Essay onThe Crucible

You need to come to class on Tuesday, November 1stprepared to write a well organized, four paragraph, persuasiveliterary analysis essay on The Crucible. This will be an in-class write. You will only have 50 minutes to write your essay. Make sure you thoroughly answer the prompt/question, and that you don't drift off on side topics. Be sure to prepare for your essay, as you will only have 50 minutes total to complete the essay. Your tools will include: the Socratic Seminar notes sheet (with CDs ONLY), a copy of The Crucible, this sheet, and the use of a dictionary/thesaurus. The Socratic Seminar sheet will be turned in with the completed essay. If you choose to word process the essay, you must use Times or Times New Roman, 12-point font (double-spaced please). We will meet in the computer lab (rm. 471) on 11/01to complete this in-class essay, so that we will have access to computers for word processing, if you chose.


  • You will write using weaving (CDs and CMs will remain in a ratio of 1:2)
  • 4 CDs required (2 per paragraphs)
  • Body paragraphs should have about 7-8 sentences
  • Introduction is in inverted pyramid format (minimum 5 sentences)
  • Introduction must include author’s name and title(play titles should be italicized!)
  • Thesis must be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph
  • CDs must have parenthetical documentation in MLA format (at least 1 direct quote CD per paragraph)
  • Directly quoted CDs should be incorporated appropriately within the paragraph
  • Developed conclusion paragraph required (minimum 5 sentences)
  • All 4 paragraphs must be included and in this order: Intro, body, body, conclusion
  • Write in present tense! (John is… not John was…)
  • Third person voice (I, you, me, we, our, etc…not allowed)
  • No contractions (can’t, won’t, etc…)
  • Powerful word choice... no slang, or weak word choice (thing, stuff)

ESSAY PROMPTS:Choose one to answer in essay form:

1. Is John Proctor a hero? What actions/ideas classify him as a hero or what actions/ideas do not classify him as a hero?

2. Is Abigail evil or a young girl led astray by her emotions? Why did she do what she did? Does she deserve the readers' sympathy or does she deserve judgment?

3. How/why is The Crucible a fitting title for this play? Explore both meanings of the word and how they relate to the characters and the events that took place in this play.

4. Compare and contrast Abigail and Elizabeth by discussing which of these women is the “better match” (romantically) for John Proctor and why. Which qualities or characteristics make her the best choice?

This essay is worth 50 writing points!

Remember, this is a major assignment…YOU MUST BE HERE!