Hello Tennis Fans!

Did you know that the word "fan" is short for "fanatic"? If you know me, you know that I am a Tennis fanatic in every way (though sometimes, when I swing and miss, I guess I'm also a Tennis "fan" of a different sort!). And as a tennis fanatic, the cold spring we suffered through just about drove me crazy! However, we've survived a flood, a mid-April ice storm and our reward is that TENNIS SEASON IS HERE!!! So welcome, one and all, to the 2018 Chatham Tennis Club.

The big news for this year is that we almost didn't have a venue. After the absolutely beautiful resurfacing job was done in the fall, CTC learned that John N. Given Public School is closing and the students are moving in with our hosts, Tecumseh Public School (Go Braves!!!). The added traffic means that the Tecumseh parking lot will be completely rebuilt this summer, and the recommendation of the builder was to close the Tennis courts for safety reasons, for the whole time construction is ongoing! Thank goodness for Deb Veccia at the Municipality of Chatham Kent. Deb arranged a meeting with the school board, and a compromise was reached to save our summer!

Here are the details: From opening day until school ends for the students on June 28, the courts and the parking lot will be open as usual. On Friday, June 29, teachers will be emptying their classrooms and construction preparation will begin. For us, this means that there will be NO PARKING AT THE COURTS beginning on Friday, June 29. In addition, the large gates in the court fencing nearest the parking lot will be locked, as will the door to the courts at the end of the path behind courts 1/2.That means that beginning Friday, June 29, enter the courts only via the clubhouse deck gates!

We all know that Tennis is a sportsman’s game, so we all need to show our best sportsmanship this summer. Of course, the school board plans to have the construction done before school begins in September, and we can help them meet this target by being the best possible neighbors and staying completely out of their way. There will be a construction safety fence built around their entire work site and it is crucial that we never cross that fence for any reason! In practical terms, this means that you should always bring an extra tube of Tennis balls with you, because any ball that goes over the construction fence cannot be retrieved.

So where can we park for July and August? Thank heaven for the good people of St. James Presbyterian Church, right across the street. I have met with them and provided our entire schedule, and they have given us their blessing to park in their lot when they are not using it. Obviously, this means avoiding their lot on Sunday mornings. It also means driving with extra care in their lot, and being extra courteous. Please take note:the St. James parking lot is ONE WAY ONLY! Enter on Craven Drive, exit onto McNaughton.

Finally, and most important of all, when parking at St. James, TAKE EXTRA CARE CROSSING MCNAUGHTON AVENUE!!! This goes double for children, of course. Adults must ALWAYS accompany their child across McNaughton, and ALWAYS USE THE CROSSWALK!!! All that constructionequipment will be very distracting to our kids, and many of them may want to go dashing across the road to see the big machines at work. No one wants to even think for one second about a child or anyone else getting hit by a vehicle, so please be extra careful! Literally, a life may depend on your vigilance.

So with safety in mind and warm sunshine on the way, let's get back to tennis! And if warm sunshine isn't enough to tempt you, I will also leave you with the promise that you're going to see some surprises and improvements to our grounds later this summer! So come on out for opening day, sign up for league nights, get your racquet restrung, and start swinging!!!

Tim Baker

CTC President, 2018