Hypotheses
Thinking Map / Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers
ESOL & ESE Strategies / Classroom Resources & Materials
Strategies / Assessment / Other
Wait Time / Homework / Individual IEP accommodations / Textbook - Springboard
Note Taking / Quiz / Extra Time (overnight) to complete assignments / Handouts
Graphic Organizers / Test / Daily Lesson Written on Board / Maps, charts, graphs
Group Work / Portfolio / Repetition / Thinking Maps
Simple Lang. / Folder / Assignment Written in Agenda & Checked Daily / Multimedia Projector
Audio Cass. / Notebook / Frequent Comprehension Check / Interwrite Mobi
Extra Time / Teacher Observation / White Board / SMARTboard
Study Guide / Project / Literature Books
Peer Tutor / Journal / Video clips/DVDs
Repetition / Debates / Document Camera
Dictionary / Participation / Audio
Role Play / Oral Work / Power Point Presentation/ Prezi
Visuals / Interviews / iPads
Gestures / Open Book / Student Response System (Clickers)