Oakland University
Board of Trustees
June 4, 2003
The Academic Calendar sets the basic instructional rhythm of the University and provides the basis for scheduling University activities. The latest year for which the Board has approved the Academic Calendar is 2003-2004.
Those offices and groups whose workloads are strongly dependent upon the Academic Calendar have reviewed the calendar for 2004-05. Like calendars beginning in 1997-98, they reflect the recommendation of the University Senate to observe Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January by suspending classes for that day.
The calendar for 2004-05 reflects four significant modifications from prior Oakland University Calendars: 1) Fall classes are scheduled to begin on Monday, August 30 rather than Tuesday, September 7, the day after Labor Day; this change makes Oakland University consistent with the majority of the 15 state universities in Michigan. 2) The Fall Study period is an entire day, Tuesday, December 7 as opposed to the previous 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. timeframe. 3) The Fall term ends Tuesday, December 14 and provides for Commencement scheduled Saturday, December 18, faculty submission of grades and notification to students receiving financial aid and academic progress information before the holiday closure. 4) The Winter Recess period is one week later than in previous years.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the Academic Calendar for 2004-05 as presented in this agendum.
Educational Implications
This Academic Calendar modifies university operations in that the start of the Fall Term is before Labor Day.
Budgetary Implications
Budgetary implications should be minimal in that earlier Fall start-up costs would be offset by earlier Fall closing costs.
Adoption of Academic
Calendar for 2004-2005
Oakland University
Board of Trustees
June 4, 2003
Page 2
A. Oakland University 2004-2005 Academic Calendar
Submitted to the President on
______, 2003 by
Virinder K. Moudgil
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Recommended on ______, 2003
to the Board of Trustees for Approval by
Gary D. Russi
Attachment A
Fall 2004
RegistrationWednesday, ThursdayAugust 25, 26
New Student ConvocationMondayAugust 30
Classes begin5:00 p.m., MondayAugust 30
Labor Day holidayMondaySeptember 6
Thanksgiving Recess begins10:00 p.m., WednesdayNovember 24
Classes resume7:30 a.m., MondayNovember 29
Classes end10:00 p.m., MondayDecember 6
Study periodTuesdayDecember 7
Exams begin7:30 a.m., WednesdayDecember 8
Exams end3:00 p.m., TuesdayDecember 14
Fall CommencementSaturdayDecember 18
Winter 2005
RegistrationWednesday, ThursdayJanuary 5, 6
Classes begin7:30 a.m., MondayJanuary 10
Martin Luther King, Jr. DayMonday (Classes suspended)January 17
Winter Recess begins10:00 p.m., SaturdayMarch 5
Classes resume7:30 a.m., MondayMarch 14
Classes end10:00 p.m., SaturdayApril 23
Study periodSundayApril 24
Exams begin7:30 a.m., MondayApril 25
Exams end10:00 p.m., SaturdayApril 30
Spring 2005
RegistrationThursdayApril 28
Classes begin7:30 a.m., MondayMay 2
Spring CommencementSaturdayMay 7
Memorial Day holidayMondayMay 30
Classes end10:00 p.m., SaturdayJune 18
Final exams Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayJune 20, 21, 22
Summer 2005
RegistrationThursdayJune 23
Classes begin7:30 a.m., MondayJune 27
Independence Day holidayMondayJuly 4
Classes resume7:30 a.m., TuesdayJuly 5
Classes end10:00 p.m., SaturdayAugust 13
Final examsMonday, Tuesday, WednesdayAugust 15, 16, 17
Number of Meeting Weeks (not including final examination week)
M 14 13 6 6
T 14 14 7 7
W 14 14 7 7
Th 13 14 7 7
F 13 14 7 7
68 69 34 34
Steve Shablin, Registrar