/ 2014-2015 Syllabus & Procedures
7th Grade Language Arts/ Advanced
Ms. Bohatch, M. Ed.
Valley Ridge Academy, Room 611


Hello, students and parents. Welcome to the 7th grade! We are so lucky to have the opportunity to learn at Valley Ridge together. Students, please understand you are going to be the leaders of the school as 7th graders this year AND 8th graders next year. What a rare and exciting privilege! I am very excited to get to know all of you. This syllabus contains information about what to expect from my class this year.

I know you are experiencing many changes that come with a new school, and I am here to support you as you adapt to these changes. Please feel free to ask me for help at any time. We are going to work hard, but we are also going to have a lot of fun. My goal is for each of you to experience success and confidence with the language arts. We have a great year ahead. Go Hawks!

-Ms. Bohatch


Students will be provided with textbooks. An online version of the textbook is conveniently available for class and homework purposes. Information to be distributed in class.

Edmodo: Edmodo is a district-approved web site where students will find assignments, activities, quizzes, etc. Please create an Edmodo account. Directions on how to create an account are on my homepage (web address is posted at the top of this syllabus). You will need this code to access your class page:

7th Grade Language Arts: q2srwi

7th Grade Language Arts Advanced: kvd7wy

The Year at a Glance

Our year is divided into four quarters. Each quarter focuses on a theme (big idea). These themes will be explored through short stories, novels, nonfiction, and other forms of media. Many texts will come from the textbook. However, for the 4th quarter, please note we are reading the novel “The Outsiders” if you wish to purchase your own copy.

Here are the themes we are focusing this year:

Quarter 1: Bold Actions

Quarter 2: Perception and Reality

Quarter 3: Guided by a Cause

Quarter 4: Reflection

Course Description-

1001040 M/J Language Arts II

Basic Assumptions for Language Arts Education: Reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing competencies are integrated throughout students’ learning experiences. Technology is available for students to develop competencies in the language arts.

1001050 M/J Language Arts II, Advanced

Reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing competencies are integrated throughout students’ learning experiences. Benchmarks for the Sunshine State Standards are repeated as needed in course sequences. As students progress from one course to the next, increases should occur in the complexity of materials and tasks and in the students’ independence in the application of skills and strategies. Learning tasks and materials accommodate the individual needs of students. Technology is available for students to develop competencies in the language arts.

Required Materials

  • 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder
  • 5 dividers
  • College-ruled loose leaf paper
  • Composition book
  • #2 pencils/ pens
  • Flash drive
  • Earbuds

Classroom Needs (donations accepted) - Disinfectant wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer (Please J)

Grading Scale

Grade Weights:
Homework: 10 %
Formative Assessments: 20 %*
Summative Assessments: 70 %*
*Formative assessments are things assigned “along the way” as checkpoints of understanding like quizzes or classwork such as graphic organizers, etc.
*Summative assessments are tests, projects, or writing pieces assigned to show mastery of standards covered in class. Think of these assignments as the “end result.” / Letter grades:
A 100-90%
B 89-80%
C 79-70%
D 69-60%
F 59-50%

Grade Monitoring

Parents and students can log on to their Parent Assist (HAC) account to view grades for our class. If there are any questions about a grade, the student may meet with me before or after school. Email is the preferred method of communication and is usually answered within 24 hours. Please set up a time to meet with me, for extracurricular actives and teacher meetings often arise.

Grade Recovery

If a student scores below a 75 on any summative assessment, he or she will have the opportunity to remediate the grade up to a 75 percent. For example, if a student receives a low score on a test or a writing assignment, the student can schedule a time with the teacher to either re-take the test or submit an improved piece of writing. The idea behind remediation is students achieve mastery of standards. If students put in the work, they will improve their grade and ensure they understand important concepts.

Classroom Expectations

  • Daily Procedures

1.  You will enter the classroom and grab your composition notebook. Usually, we will have a “do now,” or warmup assignment, posted on the board. Complete the “do-now” in your notebook with the date labeled.

2.  If homework is due, it will be taken up at the beginning of class. Work turned in after the beginning of class IS considered one day late.

3.  I understand restroom use is necessary, but please do not let it become a distraction. A good rule of thumb is to not ask during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class unless an emergency.

4.  The classroom is a collective learning environment, and it is necessary for every student to participate. Don’t miss out!

5.  Do not pack up until you are given the OK to do so. We only have 45 minutes each day. I will give you time to pack your belongings. It can be rude and distracting to start packing while the teacher is still instructing.

  • Homework

Homework is due at the beginning of class. You are responsible for correcting your work or asking for help when you experience difficulties. District policies regarding homework missed due to absences will be followed.

  • Make-Up Work

If you are absent, you're responsible to get the makeup work from another student or myself, before or after class. Also, all assignments are posted on Edmodo and my homepage. Please look if you are absent.

Excused Absences

When a student is absent from school with an excused absence, the student shall be responsible for all work and assignments missed during the student’s absence. The student shall make arrangements with teachers for “make-up” work and will complete it within a reasonable time frame, (as determined by the school), upon the student’s return to school. Coursework, tests and quizzes can be made up at 100% credit.

Unexcused Absences

When a student has an unexcused absence, it is the responsibility of the student to complete all coursework, test and quizzes and turn them in to the appropriate teacher. A student shall have one day to complete and turn in the work for each day the student is absent (i.e., in the event of three days unexcused absences; the student has three days to complete and turn in assignments) and may only earn 50% credit. Test and quizzes can be made up at 100% credit. Coursework, tests, and quizzes not completed and turned in within the allotted time frame will earn no credit. There is no expectation that the child’s teacher or teachers recreate lessons, lectures, or labs for unexcused absences.

  • Extra Help/Tutoring

If any student is having difficulty understanding or completing an assignment, please notify me immediately. Tutoring and/or extra help is available anytime throughout the year. Communication is key. I cannot help you if I do not know that you are having trouble.

Behavioral Expectations

  • If you choose to break a rule

1st offense- verbal warning

2nd offense- parent phone call

3rd offense- contact with dean

  • Tardies: Students who are not in their seats and in the process of preparing for class when the bell rings will be considered tardy and marked as such. Your first tardy will result in a verbal warning, the second will be a call home, and the third will result in disciplinary action decided by the dean or administration
  • Academic Integrity:

It is non-negotiable that students will exhibit integrity at all times and in all classes at Valley Ride Academy. All work submitted should be your own, with credit given to any expert used. Cheating, plagiarism, falsification - or attempts to cheat, plagiarize, or falsify- will not be tolerated. Helping others in their desire or attempts to cheat is also not permitted. This includes loaning out your worksheets to be copied! Academic dishonesty will result in a zero on the assignment and parent notification.

The syllabus is to be kept at the front of your binder.

Thank you and “Go Hawks!”

Ms. Bohatch


Please return this portion of the syllabus for a homework grade by ______.

Student Contract:

I have read and understand Ms. Bohatch’s classroom guidelines and syllabus, including the grading policy. I also understand the consequences of failure to adhere to these expectations.


Student Signature Print Student Name Period

Dear Parents,

**The easiest and fastest way to contact me is via email.** Please do not hesitate to email me at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

I have read Ms. Bohatch’s syllabus and classroom guidelines and I am aware of what is expected of my student in her class.

______Parent Signature Print Parent Name


Parent Email Contact Parent Contact Phone Number

Special notes for the teacher: ______



